Chapter one Bitter sweet

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A summer breeze hit y/n face gently as she rushed out her little apartment to head to school. It was 8 in the morning. She had overslept, again. As she hurried to UA, she spotted two thugs in a allyway beating up what looks to be a kid. Oh my god, I have to help them. Y/n headed to the allyway. The two thugs thought I was a undercover cop and ran off. I heal the boy who was being beaten up.

"Your gonna be okay I promise." Y/n said reassuring the boy.

"Y/n?" The boy said while Y/n got done healing his wounds.

"Deku?" Y/n asked feeling bad she didn't recognize him right away, but yet again she was just focused on helping him.

"Why were those guys beating you up? " Y/n asked curiously.

" Oh, because they saw me with all might merch. They must really hate him huh? " Deku said while rubing the back of his neck.

"Yeah well you gotta be careful okay? Now let's get to school before Aziwa gives us a lecture. " Y/n said while starting to walk away.

"Okay just let me grab my bookbag.... Hey wait up! " Deku said while running up to y/n catching up to her.

They walked into there class. It was the same old learning. After school y/n headed to the maid cafe for her shift. After her shift she went home to her small apartment to eat dinner and relax before she repeated this process again. She ate dinner, watched some tv, took a hot shower, brushed her teeth and went to bed. It was like this every day. Nothing changed except what she ate and what she watched on TV. Y/n always woke up late and always hurried to school.

The next day y/n woke up early. She woke up early enough to see the sun rising. Hmm... That's weird. I usually am late and have to rush in the mornings, and I'm not even tired at all. At least I don't have to rush I guess.

Y/n got up outta bed and got dressed, she freshed up in the bathroom and headed to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal. After she ate her breakfast she walked out of her apartment and walked to a cafe to grab a ice coffee, then y/n was heading to school.

As y/n was walking she noticed a black hooded figure lurking around UA. The black hooded person was scanning the area. Then out of no where, reporters were all around UA. Y/n squeezed passed them and headed to class.

From there on her day was the same, except when she got to the maid cafe. She notice the door sign said closed until further notice. That's strange... Wouldn't they had called me to let me know?

When y/n turned around to go back home she saw the same black hooded figure. But this time he wasn't alone. There was a tall man with him. The man had black hair and looked to have scarring all around his body.

Y/n was a little scared but then she thought they could just be citizens or something. She hurried on home when she felt someone was following her. Y/n looked behind her and around, but she saw nothing. She kept on going home.

When y/n arrived home she did her usually routine, but she was more on edge. She made sure she locked her door and shut the windows before going to bed. At last when she laid down she could not fall asleep. Y/n just layed there staring at the ceiling.

And hour must have past before she heard a strange noise. It sounded like it was coming from her kitchen. What the hell? What's that noise?

Y/n grabed her phone and a pocket knife. She hoped she didn't have to use the knife on any one it was just for her protection. She slowly crept to her bedroom and opened the door very slowly trying to be quite as a mouse.

She walked through her door way and headed to the kitchen. Hmmmm... Nothing it seems. But the thought of someone in her little apartment left such a bitter sweet taste in her mouth

Y/n checked the front door, still locked. So was the windows. Y/n climbed back into her bed and tried to get as much sleep as she could.

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