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*Illinois P.O.V.*

I'm sure you're wondering, where was Illinois during all this? Well, I'll tell you.

I was going about my day when my phone started to ring.


"What do you want Heapass? I'm kinda in the middle of something here. I winked at the cashier who simply giggled and continued to scan my shopping.


"What!?" I screamed down the phone. I paid for my shopping and rushed out of the store.

Once I was home I could see what had happened. The door was still wide open and Heapass was huddled in a corner bawling his eyes out. I ran towards him, pulling him away from the wall. I wrapped my arms around him, trying to comfort him, I could feel every tear he released, his sobs because silenced the longer I stayed with him. After he had calmed down he told me what had happened, he had heard it all but was unable to move to protect her.

All of a sudden, a muffled scream came from one of the bedrooms. Our heads snapped around, both of us in a fighting stance as we jumped up from the floor. Slowly we approached the room.

The door creaked open, Heapass was standing behind me, ready to jump out if needed.

There on the wall was Mark, tapped up and gagged. How this tape was holding him up, I don't know. His muffled screams went silent. His eyes wide as he motioned for us to let him down. We both moved towards him slowly, Heapass now walking in front of me. Heapass poked Marks stomach, making him arch his back. The tape came loose which caused him to fall face-first onto the floor with a thud. I laughed it off and helped him remove all the tape.

He told us what had happened, Heapass confirmed it all.

"We've got to call her!" Mark screamed in my face.

"We don't know if she will even pick up. You said she was kidnapped so how on earth is she going to answer the phone.

"We've got to at least try." Considering I've only known this man a short while, I had to agree with him. It's worth a shot. So I pulled out my phone and opened up my contacts. I hit her name and the phone began to ring. Heapass quickly told me that they might have Yancy as well.

Someone picked up.

"Where is she?" I bellowed down the phone.

"Evil man must return the y/n and the Yancy. Or Heapass will not be happy. Heapass will do horrible things to the man."

"Well then. Come and get me, boys." He hung up. I know that voice?

"Heapass who did you say kidnapped her?"

"Evil man!" Helpful as always. Motioned towards Mark.

"It was Sebastian, an old fling of hers. They were meant to get married to connect their families, but she refused. In a very grand way."

"Okay, boys. We need to go and save her. And Yancy, who we're assuming is there. Why else would an ex be so jealous that he would kidnap and possibly enslave her." My mind was going fuzzy with visions of all the horrible acts he could perform on her. Although she wouldn't look bad in a maid costume. Heapass shook me to snap me out of it.

"Now is not the time for dirty fantasies! Illinois must save y/n!!!"

"How did you kn- nevermind. Let's go. I've got connections in the police force. They should be able to track down the phone for us at least." Heapass and Mark filled up their backpacks with things we might need. Mark had a bunch of weapons, as well as his tactical shovel. I had the necessities, a rope, a Swiss army knife and many other things. Heapass being the sweet angel he is, brought the snacks. Mainly watermelon, but I'm not complaining.

So we set off. Hoping to find y/n and save her from Sebastian.

I just wish we'd gotten to her sooner.

Authors Note

Hello everyone!

I'm back again with another chapter. Unfortunately no choices for today's chapter. I'm trying my hardest to get chapters out to you when I can. But I've finally started college work and it is so freaking long!!! I've not had much time to myself anymore. Even when I've had to isolate from my job, it's been difficult to get anything done. I hope you're still enjoying my story, because we're more than halfway now.

I'm only aiming for around 50 chapters, so please stick with me till then. And to everyone joining us, welcome!!! I've seen quite a few people reading this recently and it warms my heart. Especially when I saw my story was No1 on the #AHWM and #aheistwithmarkiplier hashtags the other day!!!

Thank you so much!!!

Hope you're all keeping safe and healthy. See you all again soon!!!

Thanks friends,

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