Chapter 12

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*9 months later*
*Christmas Eve*
Brooke POV
The babies are coming! I'm so excited, but mom won't tell us the genders! Zoey and I are hoping for 2 girls and the boys want 2 boys. So we've been very busy in these 9 months. Mom and dad have added a bedroom to the house. That way which ever gender it is will all have their own rooms. So if it's 2 girls then they will share a room and Zoey and I will have our own rooms. It's Christmas Eve and this is my favorite time of year!! The best part is the twins will be born any day now!!
Ryan POV
I swear if these kids aren't boys I will never forgive them. I need my own room, Justin and I are too big to be in the same tiny room. It's Christmas Eve and I really want to get Brianna a Christmas present, but what? I decided to ask Brooke for help even though it kills me. Hey Brooke can you help me get a present for someone? She smiled does this persons name happen to start will B and end in Rianna? I rolled my eyes are you gonna help me or not? Yeah come on I know the perfect thing to get her. She dragged me out of the house and on to the freezing streets of New York City. Brooke it's so cold out here can we hurry this up! She put her hands on her hips, Ryan you can't rush the perfect present! Alright she said now Bri has been wanting a charm bracelet since she was little. Except you and I both know her family can't afford it. I felt so bad for Bri her family isn't that wealthy. Before she was born her parents lived in this tiny apartment that couldn't fit more than 7 people. When she was born they scrounged together enough money to buy a normal sized apartment. Then her mom went and had an affair and left them. Her dad couldn't pay the rent on his own, so they live in the tiny apartment again. Her dad works 3 jobs just to buy some food. Brianna never has a fun Christmas she gets maybe 2 presents. So I should buy her a charm bracelet? Brooke happily nodded yes except it won't be cheap. The bracelet that you're getting will be at least $30 or more. I sighed the total amount of money I had was $60. Alright let's get it. We got the bracelet and a couple and charms and headed back. It was time to get in pajamas, drink cocoa and watch different Christmas movies. This year Brooke and I picked to watch Elf of course. Everyone was having a great time laughing and talking when my mom screamed. Uh oh sounds like some babies are coming.
Brooke POV
Ryan got Brianna the best present ever! They will be so cute when they date! Jake has been hinting to me about a present, but I can't figure out what he got. Everyone was fine watching Elf until mom started screaming. Ahhhh ahhh! I am going into labor we need to leave NOW! But we're all in our pajamas! She gave everyone a death glare, GET IN THE CAR NOW! Everyone rushed out the door. Ryan and I texted Brianna and Jake that the babies were coming. They were probably busy with family. Our mom was rushed into a room and we had to sit in the waiting room. Ryan and I were super nervous. Zoey was pacing and Justin was sitting there super calm. How can you be so calm at a time like this?! He laughed Brookie this is my 3rd time in these chairs I'm not scared.
Zoey POV
It's been 3 hours and there's still no word. Ryan and Brooke are asleep in the chairs and Justin went to get us some food. Justin finally came back with some donuts and water because what else do you eat at 1:00am? Justin I'm getting worried, when mom had the other twins it didn't take this long. He nodded, I didn't want to say anything, but something's wrong. My eyes widened what do you mean?! He sighed well usually when a women goes into labor and it's her 5/6th child they should just pop out. Now when it was you or I it took longer because we were the first couple children. I wanted to cry this was going to be a horrible Christmas if something went wrong. 1 hour later dad finally came out looking exhausted. Ryan and Brooke jerked up anxiously awaiting news. Well dad frowned the twins aren't exactly coming out. Your mom was in labor for 2 hours and then they thought one was coming, but then it stopped. She went back into labor and was super close to delivering, but then it stopped. So instead of doing any further damage they are giving her a C-section. The babies will be okay right asked Brooke worriedly. Dad shook his head I don't know when they were about to come out they should've just came out. It's not normal for babies to do that. The doctors are going to do everything they can to save both babies.
( I have no clue if this is an actual problem with delivering babies😂 I just made it up so please go along with it)
Brooke POV
It's now 2:00am on Christmas morning. Dad just delivered the news that the babies might not survive. If they didn't this would be the worst Christmas ever! I was sleeping in Ryan's lap around 4:00am when a doctor came out. Are you all from the Friar family. We nodded anxiously. Well he said smiling want to come meets your new siblings?! Siblings that means 2! We all raced towards the hospital room and walked in. I saw a pink blanket, pink that means girls!
