O T H E R twelve

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I smile at Jackson as he jogs over to the table I'm holding for our study session. This is our last chance effort to make sure he passes his final. Graduation is fast approaching and with each day I feel a pre-sadness, knowing how much I will miss my friends in a few short weeks.

"Any cool plans for the summer or are you jumping right into working?" He asks.

"Um, actually, I'm moving to Boston. I got accepted into a doctorate program there." I smile at him, unable to contain my excitement even just talking about it.
"Wait, you're going to be a doctor?" He says with a huge smile.

"Well, a doctor of marine sciences, but yes."

"That's so amazing, Evie! I didn't know you were planning on continuing with school."

"Thank you. I'm so excited."

"When do you leave?"

"The week after graduation" I sigh sadly "I have to get out there and find an apartment, settle in, get the lay of the land, you know."

"Wow, thats so soon" he frowns slightly "you know, this probably isn't the best time, but I don't know if I'll ever get the chance. I think you're amazing, Evangeline. I think you're the smartest, prettiest, sweetest girl that I met the whole four years here." He blushes slightly and I can feel the burn on my cheeks, surely matching is redness.

"Jackson, I..." I fumble my words.

"I always wanted to ask you out on a date but I thought it would be weird, considering..." his voice trails.

"I would have been too stupid and caught up in my one sided infatuation to say yes" I say, looking at the floor as my cheeks burn more.

"You weren't the stupid one in that situation, trust me."

I smile at him

"Can we meet for coffee after I pass this final? Just to hang out one more time before you leave?"

"Yeah, that would be great."


"Medium, iced, caramel macchiato for Evie" the barista calls out.
After taking my seat at the small table with Jackson we both hungrily bite at our danishes.

"So, Evie" Jackson says cautiously "I'm not even sure if I should tell you this so I'll make it quick and we won't talk about it anymore, ok?"
I stare at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I talked to Noah a few weeks ago and he feels like shit about how everything went down. He knows that you were always a good friend to him and he asked me to tell you that he is sorry for what he said to you and specifically for calling you a bitch."

"Um" I'm not sure what to say. "I appreciate you telling me. After everything that's happend its nice to know that he doesn't think I'm a bitch." I let out a small laugh "I honestly don't know what to say. We were both wrong, we both made mistakes. I should have ended things a long time ago. I just had hope that he would change, that he would want a real relationship. And hey! I wasn't wrong! He did change, hes in a real, committed relationship now. I was just wrong about the girl" I smile.

"Did Sierra tell you that she talked to him?" He asks trying to his his laugh with a cough.

"Yes" I don't even try to hide my laughter "shes wanted to say something to him for years but held back. When she got the chance it all came spilling out."

"I can't believe we're about to graduate." He's still smiling but it's smaller.

"Me either. I'm so glad I met you, Jackson.

His smile grows "Me too, Evie."

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