Chapter 4: Back Home

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Dream's POV-
I slowly wake up but try not to be too loud because I don't want to wake George, I can see he's still asleep so I'll just let him.

Oh yeah, we're in the village. I slowly get out of George's grasp, super careful not to wake him, I manage to get out of the room without making to much noise, and head to the living room area.

I see the villager and he waves so I wave back and I decide to get some air and go to the lake for a bit.

George's POV-
I very slowly wake up and try to reach out for dream to wake him up but he wasn't there



He must've just got up and went to get some food in the kitchen, but when I get to the kitchen he's not there.

I see the villager who owns the house we're staying at and wave to him and he waves back and then I ask if he knows where Dream went and he shook his head.

Then I started worrying, he must've just gone outside for a bit..why wouldn't he wake me up and tell me where he was going?

I sit and wait for Dream for about 20 minutes, nothing. Did he abandon me?? Where is he?? Is he safe? Is he okay??

Then I hear the front door open and close and I see Dream standing at the door, I run up to him and hug him tightly

"Woah woah George, what's this for?"
"I thought you left me.." I say in a sad but aggravated tone.

"Aw Georgie thought I left him" he says in a joking voice but that just made me angrier.

"Shut up." I said in a stern voice

"I'm sorry George, you just looked so peaceful sleeping and I didn't think I would be out for so long"

At this point I had already stopped hugging him as sad and worry left me and anger started taking it's place.

"Yeah well I don't forgive you."

"We should probably head home.." he suggests

"fine." Maybe I shouldn't be so mad at him, he respected that I was sleeping so he didn't wake me, but he worried me half to death.

While walking home I just couldn't stop glancing at him, he looked a little upset, maybe I shouldn't of been so harsh on him.

"Dream I'm sorry" he looks at me confused

"For what? It was my fault I should've told you where I was going" when he said that I just felt bad.

"It was on me that I got so mad, you were just trying to let me sleep and I'm happy you did, I just got so worried for you and I should've just known you would've come back. I'm sorry"

I got pulled into a hug and I hugged back even though I felt so guilty.

"Are we cool?"

"Yeah.." he smiles pulling away and I smile back

After about 5 minutes of comfortable silence we reach our house

Dream unlocks the door and we both walk inside not doing much and then Dream speaks up,

"So, what do you want to do today? It's only 10:23 am" (woah that's the time rn :o) he asks

"Uhm idk, what's new?"

"Uh..look on Twitter? Maybe you can find something new" as he says that I pull out my phone and go into Twitter,

"Oh hey that event thing was going on from yesterday to today, maybe we can still go" I suggest

"Yeah that sounds interesting. D'you know what it's about?"

"Uh..." I keep scrolling till I get to stuff talking about the event, "oh here is says it's about..herobrine."

"Oh." I could tell his voice went very different after I said that, he went very stiff.

"Why?" He got semi-back to his normal voice

"I have no idea, it doesn't say."

"Well then let's go find out" I sigh because we just got back from the village but I nod.

"We can just ask the villagers where it is because I bet they'll know" I say and he nods.

Time skip || they practically just walk for 5 minutes to the village with barely any talking so yeah

We get to the village and there's absolutely no one.
"Dream?" I say confused

"idk George, let's just go to that villagers house that we stayed at and ask them"

We get to the front door and knock on it, no answer

"Okay this is weird..." I comment on our situation

"Agreed" I wonder where everyone went.? I think to myself,

"Maybe they all went to that event thing?" He suggests

"But why today?, and why now? Not to mention we just came from here like 10 minutes ago.."

"That is a little strange I guess.." weird.

"Well what now? Since we obviously don't know where the event is" I say

"I guess we-" he gets cut off by a mass of cheering,

"Oh maybe that's them" we go off towards to direction of the cheering and go into this forest, when we got to the other side we saw a bunch of villagers and what seemed to be a hooded man.

"Well I guess we found it" he chuckles slightly
"Guess so" I say in a little bit of a sarcastic tone while giggling as well

"The whole village is here wow" I saw in awe
"I don't recognize that hooded figure though" Dream adds, and to be honest I don't either.

"Me neither" I say back to him

We walk up to one of the villagers but seemed to be completely ignored, as if they weren't even there.

"Uh well that's weird, they're not even acknowledging us" I said in a confused manor

"Must just be excited" probably.

Suddenly a cold dark voice speaks, it's the hooded figure.

Everyone goes silent.

"Hello my friends" the strange voice said

"Welcome" it said once more

Everyone cheers, we don't know why because all they said was hello.

Something sounded so familiar with the hooded figures voice but I could put a pin on it.

sorry for the cliffhanger!

-1066 words

I love each and every one of you that take time out of your day to read this, love you all♡︎

As always have a amazing day/night,


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