Chapter 21: Oh No!

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I smelt the mice all in the air, and it smelt like they were plenty of them as well. If I could even just get 2 or 3 I would be very happy, but based off of the smell that I scented, it seemed like I might be able to get plenty more.
I smelt like there was a whole gathering place of mice in one of the nearby abandoned twolegs nest. I wondered if that was a place that they met up at, or if maybe they just lived in there like a clan. It did not make sense though, surely mice were not smart enough to form up into a clan...
I shook my head, as I stared at the abandoned twoleg nest that was in front of me, the same twoleg nest that I could smell hundreds of mice in. It smelt so good, and it smelt so fresh and yummy as well. You did not even want to know how hungry I felt at the moment as well.
My stomach had been grumbling all day, and I was tempted to ask Shadowclan for some food, but I did not want Dust to find out about that, and maybe get the sense that our clan was weak and starving. There sure were a lot more of them in their camp, than there were on ours.
I shivered at the same time as well, as I did my best to stop thinking about that cat at the same time as well. I did not trust him, but sometimes my first instinct got the best of me as well. He could just seem like a evil cat, but he just was a bit rude to the other cats that were with him.
Escpecially Heart for example, a future medicine cat did not deserve to be treated that way by any cat in the first place. I shivered once again, as I shook my head to clear out all of those thoughts. I did my best to get my mind focused back on the present.
I stared at the twoleg place that was in front of me once again, and then I nodded for myself to go ahead and head over towards it, before it was too late, and the mice might go into hiding, or the other cats that I was with, might fall asleep as well.
I then went ahead, and I hopped down from the fence, as I then slowly began making my way over to it, trying to be as quiet, and as stealthy as possible. I did not know if there might be some mice on the outside of the place at the same time too.
If one of them were to see me, or to hear me, it would begin to yell to the others to warn them that I was coming. Then, I might not have any chance to catch a single mice, and I would starve again for another night. I shook my head at the same time, doing my best to think positive, and to tell myself that it would not happen as well.
Just as I thought like that, I stepped on a small little stick that was in the yard at the same time as well, as it made quite a loud crack once I did in fact step on it. I stopped myself, and my body, and my nerves began to give out on me, as I was fairly sure that I had just messed everything up.
I sat there for a few more moments, as I waited for at any moment, that there would be a mouse squeaking to all of its companions, that there was danger in front of them. I sat there with my eyes closed for just a bit longer, as all I heard was silence.
I shook my head, as I then opened my eyes, and then nodded to myself to go ahead and move on closer to the place that was in front of me. I slowly began to walk, this time paying attention to what it was that was in front of me at the same time as well.
I knew as I drew any closer to the place at the same time too, that if I stepped on another stick like the one that I had just stepped on in the first place, than the mice would be more likely to hear it as well. I kept my eyes on the ground and what was ahead of me at the same time as well, as I just kept on walking.
I then stopped myself, as I realized that I was at the front entrance to the place. The place had no door at all, like most twoleg places would have had, so I could tell that the place had not been in use of a twoleg in quite a long time as well.
I seemed to remember Youngtail telling ghost stories about a place like this as well, and it might very well have been the place that was in front of me too. I shivered for a few moments, as I remembered one of the ghost stories that he had said to me and Silent.

