Forgotten Oyster Card

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Dan was 19, and was still living with his parents since he never really had enough money to move out yet.
One day, he decided to Come Out to them. It was the scariest thing he had ever done but living life in the closet was even scarier. After he told them this new information swearing and offensive words were shouted at him. He was not expecting any of this since before he didn't know their option on it. Dan was surprised and hurt. but, most he was sure that he couldn't live with people like this. He picked up a few valuables and that night, left the house, for good

Phil was walking home from his job at Tesco's because he had forgotten his Oyster card that provided him with rides on the tube. It was cold and he didn't bring a jacket with him because he swore it wasn't this cold when he left early this morning to his job. And now he had a long way to walk to get back to his flat and it was already beginning to get dark and he absolutely hated being outside in the dark. He felt so vulnerable and alone in the dark. Especially when most of the usually bright street lamps aligning the streets were out. He sighed and carried on walking.

Dan began walking along the pavement, he had no idea where he was going but as long as it was away from home, he didn't care.
He began to quietly cry as he feet dragged, he was cold and tried but mostly just wanted someone who was accepting

Phil checked the time on his phone and then looked up. He was still about a 20 minute walk from home. Phil looked around, biting his lip and picking up his pace so that he would get into the comfort of his own home sooner.

Dan began to run a bit, he wanted to be farther just incase someone noticed that he was missing. He run until he accidentally banged into someone

Phil wasn't paying much attention where he was going, looking down and just hoping he'd be home soon. He felt someone run into him and let out a little,"Ah!"

Dan squealed and almost fell. "S-sorry." He squeaked out, trying to make sure that the person didn't notice his crying

"It's okay." Phil said, looking up at the person with beautiful brown eyes and brown hair that fell in front of his left eye. He noticed that the person seemed upset and like they were running away from something,"Hey..are you uhm..are you okay?" He asked.

Dan shook his head "N-no, Don't worry about it." He mumbled and tried to hide his face, it was red and covered in tears which made Dan feel embarrassed

Phil already felt bad for the person and even though he didn't know him, he wanted to help him,"No," He looked around, noticing a small coffee shop on the corner of the street,"It's cold out, do you want to go to that coffee shop and you can tell me what happened? If you're comfortable with it, I don't have to." He said.

Dan nodded "y-yeah, I have no where else to go anyway." He said quietly and looked up at the person

"Okay, come on." Phil said, walking beside him as he headed towards the coffee shop, opening the door for the boy when they got there

Dan followed him to the coffee stop, doing his best to hide behind the boy since Dan was very self conscious

Phil walked into the shop with the boy. Not many people were there except for two older people say in the corner. It was really quiet which Phil liked and there was no line. "What coffee do you want?" Phil asked him, knowing that maybe since he looked like he was crying, he'd rather have have him order the coffee for him.

"Uhm." Dan looked at the choices for different coffee types and pointed to one of them

Phil looked towards the one he was pointing at and nodded, taking the money out of his wallet and stepping forwards to order for them.

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