A Plan

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You know what? I don't care what he thinks. I'm my person and I should be able to do what I want.

Yes, I'm a fugitive on the run with another inmate. Who cares!?! Other than the police...

Now I know what you're thinking, I'm crazy to think that I could hide from the law and not protect another inmate, but you'd be surprised at what I can do.

I thought long and hard about this and have decided to try and sneak away from Illinois and its stupid rules. But first I had to make sure he trusted me.

Every day I'd stay home and help him with the chores and other bits and pieces that couldn't get me in trouble. Of course, I ended up doing most of it, as Illinois soon got lazier, no longer being the only person in the house. He and Heapass began to get along and spend more time together, talking about different documentaries they had watched on serial killers or discovered treasures. This mostly consisted of Illinois asking questions and Heapass being sarcastic whilst playing with Lego on the floor.

It took me 3 whole months to decide to sneak out. The perfect moment had come.

"Now don't stay up too late, the neighbours will get suspicious if they see me leave and all the lights still being on. I'm going to lock the doors anyway, so just be careful and don't unlock them whilst I'm gone." He finished putting his brown trench coat on before walking out of the front door, locking it behind him and dragging his suitcase over to the taxi. Heapass and I watched from the window in anticipation.

The taxi quickly sped off into the distance, becoming a small dot far on the horizon. I turned around, grabbing my bags and making my way towards the back door. I locked every door and window, including the front door. Leaving the backdoor open ever so slightly to let in a bit of fresh air.

Heapass made his way into the living room, watching me run around like a lunatic locking everything. He sat on the couch, his hands placed gently into his lap. In his hands appeared a bowl of chicken nuggets. I instantly stopped what I was doing.

"Where did you get those nuggets from?"

"Heapass does not want friend to know where nuggets are coming from."

I continued to lock all doors and windows, still confused as to why Heapass had nuggets. Once I had finished I and Heapass sat down together, discussing what we were going to do whilst Illinois was gone. We had three weeks to come up with a plan to save Yancy and break him out of prison. We drew up a plan. We accounted for all the different possibilities, each one having a good ending and a bad ending, just in case. I will admit that the map looked familiar, almost like this was a prop in some sort of YouTube series made by a gaming Youtuber who decided to branch off and make his series where he plays almost every character...

The map consisted of 31 possible outcomes for our mission. Of course, Heapass had his doubts but he eventually agreed with me. The box I'd spent so long trying to protect was now sitting on the fireplace in the living room, the skeleton key sitting inside it.

"Y/n? Do we need to rescue the Yancy? He may not want to be rescued." Heapass's comment made me question if I needed to get him out. My head now swirling with questions. I tried to make a final decision, but it was proving to be too difficult for me. I told Heapass I wanted to sleep on it. Once again he asked me questions.

"So are we not going to rescue the Yancy tonight? Are we going to rescue the dear Yancy tomorrow?" I simply nodded and made my way towards my room. I spent the rest of the day in my room. Was I doing the right thing by breaking out, or was I wrong?

I wanted so badly to save Yancy that I almost forgot about Mark. Was I going to rescue him too?


Authors Note

Hello friends,

Once again I'm the worst author! I forgot to upload... again! I'm so sorry it has taken me this long to upload but I hope you understand. With everything that's been going on lately, I've had my mind elsewhere, I haven't been able to make any decisions as I've been left in the dark about a lot. I almost lost my teaching assistant job because of a contract ( I did not lose it, I still have that job), it was playing on my mind a lot, and because of my job role, I am considered as a Key Worker, so still have to work during this crisis. I promise you I will try to upload more, but they won't be as regular as they used to be.

So that you can all get to know me a bit better, I would like to hold a Q & A! Please if you have any questions, leave them below and I will answer them all in the next upload! It may take a week or two but I promise I'll upload in exactly 2 weeks! XD

Stay home and stay clean!

All my best wishes to you all in this hard time.

Thanks friends,



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