twenty five

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we walk over to jaemin and jeno who are standing by the food court "you guys probably shouldn't say much tonight, i'm hoping we don't have to stay long." jaemin says while looking over at the both of us "i brought you guys here incase something happens, so me and jeno aren't outnumbered." i keep a calm look on my face and rub jaemin's back to comfort him, none of us know what will happen tonight and i can tell he's stressed out about it

"they're coming." jeno whispers while looking down, avoiding eye contact with the group of intimidating people walking towards us

"hello mom, dad, jinhee." jaemin bows and his family stay standing straight, their gaze not leaving the 3 of us behind jaemin

"and who do we have here?" jaemins mom slyly asks, looking us all up and down

"this is jeno-"

"we know jeno, the others." his dad rushes while giving us a glare

"haechan and renjun, they are in my group." jaemin answers confidently, showing us he's not scared 

"nice to meet you, boys." jaemin's mum says sarcastically with a fake smile on her face

"these are my parents." jaemin says as we bow to them, once again they don't move "and my sister jinhee." he points over to his sister who looks around our age, maybe a little bit older, she slightly bows while staring only at me

"jaemin, come with your parents a second." his dad commands, jaemin looks back at us and continues to follow his parents, leaving only jinhee behind

"haechan, may i speak to you, alone?" jinhee asks. i raise my eyebrows and turn to jeno and renjun who seem to be frozen in place, not knowing what to say either "you know you can't say no, right?" she giggles and grabs onto my sleeve and drags me away

"what do you want?" i blankly ask, not wanting to get involved with her

"don't be so stubborn, i know you think i'm pretty." she winks as she lifts her hand up to stroke my jawline. i've got to be honest, she is pretty, but she's not someone i want to associate myself with. i've heard a bunch of story's about jinhee, none of which are good

"i think we should date." she softly says while batting her eyelids "i mean i've seen you all over the press recently, it would be good for us."

"you mean good for you? just admit you only want me for your reputation." i scoff as i hit her hand away

"and your face, you have such a handsome face." she flirts while moving her hand back up again, i grab her wrist and sigh loudly

"i am not interested." i sternly say

she moves closer and places her mouth near my ear "do you want to die?" she whispers with a flirtatious tone "you know it's probably best if you go along with this." i step back as she laughs, knowing she has full control over this situation "i've been seeing you in the press a lot with this girl, is she your girlfriend by any chance?" her face changes from the bright cheerful one she had been faking before to a blank irritated expression she wears now

i feel a sense of panic rise inside of me, she can't be talking about ambrosia, right? "no she's not, but keep away from her." i hiss moving forward

"ohhh but she's someone important, i can tell from your reaction." the sly smile creeps back onto her lips as she sees my agitated state

"have you been keeping tabs on me, jinhee?"

"wouldn't you like to know." she says with a wink as she turns to walk away, leaving me standing in shock

as soon as she leaves jeno and renjun walk up to me with a concerned expression plastered on their faces "you okay? what was that about?"

i turn around giving them a reassuring smile "i'll be alright...i don't know about ambrosia though." i look down to the floor trying to avoid looking at them both

"what do you mean ambrosia? what was that about!" jeno raises his voice slightly, he can't help the fact he's concerned and it's only making him angry

"what's going on?" jaemin walks over and notices the high tension between us 3

"jinhee spoke to haechan alone and all he's mentioned is ambrosia." renjun says while jaemin looks at me coldly

he walks closer and i immediately feel the rage coming from him "what did she say haechan."

i know i can't hide it from jaemin, it's his own sister "she said we should date, she mentioned how she's seen me in the press so i'm guess it's just for reputation. i obviously declined and when i did so she brought up ambrosia." i look around and notice everyone's facial expression slowly drop

"i shouldn't have brought you guys here, i knew she would pull some shit like this." jaemin mutters while rubbing his temples "i've finished talking to my parents, we are leaving now."

once again ꕤ haechan nctحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن