Chapter 2

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Yeah this story is really boring, but hopefully it will get better! Like I have a bunch of plot ideas, but they will come later so be patient!! Oh and Brianna is Riley and Farkle's daughter
Brooke POV
I'm so nervous for 8th grade! See in my school 8th graders are in the high school. So it's basically my first day of high school. I know that all my siblings and my dad will be there, but I'm still scared! My first problem is I can't find a thing to wear. My mom came in and told me to just be myself. Yeah like that will work, no one at school even knows I exist. Except for my best friend Brianna. Zoey my older sister came in and helped me pick an outfit. Now Brooke she said the key to fitting in is surrounding yourself with friends. Because when you have friends then you're never alone. Easy for you to say I pouted, you're the most popular girl like ever! Zoey laughed don't worry little sis you'll do fine. She finished my hair and I looked in the mirror. I was wearing ripped blue jeans, a striped tank top with lipstick stain on it, a purple leather jacket and little red boots. My hair was pulled back a little. I wasn't wearing any makeup I'm not allowed until I'm 15. My best friend Brianna walked in. OMG Brooke you look amazing!! So do you I squealed. Bri was wearing a flower printed skirt with suspenders and a blue top. Are you ready? I took a deep breath and nodded yeah let's go. The three of us walked downstairs my mom had her camera. She took a couple pictures, I hate all the pictures of myself. I grabbed my book bag and went to the subway. I stood in front of the school and took a big gulp. Well bye guys Zoey whispered I can't be seen with little 8th graders no offense. She ran away leaving Bri and I to figure this out. It'll be ok Bri smiled. My mom says that I'm way more like my aunt Riley. Well she's not really my aunt, but her mom and my mom have been best friends forever. Growing up Riley always worried about stuff and my mom was the calm one. It's the opposite with Bri and I. We walked in and the first thing I saw were people making out, like everywhere! Bri lead me over to some more lockers where Ryan was standing. He looked at me and groaned of course they give us lockers next to each other. I rolled my eyes well if you haven't noticed we have the same last name! As long as were in separate classes I'm good Ryan said looking at my schedule. Ok this isn't so bad he laughed all we have together is math and art. Yeah ok I snatched back my schedule. I tried to open my locker and it wouldn't budge, just my luck. I tried it 3 more times until someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was just Ryan's friend Jake Fried. Yeah what is it Jake, I said impatiently still trying to open my locker. Um well you see that's my locker and yours is next to mine. I froze oh right my bad. I moved away and glared at Ryan. Come on Bri let's go to science. Bri stopped Brooke you're really off to a bad start we have history now. I looked at our schedules and they were different. Ugh this sucks oh well I guess I'll see you at lunch. I started to walk away when Jake stopped me, hey wait I have science if you want me to walk you there. I looked at Bri and she gave me a thumbs up. Yeah sure let's go. I've never thought about Jake this way before. You know the whole boyfriend material way. He's always been around, but we never really hung out together. I could feel Ryan's eyes in the back of my head, but I didn't care. We walked into science and sat at a table together. Class began and Jake smiled at me, maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
Ryan POV.
I don't like this whole Brooke and Jake hanging out thing. Jake has dated other girls and I know what happens. I mean of course the two of them could be friends, but I saw the way she was looking at him. They walked away together leaving me and Bri alone. It's pretty obvious that I've always had a crush on Bri. I smirked at her, she rolled her eyes and walked away. The bell rang, oh great now I was late to class. I ran into history and sat next to Bri. She sighed oh my gosh Ryan can't you just leave me alone. Ok fine I said turning around, but you're missing out on all this. She looked at me and started laughing ok sorry I doubted you. Class began and I barely payed attention, it was sooo boring. I followed Brianna out and stopped her at the door. Hey Bri let me walk you to your next class. She shrugged and followed me to math. I wasn't really thrilled about having my dad as a teacher, but whatever. Justin told me to just sit in the back and shut up. I walked in and my dad smiled at me. I gave a half wave and sat next to Jake. He turned to me and whispered hey dude your sisters really hot! Well she's off limits unless you want your head cut off I snapped. He held up his hands in surrender ok ok calm down I was just saying. Class started and it went on and on. Finally it was time for lunch and almost time to get out of this place.
Brooke POV
School has been going great! Brianna, Ryan, Jake and I have become really close. Zoey has a new boyfriend Derek, our dad's not thrilled, but he's living with it. Justin's is like the star quarter back on the football team now or something like that. I got up and put on a sweat shirt that said "LOVE" on the front and cheetah leggings. Bri walked in wearing a purple dress with printed sleeves underneath. We inspected each other, cute! We ran down for breakfast, Jake and Ryan were already there. I do a small crush on Jake, but I don't think he feels the same way. Well we half to go come on guys! Everyone tramped out the door to school. Jake and I went to science together like usual, but this time Jake kept looking at me weird. Did I have something in my teeth? We sat down and Jake took a big breath. So Brooke it's been so fun getting to know you and I really wanna start to get to know you even more. Brooke would you like to be my girlfriend? My heart started to race and I blushed. Jake...I would love to!! We hugged each other and class started. This was gonna be great!!

One Step At A Time(Girl Meets World) <FIRST STORY EVER WROTE>Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt