I cut in and introduced myself, explaining that Shannon thought she could help me figure out my dilemma. Once again, I found myself going over every detail that happened to me. My mind is starting to play tricks on me, cause the more I explain the more insane, I feel, I sound. Before I got to the point where I met Zeke and he was a douche, she asked me if I could explain the blue blob that I had witnessed.

I explained how it engulfed me and that it seemed to cloaked everything in side it. Making sure to add in all the flashing of different hues, followed my the vortex that sucked me in and spit me out at the park. She asked what happened right before it appeared. For a second it dawned on me, that during all this madness, I completely forgot that my family crest was on that tree. After explaining that the glistening caught my attention, I made sure to tell her that I removed the moss and touch the crest.

She asked me if there was anything significant about the crest other than it was my family crest. I thought about it and the only thing I could tell her was that I was adopted and that family crest was the connection I had to find my birth family. She kept asking me off the wall questions, one being if the crest was on the tree before. I knew she was just trying to gather all the information, but it made me feel like she was questioning my sanity at the same time. After explaining that I had only every seen the crest on my blanket until that moment, she she leaned up like a light bulb had just clicked on in her mind.

The next few words out of her mouth threw me for a loop. 'Well, sounds to me like you have just experienced your very first portal.' My jaw must have hit the floor when she said it, cause both her and Shannon chuckled at me. Super embarrassed all I could manage was, "Excuse me, my what?" In an instant I think I finally registered that I was in the dark with the essence of this place. She looked at the teacher and expressed that she believed I came from a place where magic doesn't exist.

I feel like I am stuck in some dream I can't wake up from. I can't really call it a nightmare, but rather an peculiar dream. Nodding in agreeance to Shannon, she looked my direction and said, 'That explains a lot, so I am assuming that means you are from the human world? Once again with the deer in the head light look, I only nodded. Few seconds later, I told them up until this very moment, I thought that the human world was the only one that existed!! Curiosity quickly took over and I wanted to know which world I was in if it wasn't where humans existed. I, also, couldn't hold back asking what creature they were if humans didn't exist here.

Soon as Ms. Scarlett opened her mouth to answer, Shannon cut her off. She expressed that it might make me a little more comfortable if they eased me in, while adding in, 'especially if she's human.' I am not sure if that was meant as insult or not, but I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me. Shannon turned my way and put her hand on my upper arm and reassured me that everything might be overwhelming at first but she would help the best she can. I get consumed by so many emotions, from sad to worried and scared. They gave me a few moments to process the bits they told me before the teacher asked me how I felt about it. She stuttered a as she asked cause I completely forgot to introduced me self. She just finished the sentence with miss in a question form. "Jackson, my name is Ariyah Jackson. This all seems so surreal to me.

She pushed her chair back so she could stand, so we followed suit. Walking around the desk she put her hand out for me to shake. All while formally introducing herself too. 'You know my name but I am the dean her at Mezora University. My office is always open and if you leave all your information with me, I'll get you enrolled here at MU.' Well, I guess she's not a history teacher like I thought. Thanking her, as I shook her hand, I told her that I could do that. I was planning on applying at colleges back home but who knows if I can make deadlines now. Before sitting back down, she told us to enjoy the rest of our day and we let ourselves out.

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