Chapter 10

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OMG I got more reads! Thank you guys so much!
Lucas POV
I was in the middle of teaching when the office called me telling me Ryan was in trouble. I guess that's why he wasn't in class, but I still don't where Brooke is. When the principal Seth told me Ryan got in a fight I was furious. Home now I ordered to him. On the way home Maya called me, she seemed strange this morning. Lucas we have a problem Brooke ran away and Brianna and I can't find her anywhere! I sighed Maya we have another problem Ryan got in a fight at school and is suspended for a week. Then Maya said the 4 words I never thought I would hear again. I'm pregnant with twins! She hung up before I could say anything. Ryan stared at me you mean you and mom are having more babies?! I was speechless what just happened? We pulled into the driveway ok Ryan I want you to go up to your room and stay there until we come. He groaned and went inside. Maya was crying by the sink I went over and hugged her. It's ok Maya I'm not mad. She whimpered yes you are you said you didn't want anymore kids! This is true I did say that, but now that we are I'm excited! She sniffled yes, but we're having ANOTHER set of twins! I nodded yes I know, but it's just another challenge the world has thrown on us. Now where's Brooke? In her room Brianna finally found her. I sighed with relief that's one less thing for me to worry about. I ran to Brooke's room she was in her window seat with Brianna talking. Brooke I screamed and ran over and hugged her. She gave me a weak smile hi dad did you grade me re-take yet?
( yes I know I didn't write about her taking it, but we're just gonna keep it like this ok?)
I nodded yep and you got a B+! She squealed and hugged me so what does that bring my grade to? I frowned it's now a C sorry. She laughed dad I'd much rather have a C than an F any day!
(I don't really know if that would change your grade to a C so let's just go with it)
Brianna POV
(Earlier in the day when they were looking for Brooke)
I ran to downstairs Mrs.Friar Brooke's gone! She dropped her book oh my god we half to find her! We ran out the door and started to look everywhere. We checked at the park, coffee shoppes and the mall. Brooke wasn't anywhere, where could she be? Wait I gasped Mrs.Friar I think I know where she is meet me at home! I ran as fast as my legs could take me, what if Brooke tried to do something dangerous? I ran to our old school playground this is where Brooke and I used to sit at recess and talk. This is where everything happened for us. She was sitting on the swing moving slowly back and forth. I just now I realized how cold it was outside. It's only early March and it was already starting to snow. I ran over to Brooke who must be freezing and went on the swing next to her. She looked up at me, remember in 6th grade when you fell off the monkey bars and cut your lip? I nodded. Everyone was so nice to you and no one even laughed. And remember in 3rd grade when Jake failed that test? No one laughed at him everyone felt bad for and even offered to help him study for the next one. I nodded again yeah so? She looked at me with her big watery eyes. What happened to that compassion and helpfulness? When those kids were laughing at me today I realized that we're not little kids anymore. There are rude and cruel people in this world and you're gonna deal with them all your life. Today was just my first encounter with them. I hugged her very tight she was right our world had changed. Brooke I am so sorry I should've done something- she stopped me. Bri none of those kids in that hallway came running after me. You've always been there for me and I know you always will. We hugged again Brooke your mom is worried sick we better go home. She smiled yeah my bad let's go. I slung my arm around her as we walked by the way your moms pregnant! Brooke laughed yeah and Ryan got suspended from school. I stopped how did you know?! Her eyes widened I was just joking! We started cracking up and talked all the way home.
Maya POV
Lucas wasn't mad YES! I feel so bad to put the stress of more children on him. At least Brooke is home again, but she won't tell me what made her so upset. I decided that when Zoey comes home we'll talk to her. Finally Zoey came home smiling, is it true?! Are you really pregnant with twins?! I laughed yes I am, but right now we need to talk to Brooke. She came home really early today crying about something that happened at school. Then she ran away and Bri finally found her, but she won't tell me what's going on. We went to her room she was on her phone crying again. Brooke what's wrong? She sighed guys something happened at school today and I was completely humiliated. Brooke talk to us we can help! She frowned no the last thing I need is my mom and sister standing up for me. Fine how about if you tell us some details. She sat up ok fine, this girl and I got in a fight. Because she likes Jake and I still have feelings for him. Well I might've told Jake something about her that wasn't true and to get back at me she completely humiliated me. How bad was this humiliation? Brooke laughed well- wait Zoey stopped her. Please tell me you weren't the girl who had her report card posted on the wall. She slowly nodded yeah that's me. We both hugged her, poor Brookie. What should I do she said crying. Well for now just stick with your friends and ignore anyone that makes fun of you. She nodded you're right who cares what people think about me?
Brooke POV
I felt so much better after talking to my mom and Zoey. Except Ciara had been posting mean things about me all night on the internet. Like I said I wasn't going to let her bother me! I ran downstairs starving when there was a knock at the door. I opened it and there as Jake. What do you wanted I glared at him. Brooke please talk to me I feel sooo bad. I sighed fine you got 2 minutes. We walked in and sat on the couch. I am so sorry about what Ciara did. I rolled my eyes Jake I know you had something to do with it. He looked down you're right I did have something to do with it unintentionally. You see Ciara asked if I knew how to access report cards of other students. I told her if she snuck into the office and got the file the grades would be in it. Ciara didn't tell me why she wanted a report card and she didn't tell me who's report card. If she had said it was for you I would've stopped her right away. I looked away, but don't you guys like each other? He smiled yeah we used to, but I would never be friends with someone who's so rude to one of my best friends. I looked up and smiled yeah well you can go back to hating me again. He frowned Brooke I have never hated you and I-I miss you. I miss us..together. I started to feel tears in my eyes. Brooke ever since we broke up I've been a mess. I don't even think I ever liked Ciara I was just trying to get back that feeling I had with you. The feeling that everything in the world was right and that nothing could hurt us as long as we're together. I smiled Jake I am sooo so sorry I ever lied to you it was so stupid. Can you ever forgive me? He smiled and started to lean in closer and closer. Finally I could feel his warm soft lips against mine. I started to feel fireworks. He pulled away yeah I forgive you. I frowned wait I'm still not allowed to date anyone. He nodded yeah I know, but I'll wait. My heart fluttered, really you'll wait? Brooke I would wait 10 years if that meant I could date you. We leaned in and kissed again I can't wait I giggled. Well I better get home said Jake I'll see you tomorrow. Ok bye! The minute he left I started jumping around squealing, I just had my first kiss. Ryan came down hey what are you so excited about? I stopped oh um me? Nothing important I'm going to Bri's bye! I raced out the door I had to tell her!
(Yes I know this chapter isn't that good, but mores coming in the next chapter!)
I really want the twins to be born like on Christmas so that's why I made it March right now!!

One Step At A Time(Girl Meets World) <FIRST STORY EVER WROTE>Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon