Chapter 17

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WARNING: The next two lessons will deal with some mature themes (self harm, depression, abusing etc.) so if you don't want to read those then you don't need to:) oh and I'm putting outfits in again!
Brooke POV
I woke up and smiled at the sun shining through my window. It's late April now and that means the spring formal is coming up. Which I know Jake will ask me to! I shook Faith awake and started to get ready. I put on my favorite romper and an army green jacket. I put on a little mascara and curled my hair. Faith was wearing a cute outfit today. I laughed well don't you look cute today. She smiled oh please Brooke I already knew that! I quickly ran downstairs for breakfast and bumped into Ryan. By the way Brianna called she's not coming to pick you up anymore. I glared at Ryan this is all your fault. You broke her heart last year and she hasn't been the same since. He rolled his eyes I don't know what your taking about. I groaned and ran to school to get there on time. I met Bri at her locker like usual she looked different. Her face was paler and her hair seemed more unkept in a bad way. I frowned hey what's the matter? She gave a weak smile nothing I'm just tired. I nodded and then noticed her outfit. She was wearing a long sweater and long leggings almost every inch of her body was covered. This didn't make sense Brianna loved the warm weather more than anyone. I gave her a weird smile why are you still wearing winter clothes? She looked down oh um I have a cold and I was just feeling chilly this morning. I nodded okay well we better get to class. We walked in silence, but not the good kind. It was super awkward and I couldn't figure out why. I mean yes Bri was sad when Ryan broke up with her, but I thought she got over him. I walked into math my worst class of the day. Yes my dad is still my teacher. It's weird I know, but he got moved up for some reason. Class was boring and then finally lunch! It's not that great Missy sits with us now. I swear that girl hates my guts. Brianna was picking at her lunch the whole time I hadn't noticed that before. Hey is everything okay are you eating? She nodded yes I'm find just get off my back! She pushed back her chair and ran out of the lunch room. Everyone at my table was silent except Missy. I just shrugged and kept eating she'll come to me when she's ready.
Ryan POV
I kinda want to run after Brianna to see if she's okay. The only reason I broke up with her was because she never came to my baseball games. All the other guys girlfriends would come cheer them on. Not Bri she always came up with some lame excuse. That wouldn't happen anymore because now I'm with Missy and completely happy.
Brooke POV
I didn't see Brianna for the rest of the day I don't know where she went. After school I started to get worried she's never acted like this before. I decided to go to her apartment and see what's up. I got there and oddly the door was unlocked. I opened it a crack no one was in there. She was probably in her room or something. I walked in and ran upstairs to Bri's room. The door was half open and I could hear crying. I walked and almost fainted at what I saw. Brianna Marie Matthews are you really doing what I think you're doing?! She looked up at me in horror and sighed.

Just what was Brianna doing?! Next chapter is a real tear jerker:(

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