Prom Kings

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Dan was sat in the cafeteria with his bestfriend Phil and friend Louise. It seemed like everyone was going to the end of the year prom except for Dan. No one had ever asked him and there was nobody he wanted to go with anyway..he really would have rather stayed home with Phil, playing Sonic all night.

Phil was sat down next to Dan, he had always wanted to ask Dan to go since they found out about it. But, of course he was way to shy to.

"So are you going to prom with anybody, Phil?" Louise asked. Dan looked towards Phil and then at Louise, smiling a bit.

Phil shook his head "No, are you?" He asked her and glanced quickly at Dan, he had had a crush on him since they were young. But, Phil has never been able to confess those kind of things to Dan.

Dan looked towards Phil, feeling a bit happy that Phil wasn't going with anyone. He'd liked Phil for years now but was always too afraid to tell him. "Yeah actually. You know Matt?" she asked, pointing at a guy across the room and smiling,"He asked me to go." She beamed.

"That's sweet." Phil grinned and looked at Dan "are you going with anyone?" He asked, hoping that he would say no since Phil wanted to try to ask him tomorrow

"Me? Oh uhm. No." Dan replied softly, looking back at Phil. Ofcourse he wouldn't go to prom. Even if someone asked him. Unless it was with Phil.

Phil nodded, his facial expression made it seem like he felt bad for Dan, that he didn't have a prom date. But, really Phil was happy that he had a better chance for him to say yes

Dan smiled, wiping a piece of fringe out of his eye and looking back to Louise as she began to speak,"Ooh. Do you have any ideas of who you'd like to go with, though?"

Phil looked down blushing a bit "I mean .. Of course I wanted to ask someone. But, not like anyone would agree" he shrugged,
Trying not to blush

"Awh, Phil don't worry. You're a wonderful person, I'm sure whoever you have in mind would love to go to prom with you." Louise smiled. Dan noticed Phil's blushing. The person he wanted to ask must have been at their table.

Phil giggled "Thank you, Louise. I really hope that .. The person agrees." He smiled and leaned his chin against his hand.

Louise nodded,"No problem. Hey, the prom is this Friday..and today is Wednesday. You should ask them soon." Dan looked at Phil, wondering who the lucky person that would get to go to prom with Phil was

Phil looked at her, a little smile pulling at his lips "Yeah, I was planning on maybe asking them tomorrow." He tried his best to hold back the blushing

"That's great." Louise smiled. The bell rang all of a sudden signalling them switching to their next class,"Well, good luck with your prom date, Phil. See you in English class." She said cheerfully, beginning to leave the cafeteria.

"Alright, thank you!" Phil smiled and stood up, taking his books off at the seat next to him and beginning to walk to his next class

~~Next Day~~
It was Thursday now and the gym that the prom was being held in was decorated for it a day in advance. Dan was sat in the back of maths class wondering who Phil was going to ask to prom

Phil wanted to ask Dan during lunch, since that was the only time he saw him that wasn't during a class. He had flowers in his locker that he had bought to give to Dan whilst asking him.

Dan glanced across the room at Phil and then at the clock on the wall. It was almost lunch. Maybe Phil already had asked someone to prom. Dan sighed at the thought.

Phil grew more nervous as the time went by, 'what if Dan says no and doesn't want to be his friend anymore?' He thought to himself, which made him tremble

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