When We're Heroes (And We're Gonna Be) 1

Start from the beginning


Shouto stepped in to shield Izuku from the explosive boy, icicle daggers from his hand aimed for his throat.

"You even need this Half-n-Half ******* to protect you, see?!"

"Leave him alone. What's he ever done to you?" snarled Shouto.

Aizawa restrained Bakugou with his capture scarf. "Don't attack your fellow students, Bakugou."

In the end, Izuku placed third, and poor Aoyama secured last place, on the threat of expulsion. Luckily, the threat of expulsion had been a logical ruse to bring out the best of everyone. He then ordered everyone to change clothes and go back to the classroom to look over some handouts with the curriculum and such.


The next day, they had normal school classes, like English, Math, or such. But by lunchtime, they met with their fellow Vigilantes in the cafeteria.

They were about to sit with their classmates when they heard a familiar "Uraraka-chan! Tsuyu-chan! Toko-chan! Shoucchan! Zuzu!" and turned to see Toga, Nozomi and Shinsou approaching them, bento boxes in hand.

"Toga-chan!" Izuku gave his cousin a brief hug.

"Hello, Hitoshi-kun, kero," Tsuyu beamed.

"Nozomi," Tokoyami's feathers fluffed up at the sight of his girlfriend.

"Mind if we sit with you?" Nozomi asked. "If it bothers your classmates----"

"It's fine! I'm sure they'd like to meet you," Izuku said, dragging them to sit with Class 1-A, who were confused to see them being greeted by their schoolmates from 1-C.

"These are our other friends," Shouto introduced them. "Toga Himiko, Shinsou Hitoshi and Mitsuga Nozomi from Class 1-C."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Yaoyorozu Momo, the queenly beauty Shouto sat next to in class, greeted.

"You must be the prettiest girl in your class!" noted Toga. "She's so nice, Zuzu! Can I get some of her blood?"

"Eh?" Yaoyorozu was startled.

"That is not the right way to make friends!" reprimanded the muscular spectacled boy with bluish hair from earlier, now identified as Ingenium's little brother Iida Tenya.

"Don't take it wrongly," Shouto told Yaoyorozu. "When Toga says 'can I stab you' or 'can I have some of your blood', it means she likes you. She may seem bloodthirsty, but that's an effect of her Quirk, and she's a sweet and friendly girl."

"I see.. okay, I think I can give you a sample later," Yaoyorozu told Toga, who squealed.

"Are you guys sure you're fine with sitting with us?" asked the six-armed student named Shouji. "I've been getting the feeling that the other first-year classes hate us."

Sure enough, in Class 1-B and C's tables, the students were whispering and glaring at Class 1-A.

Nozomi blew a raspberry. "Kakaya raznitsa? I don't care where I sit or who I sit with, as long as they're my friends."

"Who needs those losers if they won't accept others as our friends?" agreed Toga, taking her seat near Tsuyu and Iida.

"To bravely do something despite the fact that others will ridicule you for it.. how manly!" praised Kirishima.

"What are your types of guys, ladies?" Kaminari Denki (the boy with the lightning bolt pattern in his hair) asked.

"If you're trying to flirt, you should know you're doing a more terrific job at making two people here jealous." Nozomi stated flatly. And she was right: Tokoyami was sneaking glances at Kaminari as he was speaking with her, & Jirou---- the girl with earphone jacks dangling from her earlobes---- was close to smacking him upside the head.

"And for your information, I'm taken," she added, reaching for Tokoyami's hand. "So is Toga."

"You have a girlfriend?" said Shouji incredulously. "Since when? Why didn't you say anything?"

"You never asked." Tokoyami pointed out matter-of-factly before pecking Nozomi's cheek. She blushed, but a small smile crept up her cheek.

"What are your Quirks?" asked Mina, the pink girl with black eyes.

"Mine is..Brainwashing..." Shinsou answered hesitantly. "It can only be effective with vocal response."

Yaoyorozu clasped her hands together. "That's an awesome Quirk! It seems very useful."

Shinsou smiled upon hearing someone outside his circle say his Quirk wasn't Villainous.

"My Quirk allows me to transform my physical appearance to another person's, so I can acquire that person's Quirk, clothes and voice," Toga explained her Quirk, "but to do that, I need to consume the blood of the person I have to pose as. How long I can hold my disguise depends on how much blood I consumed."

The boys were a little spooked out, with the exception of Tokoyami, Shinsou, Shouto and Izuku, who were used to it, and Bakugou, who didn't care as long as the Quirk was of a weaker disposition than his.

"Mine is...a little OP," Nozomi said sheepishly. "It's called Unlimited, and it allows me to create any Quirk that I want, as many as I want, and I can give them away to people---- I can't steal Quirks, that's All For One's job. I can give Quirks, yes, but I can't take them back."

"The hell?!" this caught Bakugou's attention. "****** nerd, how dare you get yourself an extra like this?! Listen here, Damn Elf, your Quirk may be that powerful, but I am stronger than you!"

D-Damn Elf?! thought a bewildered Nozomi. Because of my ears?!

"I-I understand, Bakugou," she said. "You're right, my Quirk may have the power to create Quirks, but it's not as good as Explosion."

Tokoyami nearly cracked at the sight of his spirited, stubborn girlfriend bowing in submission to someone who claimed to be stronger than her. But then again, Nozomi forgave Bakugou, when all is said and done, and he accepted that. Goodness, his girl was very forgiving.

When Bakugou's attention was averted back to lunch, a mortified Nozomi hissed at her friends: "His nicknames are really good, but Damn Elf?!"

Toga and Izuku burst into snickers.

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