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I think this will be my favorite chapter so far
Brooke POV
I came home and my mom was yelling at Justin. My dad saw me and waited to see what I would do. I ran past him and slammed my door. Zoey was in there, hey Brookie what's wrong? I sighed everything's wrong! First Jake is interested in this girl who hates me and then I fail dad's math test. Zoey pulled me into a hug, don't worry you just had a bad day. I smiled thanks, but did I mention that my report card will now have an F on it? Zoey's eyes widened Brooke mom and dad are gonna kill you! Wow I had no idea! Zoey glared at me well there's no need to be rude about it. Zoey you're not helping me because you always got perfect grades. Zoey stood up just because I got perfect grades doesn't mean I flew through junior high Brooke! My dad came in hey girl first of all stop fighting and second Brooke we need to talk. I crossed my arms there's nothing to talk about. Zoey left have fun Brooke! Dad came over and put his arms around me. Brooke why didn't you tell me you didn't understand the material? I sighed I don't know because I didn't want to sound stupid in front of Ryan. He laughed you make Ryan feel stupid lots of times! And besides he probably could've helped you study. Yeah I guess you're right thanks daddy. I kissed him on the cheek and started to leave. Wait he yelled I'm letting you retake the test and this time actually try. I smiled ok I will I promise. I ran to find Ryan so he could help me study. He was sitting in his window seat with his head down. Hey Ryan can you- Brooke get out he interrupted. But I just need you to- I said get out! Ugh fine, but you're helping me later.
Ryan POV
I don't know how, but Daniel got my number and has been sending me threats all night. He keeps saying that if I don't get dad to change his grade I'll be sorry. I keep deleting them because my parents monitor my phone and if they saw this they would freak. My dad came in because he wanted to talk. Hey Ryan why are you mad about your grade? I groaned why is this stupid test all you talk about?! Who cares what grade I got on it? Can't you just leave me alone already? Hey my dad said raising his voice don't talk to me like that. Why it's not like you or anyone else is going to ground me or give me a detention! Because you treat Brooke and I differently at school, all the teachers do! Ryan did something happen at school that I should know about? I shook my head no, dad everything's fine! He stared at me Ryan I'm your father and you can tell me anything. Yeah ok I mumbled, now I have some homework to do. He sighed and closed the door.
Lucas POV
Maya I know something is wrong with Ryan. She kissed me, yes I know he's been in a mood all day. Do you think Brooke knows anything? She shrugged or Justin might know. Well I don't like him keeping secrets from me. She laughed Lucas Ryan isn't some little kid anymore. He can handle stuff on his own just fine. Ok fine, but I'm watching him at school. She shrugged ok fine parent the way you want.
Ryan POV
I'm not telling my dad that someone's threatening me. How embarrassing would it be to have your own dad stand up for you?
Brooke POV
I think I finally scared off Ciara she didn't say anything the rest of the day. I'm really happy that dad's letting me re-take the test. Except Ryan won't help me and it's very irritating. I woke up actually a little excited for school. Maybe since Ciara stopped bothering me I'll actually have an enjoyable day. I put on my favorite dress and curled my hair. Jake and Ryan had already left and Bri had to go in early. I walked into school and everyone started laughing. They were probably just laughing at something else. Brianna pulled me over to my locker. Brooke you need to go home NOW! I laughed why what's wrong? Um well you see uh- hey Brooke! Some kid turned me around. Yes I asked suspiciously. So I guess this means I can become your dad's kid. Why would you become his kid? Well I'm getting a B in his class and you're getting an F so I figured I had a chance! Everyone who was crowed by something on the wall started laughing. I walked over there and saw my grades posted against the wall. I froze how did this happen?! Ciara jumped in front of me, like I said I always win these battles. Then everything made sense. She was being quiet yesterday because she was planning this. I wanted to cry, but I also wanted to punch someone. Everyone was still laughing. I grabbed the board and started to run out the doors. I ran into Jake on my way out. Oh hey Brooke- I stopped him. Don't talk to me Jake I know Ciara dragged you into this. Wait what- I ran past him crying. I ran all the way home not even caring that I was skipping school. My mom was in the kitchen with her head down. She turned around and saw me. Hey Brookie why aren't you at school? I just kept crying, I-I can never go back to sch-school. I ran up to my room and slammed the door.
Brianna POV
I felt so bad for Brooke! She ran out the door and I ran after her, but Jake stopped me. Hey Bri why is Brooke crying? This really ticked me off, he had to have something to do with this. Ciara probably told him all about it. Jake just stop we all know you know why she's crying. I never thought you would sink that low. But I- I put up my hand, Jake never talk to me or Brooke EVER again. I pushed him against the lockers and ran after Brooke, I'm guessing she ran home. When I came in Mrs.Friar was crying over the sink. Umm Mrs.Friar are you ok? She froze Brianna can I tell you a secret? I guess what's the secret? I'm well I'm pregnant with twins. I was speechless Mrs.Friar pregnant with twins again? That's great I squealed. She sighed no Lucas and I weren't planning on having anymore kids. What if he's mad? I started walking Brooke's room. Well Mrs.Friar I think this is something you should talk to Mr.Friar about so I'm gonna go check on Brooke. I ran to Brooke's room of course the door was locked. Brooke open up! It's me Bri! I heard a whimper and then the door clicked open. I opened the door, but no one was there and the window was open. Of course I groaned she escaped.
Ryan POV
I walked into school and everyone was whispering pointing at me. There was a big crowd of people around Brooke. I couldn't see what she was holding it was a big poster or something. That's when she ran away crying and I knew something was up. I went over to Ciara knowing this was probably her fault. Ciara what did you do to my sister? She was still laughing. Oh Brooke? Let's just say she got her report card a little early. I wanted to beat up Ciara, but I can't beat up a girl. I felt a hand on my shoulder it was Daniel. Look Daniel I really don't need your mouth right now. Please just leave me alone! He chuckled sorry man, but I can't do that. Jake came over, hey Daniel leave him alone or you'll half to deal with both of us. Jake get out of here we both said at the same time. Jake I know- before I could finish my sentence Daniel took swing right into my stomach. I turned to him oh so you wanna fight? I took a swing and hit him right in the mouth. He tackled me and we were both rolling on the ground. There was a crowd around us now yelling fight, fight , fight! Finally I felt 4 arms pulling us apart. It was the gym teacher and some lady. Principals office now they both said. We were both handed ice packs Daniel held his to his mouth and I held mine against my eye. The principal stared at us both. Who threw the first punch? Daniel I said grimacing. The principal sighed well I have no choice, but to suspend you both for a week. Also after you come back you both have a months detention. I'll be calling your parents now to pick you up. I am so dead I'll probably be a prisoner in my own house. 10 minutes later my dad came who was probably in the middle of teaching. Daniel's dad was there too and he did not look happy. The principal smiled it seems your sons decided to have a fight in the hallway. Neither of them will admit to what this fight was about. Except one witness claims it was about a test. He turned to my dad Mr.Friar I can call in a sub for you of you would like to go home with your son. He nodded yes thank you. Well boys the principal said clapping his hands together see you in a week! My dad put his hand on my shoulder home now. The car ride was silent until he called mom. Lucas oh thank god you called Brooke is missing Brianna and I can't find her anywhere! He sighed Maya we have another problem. Ryan got in a fight at school and he was suspended for a week. She groaned he is SOO dead when he gets home! Wait but he didn't throw the first punch! Oh and Lucas one more thing. Yeah he said irritated. I'm pregnant with twins bye! She hung up before dad could say anything. Brooke's missing, I'm suspended from school and we have twins coming. This is the craziest day ever.

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