Chapter 6

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Newt had a million questions going on in his mind. He felt confused and puzzled. Nothing seemed to make sense. From all the wisdom he knew, he learned that people either lived in a city or had been declared as cranks. Why are these people out here? In the middle of nowhere? Surviving off each other. He thought all the immunes belonged to WICKED.

WICKED, he thought. Never again would he belong to those stupid shanks. He hated them, he hated them all. Those people destroyed him and his friends. He couldn't believe that they were good.

"This place is the cabin Newt." Jett told him. "This is our safe heaven."

Thunder shook the house completely, making Newt lose his balance. He was unsteady.

"I'll get you something to eat after I get you some new clothes." Jett noticed the way Newt's stomach grumbled.

"Alright." Newt nodded. "Can I ask-"

"More questions? Go for it, a lot of people are confused by our way of living." Jett explained, opening a door leading to a small bed room, with four bunk beds against each of the four walls.

"Why don't you live in the immune cities that are safe?" Newt asked. "Like Denver?"

"Have you been gone the past four years?" Jett chuckled sickly. "Denver may be safe but with a great cost."

Newt looked at her puzzled.

"Denver's police system is strict, they shoot anyone down who screws up the rules." Jett explained. "Stevenson had a huge rescue party for those in need of leaving but couldn't."

"Okay." Newt nodded, understanding a bit more. "What do you know about WICKED?"

Jett's face flashed the feeling of pain. "I can't say I know much."

Newt didn't believe her. "They are a bunch of lying shanks ya know?"

"Shanks?" Jett had never heard the term before.

Newt shook his head.

Jett rubbed it off and went into a drawer to get Newt a pair of new clothes. She picked him out a pair of dark pants and a baggy shirt. "This'll fit well."

"I'm sorry but I forgot your name." Newt quickly said.

"It's Jett."

"What kind of a name is that?" He smirked slightly.

"A middle name."

"What's the first?"

"One to forget." And with that, Jett left Newt to change, waiting outside the door.

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