twenty six

581 17 0

the whole journey home was in silence, no one dared to interrupt jaemin's train of thought and no one even knew what to say

what happened today was pretty unexpected, we all knew something was going to happen but we didn't expect his sister to hit on one of us, the fact she mentioned ambrosia had us all feeling very unsettled

"haechan." jaemin says while turning his head back to see me, i sit up in my car seat to show he's got my full attention "keep an eye on ambrosia, alright?" the sadness in his voice made us all feel pity, she's been dragged into a complicated situation she has no idea about "i know you guys aren't close and all but just make sure nothing bad happens."

"i don't want her to get hurt either, jaemin." i softly smile showing him i do indeed care

"i'll talk to jinhee, i'll tell her if she doesn't leave you guys alone i'll tell my parents, hopefully that will make her stop." jaemin turns back around to face to road and we all sigh in relief

"that sounds like a good plan." jeno adds

ꕤ ꕤ time skip ꕤ ꕤ

i just got out the shower and am getting ready for bed, it's around 11:30pm and i'm physically and mentally exhausted from today

"why do i have to be so nosey i should have just stayed at home." i huffed while chucking myself onto the bed. the weather outside is really bad, it's been heavily raining for a good 2 hours and it's just seems to be getting worse "seems like it's a storm." i mumble while tucking myself into bed. i keep thinking about the words jaemin said to me earlier, about how i should keep an eye on ambrosia, i look at my phone and wonder if i should call her or not "it's nearly midnight i'm sure she's asleep." i place my phone on bedside table and turn my light off

not even a minute later i pick my phone back up and go to ambrosias contact section "fuck it."

*ring ring*


a small quivering voice answers, i immediately sit up in a panic

"you okay?  where are you?"

"yeah i'm fine it's just -"

she cuts herself off with a light squeal as a loud thunder appears, i look out the window and notice there's thunder and lightning, a sudden wave of realisation flushes through my body

"ahh, you still scared of thunder and lightning?"

"i am not scared!"

"ambrosia, you just screamed ."

"yeah well...why are you call me now anyways?"

"i was just worried about you ."

"you were worried about me?"

"yeah, yeah i was ."

she doesn't answer for a bit , leaving me to only hear the rain pattering on the window

"well, i'm not sure why you are worried, but i'm fine, so don't worry."

"hmm, that's nice to hear."

"when do you think the storm will stop?"

"i'm don't know, are you still scared?"

"a little bit ."

"do you want me to stay on the phone with you?"

"yes please."

"..okay, what do you want to talk about?"

"i don't know, what did you do today?"

"it's a very long story, i can't be bothered to explain."

"pleaseee i want to hear a long story"

i laugh at her neediness as she whines in response

"tell me everything about your day, from the very beginning."

"you really want to know?"

"of course."

i smile and turn over in my bed, placing the phone on the side of my face so my arms don't ache

"well, i woke up at 9:30 this morning."


"after i woke up i worked out for a bit." 

"good to hear you're keeping healthy."

"then i went back to the dorms and cleaned the dishes with renjun, he's the worst at cleaning dishes so it took for ever."

i hear a light chuckle from the other line which makes my heart go crazy

"then we saw jeno and jaemin about to leave the house in fancy outfits, they said we could join if we hurry up and get ready. the car journey there was so annoying, renjun was acting like an actual toddler and i wanted to just jump out the car, when we arrived-  ambrosia? you still there?"

i get no response, the only thing i can hear is soft slow breathing as ambrosia sleeps

"goodnight, i'm glad you could fall asleep."

once again ꕤ haechan nctWhere stories live. Discover now