Escape Plan

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I watched as he pushed the mattress behind him. He sat up at looked at me. He was holding a black piece of cloth in his hand. I had no idea what he needed it for, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to find out.

"Looks like, uh... Looks like it might be time to break out of here. But before we do, I need you to put this on." He held up the piece of cloth.

"I don't know Yancy. I'm still not sure I can trust you, just yet."

"Oh listen. I know every nook and every cranny in this joint. But if I'm gonna help you break out, you sure as hell ain't knowin' no nooks, nor no crannies. Cause if you know, then yous gonna tell others, and theys gonna tell others, and then suddenly everyone's breakin' out when no one should be breakin' out!" He had raised his voice more and more as he continued to talk. So nobody got too suspicious, I decided to take the cloth from him. He looked more calm than before. His eyebrows were no longer furrowed and the veins that had been slowly forcing themselves against his skin, almost threatening to break out.

 "Good move. Now, let's get going. But, uh, watch your head." I put the cloth over my eyes. I felt Yancy's warm hand grab my own and pull me along with him. Every now and again he would stop pulling and grab my shoulders to stop me in my place. I heard the sound of a metal gate or door opening. I heard Yancy call out to me, his hand still firmly gripping mine.

"Keep your head low through this bit." I ducked down slightly lower than my normal height. He continued to call out to me, telling me ways to escape whatever I needed to be saved from.

"Now the timings gotta be perfect on this one. It's easy, just count in youses head." He started to count out loud.

"Seven, five, one, seven, five, one." He continued to say this a few times. Until finally he called out. "JUMP!"

All of a sudden I was in water. It didn't exactly feel great, considering I had no idea I would be in the water. I felt Yancy's hand grab mine once more to pull me out of the water.

Throughout this whole adventure with Yancy, I could not see in front of me. But he was there. Yelling instructions and helping me to escape. His hand firmly gripping mine and pulling me towards freedom.

Maybe if I do break free... I could take him with me.

Prison Bride - Yancy X Reader (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now