Chapter 31

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The blazing son soaked up every last bit of nutrients as Radar, Jett, Josephine and Newt scrambled in the sand of what could of resembled the Sahara desert. They only had a little bit of water left from the supplies they took from Teresa and this would hurt them greatly if they did not find a water source soon.

Blisters and sunburns began to bring Jett down as she wearily walked towards the west, hand in hand with Newt. Her eyes glanced over to him with a loving glare, she only wanted to keep him safe. His eyes stayed strained towards the never ending hills of sand but he could feel her look and was overjoyed that she had forgiven him for his outburst.

"How much longer would you say Denver is?" Josephine grumbled, scratching her red neck.

"I'm not sure." Jett replied. "I can only imagine it coming up soon."

Radar sat down in the sand for a second, looking up at the sky. "Not trying to be a party pooper but we could possibly die in the next few hours or days."

"Real upbeat of you Radar." Newt laughed weakly but soon frowned once more. "Josephine and I won't be able to get into Denver because I'm not-"

"I know." Jett said quickly, cutting him off.

"Bloody hell, you know everything." He chuckled, causing Jett to smile slightly.

"Enough flirting please." Josephine gaged. "This isn't a chick flick."

"That'd be a pretty messed up chick flick." Radar pointed out, standing up once more.

"Come on, we've only got a few more kilometres at the most" Jett pleaded, hoping she was right.

Newt nodded and began walking towards the west. They walked for what seemed like multiple repeats of hours, cracking up lame jokes to help the mood but nothing seemed to help. The only joy they felt was when they saw the city of Denver in the distance and they cheered.

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