Chapter Eleven

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        We stopped and ate before we went to The Lion’s Mane Tavern. All we’d had earlier in the morning was coffee, so we stopped at a drive through and grabbed a few burgers that we scarfed down in the parking lot. On the way to the bar, we agreed that only one or two people should go in and ask questions.

        Evelyn was out, because her height would make her stand out like a sore thumb. Robert was out for the same reason. He wasn’t as noticeable as Evelyn, but Kory said we didn’t want people talking about us after we’d left. Lee apparently used to be a big drinker, but was currently on the wagon, so he refused to go in. He said he didn’t want to give into temptation. And I was out too.

         “We don’t want anyone to come in and hear about us. And especially not you Elle. If you came in, and a lycan heard a description of you, they’d know that we were on to them, and that you were working with us. It’s just too risky.” Kory said as we pulled into the parking lot. Even though it was just after eleven in the morning, it was halfway full. “Popular place I’m guessing?” He said, finding a spot on the far side of the parking lot, but with a clear view of the door. I didn’t answer as he parked.

        “Should we come in and get you if you’re not out in fifteen minutes?” I asked, twirling my hair around a fingertip nervously. “Should we call in the cavalry?” I got irritated when they started laughing at me. “Don’t laugh! It’s a valid question.” I muttered, throwing up my hands and getting defensive.

         Evelyn reached up and patted me on the shoulder apologetically. “It’s okay honey, you’re new to this. If a mature lycan walked into that bar, odds are he wouldn’t know who Kory is. Even if he did know, he wouldn’t do anything in broad daylight. There’s a reason werewolves are considered a legend. Trust me, they don’t want anyone knowing about their existence that would get angry mobs with pitchforks and video phones to come knocking on their doors. Kory will be fine.” I shook my head and shrugged, embarassed.

        “I’ll be back soon.” Kory said, getting out of the car. He leaned back in for a moment and looked at us. “Just stay out here and don’t cause any scenes. I doubt that it would happen, but if anyone comes to the car, just act natural and send them on their way as quick as possible.” Shutting the door, he strode into the building casually, just a guy out to get a beer and some early lunch.

            For the first ten minutes or so, all was quiet in the car. Then Lee started humming the tune to The Andy Griffith show, and started a chain reaction. Evelyn began tapping the tune, and then Robert joined in with the actual whistle. It took all of thirty seconds to wear me down before I couldn’t take anymore. The song felt entirely too cheerful for the situation.

         “So guys, why did you join up?” I asked. The mood in the car dropped to sober instantly. They all stopped with the tune at the same time, making me feel like I had just crashed a party. I didn’t dare turn around. “Or... you don’t have to say anything. Maybe just pick a different sitcom theme song? No offense, but that one was starting to drive me buggy.” After  a minute or two of silence, I had to turn around. Each of them looked a little lost in their own worlds. “Seriously guys. Forget that I asked.” Evelyn had her hand over her heart, Lee had his teeth clenched and was staring out of the window, but Robert was looking at me.

         “Kory.” He said. I didn’t reply. I figured I’d already stuck my foot in my mouth once, so silence was probably the best option. Taking a deep breath, Robert continued. “I joined when I was seventeen. Too young for the military, I know, but not for the Ailis. I had been camping with my family. It’s funny to think about now, because I miss them so much, but back then I hated our yearly camping trip. We had went up to the upper peninsula of Michigan, like we did every summer. The Sleeping Bear Dunes are beautiful, and during the summer it's hot enough to go swimming after working up a sweat climbing them. It was nighttime, and we were talking around a campfire.”

Moonlit DangersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora