Chapter Two: Percy

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Mrs. O'Leary pounced on Elena and I in a wall of black fur. I was surprised by her which is shocking considering she's the size of a dump truck.

"Ow! Hey girl it's good to see you too." I said as her Brollo-pad tongue licked Elena and I.

Elena and I inherited Mrs. O'Leary after Daedalus died; he was her previous owner. We're supposed to look after her, Beckendorf....he used to watch her while we were gone. Next to us, Beckendorf was her best friend. He melted her bronze dog bone and made her a collar. Mrs. O'Leary got off and I started to throw the shield frisbee because she insisted. Soon she started barking like she needed to go for a walk, Elena walked over and opened the arena doors. Mrs. O'Leary raced out of the arena.

I looked at Elena, she shrugged and we ran after her. I thought she had to use the bathroom and not use the arena. When Elena and I caught up to her she was in the small clearing where the Council was held last summer but that wasn't the strangest thing. I saw Juniper the tree nymph standing with Nico di Angelo and a very old, fat satyr. Nico looked the same since the last time I saw him. Black aviator jacket, jeans, and a black t-shirt with dancing skeletons on it. His sword hung at his side. He wasn't at all startled by Mrs. O'Leary.

Nico nodded at the two of us before scratching Mrs O'Leary's ears. The old satyr on the other hand didn't look so happy.

"Will someone-what is an underworld creature doing in my forest?" he screeched. He marched over to Elena and I, "You Percy Jackson! Is this your beast?"

"Actually she's both of ours." Elena corrected.

"Did I ask you?" the satyr asked.

Elena rolled her eyes and walked over to Nico, "Sorry Leneus. That's your name right?" I asked

He rolled his eyes, "of course that's my name. Don't forget I'm a member of the council so quickly. Now call off your beast!" he ordered.

"WOOF!" Mrs. O'Leary said happily.

Leneus gulped, "Make her go away! Juniper I will not help you under these circumstances!"

Juniper turned to me, "Percy, I was just asking about Grover. This isn't like him to be gone this long-"

"I told you! You're better off without the traitor!" snapped Leneus.

Juniper stamped her foot, 'he's not a traitor! He's the bravest satyr ever and I want to know where he is!"


Leneus's knees shook, "I won't answer questions with the hellhound sniffing my tail!" Leneus shouted.

Nico sighed, "I'll walk the dog." he walked off. Elena came back over, she clasped her hand in mine and rested her head on my shoulder. I could practically see the exhaustion on her face.

"I'm so tired." she whispered.

I kissed her forehead, "I know, Firefly. Me too."

Leneus cleared his throat, "As I was saying. Juniper your boyfriend has not sent any reports since we voted him into exile."

"You tried to," I corrected, "Chiron and Dionysus stopped you."

"Bah, they are honorary council members! The vote shouldn't have counted."

"I'll tell Dionysus you said that." I told him.

Leneus paled, "I only listen here Jackson! This is none of your business."

"It kinda is," Elena spoke up, "If you're forgetting that I'm a phoenix and voted in Grover's favor."

"You're half phoenix. You're nothing!" Leneus snapped at my girlfriend.

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