Highschool Crush: Part 4

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     Jungkook's POV  

           I confessed, I finally confessed my feelings for Y/n. When I told her, my heart was pounding the whole time, but when I kissed her, it was a moment I would never regret, not in a lifetime. That was yesterday, today we're going to school. At school, they looked at us like some kind of superstar, my friends supported me, there were some jealous exes but personally, it was the best day ever.

         Tonight, at the park, the sky will be filled with billions of twinkling stars, and since she shines like the stars I wanted to show her that she was more beautiful than the stars. I asked her to have our official first date, she said yes. I was so excited and I wanted it to be perfect. I couldn't pick the right clothes, the right flower, the right chocolates, then I thought to myself, "I have got to stop thinking like her boyfriend, but start thinking like her best friend". 

         I picked the clothes she thought looked good on me, I picked her favorite flowers, which is Dahlias, on my way to pick her up and she doesn't like sweets so I skipped the chocolates. 6:27, I took my car keys, hopped in my car, and drove to her house. I was just in time and when I got there, she was standing at the front door in a beautiful dress, I stared at her for moments attracted by her beauty and the next thing I know she was at the car door, I complimented her and we went on our way.

        The night sky holds its own beauty but nothing compared to hers.   While watching we found the constellations just like we always do when we were best friends. We wished upon a shooting star and we observed something that looked like the Aurora Borealis and we ate sandwiches and she laid on my lap under the light of a thousand stars.  

         Our first date ended at 10:07, I took her home, and on our way there we talked about what regular millennials talk about, music, art, food, etc. We talked all the way to her home 'til we reached it. "Goodbye Y-ie", it's what I call her all the time, "I love you" I continued, and then I went home. She texted me that she went to sleep so I didn't bother her, I went to sleep too.

        Today is the weekend and it is my best friend's favorite time of the week, so I plan on taking her to the mall. So I did, we went and bought cotton candy and then I took her to the arcade and got her a big teddy bear, then I cut off her diet by forcing her to eat at her favorite fast-food restaurant. We met my sister at the cafe and she treated me like a little boy, I was kinda embarrassed but Y-ie loves her, she left soon.

       We went to watch horror movies at my house but she fell asleep, she thought I did too but I stared at her while she was sleeping, 'cause I didn't get the opportunity to stare back at her yesterday, during our first date.


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