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We looped around the opposite direction from where we had originally came. This time the garden we were passing through was gorgeous. Well maintained and blossoming with a variety of flowers. The bushes were perfectly trimmed and the greenery draped the archway, we were walking through, perfectly.

Shannon went over all the basics of magic here in this realm. It's still processing, but I think I grasp the gist of it. Nervously, I stood in front of her picking at my nails as I looked at the ground. Even though I got the concept, it was still hard to cope with all of it being real. She saw how unsure I was and tried to make light of the topic, 'It's more than just fairy tale stories now, huh?' I looked up at her a shrugged my shoulders. Still concerned she didn't want me to feel like I wasn't given the entire truth. 'Now that we have the basics over with, do you have any questions?'

Well that was a loaded question, of course I have a million questions running through my mind. I tried to pick the one the covered all my concerns, "So magic really does exist?'' I thought that's how I was going to handle it, but the questions kept rolling of my tongue. "What about your friends? Are they magical too? Does that make you a wizard?" She let out a giggle, I assume she was expecting the interrogation. I slumped back into my awkwardness, afraid I was being overwhelming. She simply replied, 'No, I am a wolf.'

Standing here racking my brain to make sure I heard her exactly. This place just entered a whole other level of intriguing. Thinking to myself as I scratch the side of my head. I know she couldn't have said that. Wolves.....really? What's next, pink polka dotted llamas. Just to confirm, I asked, "A what?" Once again, she said exactly what I originally had thought, a wolf. I had only heard of the scary wolves from old wise tales and stories as a child. My curiosity is shifting to a bit of fear. Especially, after what happened next.

I screamed. I screamed like a wild banshee and wanted to run for the hills, but I didn't. I was frozen looking at the large creature that stood in front of me now. One moment, it was the girl I had been getting to know most of the day then the next a wolf stood next to me. She pressed her nose against my leg. A strange full on calming sensation followed and I found my rate back at a normal pace. She most definitely wasn't lying. Once I was fully calm, I was able to see the beauty in the creature that stood before me. Hesitantly, I reached out to rub her head, she seemed to like it. The quick movements she had, made me jump and she could tell.

I looked back down at my feet and the next moment she was apologizing for startling me. Looking back up in her direction, she had changed back into her human self. She expressed that there was no reason to fear her, she'd never hurt me and her wolf had already except me as someone she could trust. This made me feel a little more at ease, as she pointed out that it was easier to me than to tell me.

Once the safe feeling washed over me, I confessed that I was scared shitless when her wolf just randomly appeared. Even though, it was pretty bad ass. I expressed my thoughts on how fascinating being a wolf must be and was wondering if all of her friends were wolves too. She explained how a pack worked and that they had a fairly large one, the largest in this region to be exact. It was a bit bazaar when she said that not exactly all of them were wolves. At this point I was zoned in for more information. So far I know that magic and shifting wolves exist, what else could be found here....

Focusing on those two aspects, it made sense when she said that Zeke and Carter were also werewolves. Note to self, the are werewolves not shifting wolves, last thing I wanna do is insult them. This did leave me question about Imani, Mason, and Bella. Not having a clue about any of this I didn't know what to guess that they were. Wizards maybe, I mean magic exists and I've only heard of withes and wizards. As if she was reading my mind, she confirmed that they were not. I heard a muffled giggle but she back tracked and said she wasn't laughing at me just the situation.

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