Chapter 23

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At some point I took the directions into my hands and guided him back into the alley I first took shelter in. The three-hour ride has been killer, the vibration of the engine has turned my muscles to an overstimulated mess. Walking around should be fun. Cobra shuts off the bike and we both remove our helmets, I kick my leg over the bike. Vibrations resonate through my muscles as I wait for him. "Do you have a game plan?" Since this is the club's business, I've figured it's best to let him take lead, I'm not sure how well this will play out.

"Not really, do you have anything?" As I stand I look out the mouth of the alley, darkness has descended over the marina, that doesn't mean its workers have gone home for the day.

"We have to be careful, the workers don't fuck off till after eleven. I say we camp out, mark cameras." I shrug and pass off my helmet to him, this is going to be one hell of a night. Cobra attaches the helmet to the bars before he stands with a slow nod.

"There has to be more cameras, maybe one got what we are looking for." I nod and stare out into the night, erotic sounds echo from adjoining alleys. At least someone is having a good time.

"Do you have any idea what path he had taken?" I glance back at Cobra as he dismounts, the dark leather jacket glimmers in the pale silver moonlight.

"No, we only learned where he was because Shovelhead passed his bike on the way into the club. Called in we searched for him before we found his body." Cobra gets choked up, he stills, his back straightens as a shaky breath leaves his form. My heart aches for him, this has to be hard, devastating for him. I place a hand on his shoulder and squeeze.

"I'm sorry Cobra, you aren't going to like the questions I have, but I need to ask them. I can have Rubble do this. I ain't gonna make you sit through this shit." That's beyond cruel and insensitive.

"Fuck that." He chokes out as he stands straight and gives his head a shake. "I'm going to see this to the end - Dad deserved that." I nod as he looks at me, his eyes bloodshot with fresh tears.

"He was an amazing man; remember no matter what is found, he had his reasons. All good intentions." I want him to be prepared for anything we find. I'd hate to accuse someone in the club of getting Bear killed, or being a traitor. But between the things I was given and found, shit is going to go down hill and quickly.

"How bad is it going to get?"

"I'll be honest, right now I think the leak in the club is connected to Bear's death." I turn away from him, I'm not proud to admit to this gut wrenching feeling; I'm not proud of the doubt I've been given either. This weariness weighs heavy, it'll mount to a point of insanity.

"How could the leak be connected?" An engine can be heard in the distances as it's revved, it screams in the quiet night. Lights illuminate the street and I step back against the wall; I doubt they'll peer down the alley, hell I doubt they aren't high.

"You saw how close Bear rode to that bike, he knew - trusted them. You don't ride double otherwise Cobra, even you know that." I look at him as he sinks back into the shadows, grabbing my arm to pull me down to a crouch.

"Son of a bitch. Maybe it was Kado, they would've ridden together." I glance his way as a Cadillac rides by slowly, large rims, sparkling chrome with a deep plum paint job. I've seen that car around town, normally hanging out around this area. I'd bet my bottom dollar they aren't working a legal nine-to-five to pay for that thing.

"For your sake, I sure as hell hope so." My gut says otherwise, I hate to be the downer in this scenario, but fuck's sake. Bear's killer will pay for his crimes; I'll enjoy nailing their ass for this. Or killing them. I'm not opposed to that idea, sadly Cobra is. I respect his wishes, not happily.

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