Ryan POV
The doctor finally came and told us the good news. Both twins are alive and healthy. We all raced towards the hospital room wanting to see what gender they were. I walked in and saw a pink blanket. Oh no no this is not happening more girls! Wait a minute as I walked in closer I saw the other twin. The blanket was blue that means a boy! Kids mom whispered we'd like you to meet your new siblings! Our new baby girl who was born at 3:41am is Faith Elise Friar. I could see Zoey and Brooke excited at the arrival of their new sister. I guess one sister wasn't so bad. Mom gestured to the boy and this little man who was born at 3:47am is Clayton Jacob Friar. I've always wanted a little brother and now I have one.
Brooke POV
Faith Elise and Clayton Jacob I like it! Finally there's a girl in the family who's older than her brother. Because Justin is older than Zoey and Ryan is older than me. Now little miss Faith will be able to call Clay her little brother. This turned out to be a great Christmas after all! After a quick check up we were able to leave the hospital. So I said when we got home, who has their own rooms now? Mom and dad sighed well we knew you guys would fight about this. So for now the twins are just going to share a room until they are like 3-4. Then by then Justin and Zoey will have moved out, so either Brooke and Faith will have their own room or Ryan and Clay will have their own room. I stared at Ryan, I am getting my own room. He stared back, over my dead body there is no way I am sharing a room with a 4 year old! Well neither am I! Our parents laughed, guys this is 4 years away! Now let's open those presents! I squealed, I love opening presents! We had so much fun laughing and talking opening presents. Ryan and I got iPhones, mines white and Ryan's is green. I walked over to Faith who was sleeping, merry Christmas Faith I love you! I know this probably isn't true, but I swear she smiled.
Ryan POV
I finally got an iPhone! I went over to Clay who was sleeping in his crib. Merry Christmas buddy, he twitched a little which was enough for me. Brooke came over to me, hey Ryan want to go meet up with Bri and Jake in the park? It will give you a chance to give her your present! I laughed ok Brooke let's go. We went out and it was absolutely freezing. Who's stupid idea was it to meet in the park? We arrived and went to a picnic table. I dragged Brianna over to a tree to give her the present. So Bri I know we're not dating or anything, but I got you a present. She smiled Ryan that's really sweet, but I didn't get you- I stopped her. Brianna Marie Matthews I am giving you a present because I want to you don't half to give me anything in return. She laughed and grabbed the present, ok it's not like you got me- she opened the present and gasped. Ryan I-I you didn't - I- I you got me a charm bracelet! She started crying maybe this wasn't such a great idea. Bri I just wanted to make you happy I'm sorry I can take it back. She laughed no no I'm crying because this is the absolute nicest thing anyone has ever done for me! She hugged me and then let go quickly, oh sorry. I smiled it wasn't so bad. We looked into each other's eyes. I got lost in her big brown eyes and leaned in. Closer closer until our cold lips touched. We kissed for at least 6 seconds and then pulled apart. She blushed, well thanks for the present! Brianna started to walk away when I stopped her. Bri I know you're not supposed to date, but wanna go to the movies sometime? She nodded and jumped into my arms, this has been the best Christmas ever.
Brooke POV
After Ryan and Bri left only Jake and I were sitting there. He had a small box that he was playing with. Is that my present? He sighed Brooke I don't think you're gonna like it. I laughed oh please Jake if it came from you I'll like it. I took the box and opened it, what was inside took my breath away. I held up a gold locket and inside was a picture of Jake and I laughing. Oh my god Jake this is amazing. He laughed well this is what my dad got my mom for Christmas when they were dating, so I thought it would work. I love it so much thank you! He smiled you're welcome, so is it true the twins were born? I nodded yes they were born a little before 4:00am. Faith Elise and Clayton Jacob. He smirked well if you're ever babysitting alone call me and we can play parents. I laughed ok definitely. We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking. There was no dramatic kiss or anything this isn't a fairy tale. This is my life and I just half to be patient.
- So I'm guessing you all hate me because I went off the lesson a little but I was just so excited about the twins! So the next lesson will involve responsibilities...that's all! Oh yeah and I'm not publishing the other chapter till I get more reads!

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