Chapter 21

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Idk I might keep writing this story.
Brooke POV
Brianna has been unconscious for 4 days now. Mom and dad are forcing me to go back to school today. It's going to be full of people saying I'm so sorry and are you okay, you can always talk to me. I groaned as I entered the building already anticipating a horrible day. I went to my locker and was immediately grabbed by Jake who pulled me into a kiss. He smiled hey I missed you. I laughed yeah me too, but I need to get to class. I quickly walked away I can't deal with him right now. I was about to enter math when of all people Ciara stopped me. We've pretty much ignored each other for the past years since the incident. She pulled me over to the lockers and hugged me. Of course I was surprised I didn't know what to do. I awkwardly patted her on the back. She pulled away and smiled that felt good. I nodded okay uh why? She sighed look Brooke it's no secret that Brianna tried to kill herself because of what Missy said to her. It made me realize that when I was mean to you I could've eventually pushed you down that road. That makes me feel terrible that someone could be so mean and do that! So I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for treating you like crap. Wow Ciara the girl who made my life miserable was apologizing to me. I didn't know what to say, but all I did was just nod and smile.

Ryan POV
Mom I'm not going to school! She took off my comforter once more. Yes you are now get dressed! I groaned no mom if I go then I'll just crush another girl. She sighed Ryan you have been moping around the house for 4 days you need to get out and go to school! I put the pillow over my ears and laid back down. I can't go back to school it will just remind me of Bri. Mom groaned and slammed the door. Finally she was gone! Clay came over and tapped me. What I growled I'm really not in the mood to talk. Ryan you need to go to school to become smart! How am I going to learn from you if you never go back to school? I sighed Clay if I go to school I'll start to think about Brianna and I'm just not ready. He finally gave up and left. I stayed in bed for 3 more hours when mom came in again. Ryan I'm leaving so don't like destroy the house or anything. I gave a thumbs up and she left. I got dressed and started to pace through the house. Soon I ran through the door knowing I need to go to the hospital. I went to the nurse and she gave me Brianna's room. I walked in and almost broke down then. She was still unconscious and hooked up to a bunch of wires. I walked over and sat next to her. Brianna I'm so sorry for what I did. Missy means nothing to me anymore. I always wanted to be with you and only you. I just wish I could tell you that one more. I got up and started to leave when I heard a very faint Ryan? I spun around and there was a wide awake Brianna. BRIANNA! I screamed running over to her. She smiled I heard what you said. I nodded good because I meant every word of it. She hugged me I love you Ryan. I breathed a sigh of relief I love you too.

One Step At A Time(Girl Meets World) <FIRST STORY EVER WROTE>Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant