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I watched as the guard made his way towards me. Once he made it to my cell door, I looked at his expression, he looked so sad.

"Think you're pretty cool, don't ya? Out here, running around acting like a butthole. Well, guess what?"

I watched his face, I could see the tears forming in his eyes. I tried to say something, anything, but I couldn't.

"Ya done hurt my feeling! You have no ide- soft hands- idea what that does to me!" I had tried to reach my hand out to give the guard a handshake or pat his arm or anything to try and cheer him up. But it didn't work.

"I hope you're happy!" He began to walk away from my cell.

"Warden wait! I can explain! If you'd just come back here then I ca-" he'd already disappeared from my sight. I decided to just turn around and go have a nap on my bed.

I walked over to my cozy bed and tried to lie down. As I was walking towards my bed, I could hear Heapass shuffling past. He looked at me and said,

"tonight..." That was it.

"Thanks for all your AMAZING help Heapass. A real life saver you are!" I called out after him. He simply looked at me and put his middle finger up. Guess I deserved that.

As I laid on my bed, I looked up at the mattress above me.


He was underneath the mattress of the top bunk. How did he get in here!?! All he said was,

"Hey buddy!"

I lept out of bed and looked at the top bunk. Yancy was now moving the mattress out of his way. He looked at me with an almost evil grin plastered on him. What was he planning now!?!

Prison Bride - Yancy X Reader (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now