Me and Silent sat beside each other, right up next to the fresh kill pile, as we sat together staring at Youngtail, as he had his eyes squinted at us. It was like both of us were little kits, and Youngtail was the elder that was going to tell us a scary bed time story.
I nodded for the cat to go ahead and continue with the story, as he had just been staring at us a bit creepily for quite some time now, as he had told us so far about the abandoned twoleg place that was beside where he used to live.
I could see that Silent was shivering like a kit as well, and I wanted to roll my eyes at him, but based off of what he had said to us so far, I could say for a fact that he was not the only cat that was freaked out at the moment. I shook my head to myself, and then I lifted it up as I heard Youngtail continue on with where he had left off.
"The place... It had not been used since I had moved into my place. At night, you could hear the groans from the dead cats that had not made it to Starclan in there." He said to us. He then squinted his eyes at both of us, but I could tell that he had them squinted at Silent mainly.
I wondered why it might have been so at the same time as well, as I did my best to focus my mind on why he was giving Silent that look. I remembered the last part of what it was that he had just said. The cats that had not made it to Starclan.
He thought that Silent did not believe in Starclan. I was not sure if he did or not either yet, but he was not the cat that you should worry about at the moment. Many other cats would laugh it off when you brought up the Starclan cats, but it seemed that Silent always had an open mind to it.
I shook my head though, as I could tell that Silent had not noticed it, and maybe I was thinking too deep on it at the same time as well. I saw that he had his eyes wide open, as he was in fact a bit scared, but he then began to speak back to Youngtail as well.
"That is scary... I do not want to ever go over to that place..." He said back to Youngtail. Youngtail looked at him for a few more moments, and then he nodded to him, as he looked away from the both of us for just a few moments as well.
I began biting into the piece of rabbit that me, Silent, and Youngtail had gone to split amongst ourselves. Silent did the same as well, as Youngtail just sat there staring up at the sky, almost as if he were speaking to those cats at the same time as well.
I shivered and then just kept on eating, as Silent did the same as well. I had seen the look that Youngtail had given that old twoleg nest. It did not look like a sad or an angry look, but it looked like a bit more of a scared look. It made me shiver even more as I wish that I had not noticed it.
We had just gone to Riverclan to pick him back up, and to make sure that he was okay at the same time as well. On the way back to the camp, we had managed to find our way into a rabbit, and we managed to catch it and bring it back to camp for us.
Not that the camp should be too worried about prey at the same time as well. I smiled, as I got my mind off of those thoughts, as it felt good to me that the clan was doing so good right now. It made me feel at least a somewhat decent leader.
I kept on biting into my piece of rabbit, as kept that same smile through the rest of my meal. Once I was done with the final gulp, I looked at the both of them, as I saw that both of them were still eating, and I began to head to the dead prey pile to dump away the rest of the rabbits body.
Just as I had began to walk off however, I heard a familiar voice speak from behind me as well, as I looked over at the cat that had just spoken. I noticed the cat right away to be Limp, and she had a bit of a smile on her face that I could tell meant that she was a bit amused for some reason. I nodded to her, as I listened to what it was that she had to say, as she began to speak.
"Youngtail! You are joking right? You know just as well as I do, if a cat has been bad, then he or she goes to the dark forest." She said to him. I looked at her for a few moments, a bit confused as to what it was that she was talking about in the first place.
I had never heard of such a place as that, were they just making up things as to try and scare us. I shook my head for a few moments, as I did my best not to worry about all of that. I was a good cat, so I knew that no matter what, I was going to Starclan.
Silent shook his head, as I could tell just based off of all the hair that was sticking out all over to place, that it had given him quite a scare. He too got up at the same time as well, and he followed me over to where it was that we dumped out all of our prey.
I rolled my eyes, as I knew that I was not a kit, so I really should not be getting scared about stories like those in the first place anyways. Me and Silent began to walk away from the other 2, but I turned my head last moment as I heard Youngtail begin to speak once again.
"Yes... I know that, but it was just a story that I wanted to try to scare them with." He said back to Limp. I rolled my eyes once again, as I kept on walking with Silent over to the dead prey place. Thinking about what it was that Youngtail had just said at the same time as well.
He had said that he knew that was not the place that evil cats went, so I was a bit confused now... Did that mean that the dark forest was in fact a real place that bad cats went to go? I shivered, and tried to clear out all of those thoughts, as me and Silent landed at the prey pile.
Me and him then both began to dig a large hole together, for both of us to make dirt, and also a place to drop our prey, and thank Starclan for the prey at the same time as well. I knew that Silent didn't understand quite yet about why I did it, but he would listen to it and add in to it as well.

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