Chapter 24

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My hands grip his cold smooth leather jacket; stunned by his actions, my heart stutters and my stomach comes alive with butterflies. The feeling of his lips caressing mine, short circuits my brain and leaves it a puddle of confusion; senseless mush. Deep in the corner recesses of my mind, I register a car horn honking; the muddled confusion is shattered. "Get a damn room! Fucking hookers." The male voice rips away any semblance of pleasure that coursed through my body; a cold bucket of water thrown on my hormones.

My attempts to pull away are futile as Cobra uses his hips to pin me to the wall; he tilts his mouth away skillfully. "Ignore him, it's best they drive on Pretty Lady."

"You like it because you're the John paying for a quick lay; why don't you be the bitch?" I have the sudden urge to pull my pistol and scare the prick off; women run these streets, pimps make them. A deep low chuckle vibrates through his chest; the warm sound does something funny to my belly.

"I'd borrow a skirt, but I don't think I could pull it like you do." Humor strikes me; the thought of seeing a man like Cobra, a large clean cut biker, in a floral skirt. It's amusing at worst and down right hysterical at best.

"What a noble effort you'd be making." His head nudges mine to the side, exposing my neck, my heart jumps in my chest, stomach flutters are back. Cobra nips my pulse, panting, his breath dances over my sensitized skin.

"Any more cars?" I peel open my eyes and swallow; focus on the task at hand, my eyes scan the vacant street. The entrance to the marina is lit up like a beacon; shadows dance beyond the light's reach.

"I hope what I feel is your weapon; it's clear." The large bulge pressed into my stomach does things to me, things I'm not sure I'm comfortable to accept. What happened to not needing anyone? Cobra releases another chuckle; he nips my throat before lifting his head to check for himself.

"It's a weapon." I want to scowl at his innuendo; even I have to admit that it's a good one.

"Do you mind getting the hell off of me then? Point that fucker elsewhere." Damn one-eyed monsters. I don't know how I feel about the sexual innuendos; admit it, with anyone else I'd go postal on their ass. Cobra has a talent, the ability to make just about anyone relaxed; it's a great skill to have in this business.

"It's not my fault, blame yourself." I shove him away and he laughs; the prick knows he's hot too.

"My fault? You're the one that started... that." I don't even know what that was; Cobra chuckles, the arrogant bastard.

"I was giving us a cover story; you made me get carried away." What kind of ass backwards logic is that? I stare at him for a moment longer, before I look away and crack a smile. Now isn't the time, we need answers; we've found a few cameras that we can look into, that's not enough. We can't dwell on this, I can't dwell on this; it's time I figure out what happened. The Club deserves it.

"Why do I have a feeling that's an exaggeration; we should get this over with." I turn and look back at Cobra; his expression changes quickly, the amusement changes to a stark seriousness. I feel that mood; more than I ever want to.

"Yeah, we have some shit to go over. I think what Dad had given you, has more of a connection to the club." The longer this goes on, the more I'm inclined to agree with him; this is slowly becoming my worst nightmare. I shake my head and sigh, the cold air of night envelops us, my cheeks still warmed with Cobra's attention.

"The club is connected to it; more than it'll care to admit. What I can say is that I know things about some members of the club, that they don't want to be known by anyone. You have a leak in the club, I just don't know how many; or their reasoning." I'm worried it's more than one; if the wrong thing is said to the wrong person, I might as well get a neon sign over my head. With all I have going on, that's not something I have the time to entertain.

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