Sighing Derek got up and walked to the kitchen only to be met with guarded stares.

"He's a little ok and he's been that way for about a year. Usually he slips at night when we're alone that's why you guys have no clue what's happening. I can't explain it you'd honestly have to look it up and read into it yourselves.

But what I can tell you is, it ain't that hard to take care of him I this headspace. I have a notebook with all of my rules I've set for him and the rules he set himself. I can show you if you want." Derek says. They all nod and he goes to fetch the notebook from the room.

Before he makes it though Vallyk calls his name from the living room.

"Bubba? Bubbaaa!" He yells. Derek walks to the living room and picks the boy up setting him in his lap.

He felt Mike and Kobe's presence and decided they needed to watch closely.

"Mike Kobe y'all have to listen and watch closely ok." He says.

He turns back to vallyk who pouts cutely with his arms crossed.

"BUBBA!" he screams only to be cut off by Derek's stern voice.

"Vallyk we do not raise our voice inside and you know that." He scolds him. Vallyk sticks out his tongue and rolls his eyes.

"Baby boy do not be rude or I will not hesitate to keep your new toys." Just like that vallyk stops the attitude and apologises.

"Vally sowy bubba." He says hugging him. Derek still keeps his stern look and shakes his head.

""You still broke your rules baby hold out your hand." He instructs.

He turns slightly making sure the boys were watching and they were.

He pops Vallyks hand with only two fingers since he was so far gone into his headspace he didn't want to spank him.

Despite it being a pop on the hand though, vallyk cried like it was ten spankings.

Derek kisses his forehead again and praises him through his crying and sets him back on the floor walking away.

Going into the room he grabs the notebook and Vallyks pacifier and his favorite hoodie which happens to be Mike's.

Returing to the room Derek pulls the boy back on his lap ignoring his loud cries and undresses the boy down to his underwear and slips on Mike's brown hoodie he loves so much.

After that he places the pacifier in Vallyks mouth hushing the boy down to only small whimpers.

Rocking back and fourth praising the little calmed him down eventually and it was finally quiet.

"I sowy bubba fow yelling at you." Vallyk mumbles. Derek chuckles lightly and sets him back down for the last time tonight.

"I forgive you just don't act out again." The boy goes back to coloring and the three older boys walk back to the kitchen and sit along the isle.

"Ok so this is our rule book. For me I set a number of rules I want him to follow when he's little and he's sets a rules he wants his daddy/caregiver to follow. For right now I'm his caregiver until he grows enough balls when he's big to ask the actual person.

Also when he acts out badly like horribly I usually punish him then make him sign his name on each rule he broke. So back here....are the rules rewritten but with a signature mark so he can see what he did wrong and that he shouldn't make this mistake again."

Turning back to the first page Derek points out his rules.

1. Do not use your outside voice inside
2. Always tell daddy/caregiver I'd your feeling sad or mad
3. Tell daddy/caregiver if your hungry don't be shy
4.never keep secrets from daddy/caregiver
5.always be honest
6. Don't be a brat
7. Don't eat sweets past 7:30
8.Ask permission to do something when daddy/caregiver isn't in sight
9. If you need help don't be shy to ask for it
10. Most important NEVER degrade yourself

MEREK +Kobe & Vallyk Where stories live. Discover now