Chapter Six

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        Both Darla and Ana had said that after being shocked I would need to be monitored, so as much as I hated being in hospital settings, I had to go to the med ward. I was lying down on a hard medical bed, covered by a thin white blanket that felt like it was making me more cold rather than keeping me warm. I've never been someone to watch television, but I found that watching Jerry Springer try to calm down a man who had just learned his wife had originally had a penis was doing a decent job of distracting me from the last time I had been in a hospital. During commercials I was taken back to just after my mother's accident, and the look on the surgeon's face when he came out of the operating room, but Jerry's voice would snap me out of it every time.

          I was mostly relaxed and contemplating taking a nap when Kory walked in. I watched him wordlessly as he pulled a chair from the corner of the room and sat by my bed. He pointed at the television.

            “That man is about to punch someone.”

            “Oh yeah?” I said, rolling on my side to see Kory better.

            “Yep. See how he’s clenching his fist? He’s thinking about it right now.” He leaned back, splaying his legs out in front of him.

            “You’re full of it.”

            Kory shook his head, and pointed at the screen again. “Three… two… one.” The man swiftly took off across the stage after his wife… partner… whatever.

            “Body language.” Kory explained when I raised my eyebrows at him. I huffed, and turned onto my back. Of course he would work in a lesson.

            “What do you want anyway?” I muttered.

            Not looking away from the show, Kory responded. “To check on you.”

            “Why? I’m okay.” A sideways look from him made me grin. “For the most part anyway.”

            His quick grin made my stomach do backflips. Sobering, he turned so he was fully facing me. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. Clasping his hands, he said, “I feel bad.”

            I waited, figuring he would elaborate when he was ready. He could be talking about a multitude of things. “You’re a civilian; you shouldn’t have to be here. Most of us who chose to be guardians have a background in law enforcement at the very least.”

            “Oh.” I said, disappointed, though I tried not to show it. I figured he would be apologizing for how he handled the pool incident, but of course he wasn’t. With the bright lights, I could see a thin scar below his lower lip. Raising my gaze from dangerous territory, I looked him in the eyes. “So?”

            He raked his hands through his hair, which made me appreciate the way his white T-shirt bunched over his chest. “I want to take it easy on you. Even though I know I shouldn’t.”

            I made a cutting motion with my hand. “Hey. Don’t get all pity party on me. What’s done is done, and I’ll be on my way home soon, with some new skills that will keep me safe. And I’m alive, so it’s all good. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”

            He smiled again. “You’re kind to try to make me feel better. Although, that is a good way at looking at it. Many people would not be calm about any of this.” He swore. “To be honest, a lot of them would be blubbering messes.”

            “Well, I’m not a lot of people. I’m just Elle. And I’m usually good at following orders, as long as they are explained to me first. If not for you yelling at me that night, I’d probably be howling at the moon.” I grinned. I liked this side of him, where he behaved like an actual person and not a drill sergeant.“Thank you for saving me by the way. I haven’t got around to telling you, but I appreciate it.”

            Snorting, he reached over and patted my hand like I was a child. “Don’t worry about it. It’s my job and I would’ve done it for anyone. It’s not like you were a special case or anything. I am usually the person who gets the task of fetching newly discovered guardians.”

I scowled at him for a moment. Way to make a lady feel like a burden Kory, I thought. Out loud I said, “You could’ve just said you’re welcome.” I moved my hand out from underneath his and crossed my arms. Looking bewildered, Kory spread his hands out, with his palms up. “Anyway,” I continued, “speaking of your job; I’m over what happened at the pool. When you kissed me.”

            “Okay…” he said, eyebrows drawing together.  “Good. That’s good.” He sat back in the chair again with a frown.

            “You were right,” I said. “It would complicate things. I need to focus on getting home. How close to the finish line am I anyway?”

            He pressed his lips together for a moment. “You’ve progressed much faster that I thought you would. Two, maybe three more days. Then you just have to pass the final test.”

            “Hold up. Wait,” I said, holding my hand out. “What final test?”   

            He looked away. “To make sure you are ready.”

            “What’s on the test?”

            “It’s not a written test.” He said, looking back at the television. I could see his jaw clenching and unclenching.

            “What do you mean?” I was sitting up now, sensing that I wouldn’t like the answer, but tired of his verbal sidestepping.

            He swore. “Look… why don’t you rest up first, and then I’ll—”

            “Just tell me already!” I exclaimed.

            Kory sighed, and finally looked me in the eyes. “You’re going to have to fight a Lycan, and beat it. By yourself.”

            I had to fight one of those huge, terrifying, no-neck, sharp-fanged beasts? By myself? 

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