O T H E R two

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"Good morning, Jack. I brought you a coffee" I say handing him one of the caramel macchiatos I grabbed on the way over. 

"Morning, Evangeline! Thank you so much, you didn't have to do that" he ushers me to the couch where he has a laptop and all of his books already set up. 

Just being here makes my heart pound. I don't know if Noah is here, just down the hall, or if he's out. Will he come in while we're sitting here? The thought is so distracting... and embarrassing. After four years, I shouldn't be so excited to see my friend with benefits. 

Pushing all thoughts of him down, I focus on Jackson. He is the reason I am here. 


"What do you think?" He questions "should we break for lunch soon? It's been two hours. I'll order the pizza now and we can break when it gets here."

"Sounds good" I say, closing my notebook as he walks into the kitchen with his phone.

I hear footsteps on the stairs "Hey, Evie!" Noah says "I didn't know you were here!" 

I smile up at him "yeah, I'm tutoring Jackson."

"The school should be paying you" he laughs "without you half of the team would have flunked out of classes" he grabs the book from the coffee table "organic chemistry, yikes" 

Jackson comes back into the room and takes his seat "hey, man, just ordered a pizza, you want some?" I look at Noah with hopeful eyes.

"Nah, man. I can't. I have to go to the library. I'm meeting a group for a project" he says, walking towards the door "see you guys later!" He winks at me, then he's gone.  I bite my lip and rub my hands on my jeans. When I look at Jackson it looks like he wants to say something to me, but he shakes his head instead. Feeling uncomfortable I quickly say "you've really made a lot of progress these past few weeks. You'll pass the midterm, easily."

He laughs "I wouldn't say "easily" but I do think that I'll pass."

"Want me to quiz you on vocabulary until the pizza gets here?" 

He groans and falls over onto the couch "fine"

I can't help but laugh.  


Walking into our apartment I let out a small scream and quickly turn, closing the door behind me, so that I'm outside again. I can hear Sierra's loud laugh from inside

"Oh my gosh, Eve, I'm so sorry. One second!" I can hear shuffling and laughing behind the door. Moments later it is quickly swung open to reveal a disheveled and red cheeked Sierra. "Hello, please come in" she laughs. As I step inside I see Chase Daniels sitting on the couch, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Sorry I came back so early guys" I say, biting back a laugh.
"Actually it's lucky you came back now" Sierra sits down on Chase's lap "five more minutes and that could have been much worse."
"I'll be in my room" I walk down our short hallway, turning back when I get to my door "with headphones on" I wiggle my brows at them.
Sierra throws her head back and laughs while Chase shakes his head, his cheeks slightly pink.

Closing my door, I lean back against it. Sierra has been with Chase for about a year. Before Chase she dated Mason and had several casual dates throughout the years.

I haven't been on one date. My four years at UCLA are almost up, I've been hung up on one guy. I blush, alone in my room, embarrassed that I have wasted so much time on someone that might never change his mind, Noah might never want me. I shake my head, I know I need to change but I don't know how.

I grab my laptop and open up my student login page for Boston University. The marine biology program there is one of the best in the country. I look through my application for acceptance into their doctoral program. Determination fills me as I read through my file, I'm going to finish this and submit it for consideration tonight.

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