The blood in my face froze and my heart dropped. Princeton... I held my breath long enough to reach my head over to see he wasn't the one shot. Prince had shot the guy fighting him. He pushed the limp body off of his and shot the guy dead smack the head that was choking me. My throat throbbed and I sunk to my knees as he fell beside me. He shot the guy fighting Demi and wiped the blood that was dripping from his bruised cheek. "Taylor a-are you okay?" He asked running toward me. There was already a black and purple ring around my neck and I was now hyperventilating. "They're gona be coming. We gotta go. Now." Demi breathed walking over to us. I coughed up some blood as they starred at me. "Oh my god..." Demi said covering her mouth. "We gotta get away from here." Prince mumbled picking me up and turning down the hall. I closed my eyes and coughed again. "A room. Come on, we could hide in here." I opened my eyes as Prince sat me down in the dimly lit room. My throat stung as my heart beat sped rapidly in my chest. I think he shattered my lungs or something. Prince starred at me, biting his lip worriedly. I only looked away. He suddenly hugged my softly, being extra careful not to hurt me. Every time I was hurt it seemed like he'd go into a slight depression and the only way he felt he'd slightly help is with a hug. Which, was mostly true. Everytime he'd hug me I'd develop a tingly feeling in my stomach or chest that I only feel with certain people. Specifically people I love. He quickly got up and paced around pulling his hair nervously. "Prince she's gona be okay." Demi said to calm him down before scooting over to me. "Can you speak?" Demi asked me softly. I swallowed a huge lump in my throat and nodded. I then slowly got up and wiped my chin. "I-" I breath but the sharp pain in my lungs increased. "I'm o-okay." He really must have wanted me dead. And if Prince didn't save me when he did... I probably would have been. "Are you s-" "Yes." I said trying to sound like a normal person but ending up sounding like a tortured frog. I held my throat softly and bent over as blood dripped from between my teeth. "T-Taylor are you sure your okay?" Prince asked, starring at me. I took a deep breath as Demi walked to the door and looked through the shades. "Yes. I'm okay. We have to hurry..." 

I knew Prince had known I was trying to draw less attention to myself because I didn't want him to worry. But that seemed to worry him more. Every now and then blood would seep back up my throat and I'd make a weird noise. And I bet the ring around my neck wasn't looking any hotter either. "Let's split up." Demi suggested but I immediately denied the request. "No. We're not splitting up." "Taylor, that's the only way all three of us are gona sneak past the agents out there." She said looking at me. "No."

"Princeton?" She asked looking at Prince, hoping he'd agree. He just let out a distant sigh and kicked some dust on the floorboards. "Then I'll do it, all alone." She said folding  her arms. I rolled my eyes and stopped her from turning the doorknob. "No. What if one of you gets hurt? What if an agent shoots one of you or something?" "We're just as much of a good fighter as you Taylor!" "Yeah, and I almost just got CHOKED to death. And I would have been dead if Prince didn't save me! These aren't recruits, these are Agents. They are stronger than us. We need to stay together!" I almost scream. "We can't! Taylor it's okay! We don't need you protecting us all the time!" She yelled before Prince shot up and covered both our mouths. "Stay quiet! Geez!" He whispered. "Taylor-" Demi began but I cut her off. "Okay! We'll split up Demi!" I whispered loudly. Suddenly her every emotion changed from mad and defiant to happy and glad. "Yay. Babe, who'll go first?" She asked. I bite my lip and shrug as I wrap my hand around the doorknob. "I guess me. We all meet at Division Headquarters. Got it?" I ask. They both nod and watch me intensely. "Be safe..." I add turning around. If any of them were ever hurt, I'd die.


"TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" Amanda yelled for the 100th time before the Agent punched me again. I was sweating through my shirt and jeans and my eyes were probably bloodshot. "No..." I mumble before spiting out blood onto the floor in front of me. "What did she do? Huh?" She finally asked after composing herself. I gave her a confused look, surprisingly, because right now, all I felt was rage. "Did she bribe you, threaten you... seduce you? What is it?" She nearly yelled, raising her hand to the soaked hairs on my forehead and jerking them quickly, bringing me closer to her face. The Agent beside me raised his fist again before being stopped by my smug voice. "No need to continue, Sir." I say before turning to her again and raising an eyebrow. "You need me. You do remember the millions of Morse codes I still have to figure out to get Percy's little ol' black box back? Or the whole entire technology field of Division that's controlled by... Me? Or did you forget?" I ask as the side of my swollen face throbbed. She starred back at me with cold, black eyes. After a few seconds passed she slowly approached me again. "I can kill you... if I want." She said slowly through gritted teeth. Her pale eyes nearly broke me. She smiled a bit before backing up. She pulled a small black machine towards me and walked to her table which held the white gloves she slipped on. "This cranial needle is designed to remove brain tumors. Untold patients love it. Instead of taking solitary risks it's simply inserted from the nose, of course those patients were unconscious during the procedure..." She smiles, before continuing. "I'll be puncturing the ceral vinyl membrane to access your frontal lobe where I'll administer the paralytic, soon after your most prized possession; your mind, will whither and die." She says, bringing the machine closer to me and griping the lever on the contraption. I shook my head as I stared at the ground. "Your a psychopath." 

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