Chapter 20

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Sorry for everyone who's been waiting for an update! I've been busy with my other fanfic but don't worry I'm still doing this one! So enjoy!
Ryan POV
Brooke had texted me what happened I told Jake and he almost started crying. I was just about to leave the dance when Missy stopped me. Hey Ryan a bunch of us are having a little party after the dance wanna go? I shook my head Missy you are such a b****. Don't ever talk to me, look at me or anything we're through! I raced home and I just stopped I couldn't take it anymore. The room around me started spinning and it came clear to me. Brianna tried to kill herself because of me. My mom I guess knew what was happening because she came over and hugged me. Tears were streaming down my face by now. Mom I cried I'm so sorry I was so horrible to Brianna. Missy and I are the reason she wanted to die. My mom looked at me with tears in her eyes. Ryan Samuel Friar you cannot blame yourself for this! Brianna wasn't happy with herself it was her own choice and doing. I nodded okay, but can I go to the hospital? She shook her head I don't think that's the best idea. Because if Brianna wakes up and sees you it could cause her to go down that hole again. I sighed okay I guess I'll just stay here.
Faith POV
I don't know why my big brother is crying. I've never seen him do that before. I think something maybe wrong with Brianna they keep saying her name. I went over to mommy. Mommy did Brianna go somewhere? That just made Ryan cry harder. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make him sadder! Mom smiled and grabbed Clay come on I'll explain it to you.
Ryan POV
It's almost midnight and there's still no word on Brianna. I'm starting to get really worried that she didn't make it. Faith and Clay don't really understand what's going on. Mom told them that Brianna wasn't happy here and she tried to go somewhere else, but we're trying to make her stay. I was sorta not really watching a movie when Clay came up to me. Ryan did Brianna try to commit suicide? My entire mouth went dry and my stomach dropped. How could Clay an innocent 6 year old boy know that?! I grabbed his arm how did you learn about that?! He sighed well this kid at school his brother did it last month. He said he was trying to fly when a rope stopped him. I swallowed hard that means he hung himself. My eyes started to water again I picked up Clay and put him on the couch. You know Clay I wish you didn't have to live in a world like this. I wish 6 year olds like you still believed in peace and happiness. No one should know what it's like to lose someone to suicide. He nodded yes I know, but the kids parents told him about it because they didn't want him to make the same mistake. I smiled Clayton Jacob Friar you are one smart dude. He gave a big smile cool! Can I go tell Faith now so she can be smart too?! I didn't want my innocent little sister knowing about that stuff. I shook my head um no let's just keep this between us you don't want to tell anyone okay? He nodded and ran off. I couldn't believe 6 year olds knew how suicide works. I fell asleep until my phone started buzzing at around 4:00am it was Brooke thank God! Hello? I said anxiously. She's okay she's just unconscious. I could tell by Brooke's voice that she's been crying which means there's more to the story. So she'll be okay then right? Brooke sighed um Ryan maybe you should come down here. I thought about what mom said. No I can't I don't want her to see me and hate herself again. Ryan she won't hate you! You could help her get conscious again. I groaned no Brooke I can't I'm not good for her! I hung up and put my head in my hands. I went up to my room and tried to fall asleep, it didn't really work. Now I will always have the burden of knowing Brianna tried to kill herself over me.

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