Chapter Fourteen

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        My vision began to flicker at the edges as the lycan that was once a man named Eric squeezed my throat. I knew that it was a lack of oxygen that caused it, especially as my lungs burned from trying to get air with no avail. I watched helplessly as the lycan opened his jaws, saliva sliding from his teeth to land in my face. It was a stupid thought to have, but I really wanted to be able to use my hands to wipe it off. It smelled like he had been licking his butt. Faintly, I heard howls echoing from deeper in the woods. Kory had told me that many Lycans could not prevent themselves from ripping apart their prey if there were more than a few dogs present. I took comfort in the fact that I would merely be devoured and not turned. I did not want to become one of the monsters.

            I closed my eyes, calmly awaiting my fate. When the lycan abruptly released its hold, my eyes popped back open in surprise. I immediately attempted to punch it in the throat, but he caught my hand. With a bare minimum of effort, it grabbed my other hand, effectively pinning me to the ground. Baring its teeth, it growled at me before lifting its head and howling. Another chorus of howls answered it, this time closer than they had been. I thrashed underneath the creature, trying in vain to dislodge it before the others arrived. I kept bringing up one knee, trying to hit it in the gonads but missing each time. I gasped in surprise when the lycan was unexpectedly gone. Sitting up, I smiled weakly as I saw Kory and Robert pummeling the lycan with nightsticks that had a silver coating while Evelyn held it still. Lee appeared directly in front of my face, his piercicng blue eyes filled with dread.

        “Did it bite you?” He asked. I shook my head and promptly passed out.


        I awoke slowly. I could smell antiseptic and starch, and I could hear the beeping of multiple machines. Opening my eyes, I looked around me. Had they taken me to a hospital? If so, I didn’t look forward to the onslaught of questions the doctors were sure to ask. I sat up slowly, shifting my feet over the side of the table. They had taken off my clothes; I was now in a hospital gown. I inspected the neat rows of stitches on my arm and thigh, thankful I hadn’t been awake to receive them. I stood on my bare feet after checking to make sure I didn’t have any tubes sticking out of me. Taking off a machine that had my fingertip in a clamp, I took a few more steps to make sure I was steady.

        I walked out of the little room, and instantly knew where they had taken me. I was at the infirmary in the compound, and the thought filled me with anger. I didn't want to be here! I looked up and down the hallway I was in, wondering which way to go in order to find Kory. I jumped when someone called my name. Turning around, I spotted Ana walking briskly toward me. Busted. Smiling sheepishly I waved.

        “What are you doing up?” She barked at me, a frown puckering her eyebrows. “Get back in the bed.”

        Sighing, I said, “I’m okay Nurse Rachet, calm down.”

        Ana’s mouth pursed. Leaning forward, she grabbed my hand and closed her eyes. After a few seconds, she opened them. “I guess you’re well enough to be out and about.”

        “What happened? And where are my clothes?”

        “Your clothes were ruined, and we had to cut them off of you. As for what happened, Kory told me that you had snuck out of the house, but that Robert had touched you beforehand. Robert told Kory that you seemed upset and likely to do something risky, and they tracked you. It was pretty hard from what I heard. Kory had to carry Robert so he could see your path. Then when they found you, it looked like a dog was about to bite you; if it hadn’t already. You lost quite a bit of blood, and we had to give you a transfusion.” She relayed the information without any of her usual spunk.

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