Chapter 27

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When Jett was five, her mother would sing her lullabies every night before she went to bed. Jett could never fall asleep on her own because she had a slight case of insomnia which caused her to dose off but never sleep.

She clung onto her mother while she slept in a warm bed while it snowed outside. It was like this for two more years until the insomnia finally went away and Jett began to sing her little sister to bed like her mother did for her.

But now, as her head slammed against a window, all she could see was the fatal darkness of her insomnia.

She was frozen. People where screaming at her but she couldn't move. She felt warm blood drip down the back of her neck and down onto her spine.

Newt was trying to unstrap her from her seatbelt. Radar had shot Stevenson in the head and Josephine was unconscious.

Would it have killed anyone just to have a safe trip to Denver? To save her sister and her friends?


It seemed as if everything was shaking but Jett, because she was paralyzed. All too soon, that familiar panic bubbled inside of her and she felt like she was choking on water.

"Jett." Newt shook her. "Jett!" This time he screamed. This was unlike any other noise she had heard.

She blinked.

"Can you hear me love?"

She blinked again.

"The car crashed." He told her.

"I know." She whispered, her voice dry.

"Stevenson is a crank." He cringed.

"A dead crank." The unnatural choking feeling came back and she bent over to vomit.

Newt turned away but he patted her back. He would not leave, not not, not ever.

"Newt!" Radar cried out. "Josephine isn't waking up!"

This caught Jett's attention. "Radar."

"What?" He snarled back, causing Jett's eyes to widen.

"Check for a pulse." She spoke weakly, wiping her mouth.

Radar's face paled and he nodded, he swiftly leant down beside the infected girl and pressed his fingers against her neck. "I feel one but it's weak."

"CPR." Jett told him, drying her eyes with her sleeve. "Sid taught us."

Radar nodded. "I remember."

"Good." Jett turned to Newt. "Are you okay?"

Newt laughed so dryly, it made the world look wet. "Bloody brilliant."

A/N: Short chapter because the next chapter is really long and filled with surprises

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