School days || Kevin x Jacob (The boyz)

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*This one shot will be written in 3rd perspective, Kevin POV and Jacob POV*

It was like every other school day, waking up at 6:00 am to his Beyonce alarm blaring in his ears and heading off to school. Kevin hated most subjects in school, but some people made it better. Honestly the only good parts of his school day was music and his science class. He had a lot of friends in that class, such as Jacob, Park Jihoon, Kang Daniel, Sana and Daehyun. There were others, but they didn't exactly matter to Kevin.
Jacob woke up to the sound of a rubber chicken alarm and rolled out of bed. He took a english muffin and headed off to school. His favorite subject was Science and Music. Jacob loved to sing and write songs, and even if they were never heard by anyone, he hoped they would someday.

Kevin's POV
I push through the doors of the front of the school and walk to put my instrument away, when I see a familiar face waiting by my cubby. 'Shit I look horrible right now, couldn't he wait till I'm actually awake?' I snap out of my thoughts when the familiar face calls me over with an innocent smile on his face. "Kev! Why are you just standing there?" The boy says.
"S-sorry, I'm coming now!!"
Jacobs puts his hand on my shoulder and rubs it, causing my face to turn a bright pink.
'God dammit Kevin get your shit together'
We talk for a bit and then go our separate ways, him going to Study Hall and me going to Photography.

Jacobs POV
It was lunch now, 3 periods had passed and I am STARVING. I get in line to get the garbage they call lunch and head back to my table. I sit reading a book titled, "Kafka on the Shore" until my friends get here. Finally after what feels like forever, Kevin and Eric sit down at the table.
"Sorry we were late, Kevin had to go fix his face and hair in the bathroom." Eric says, as he gives Kevin a death glare.
Kevin hits Eric's arm pretty hard, causing Eric to yelp.
"YAHHH, what was that for?"
"Just go get your lunch stuipid." Kevin sits down next to Jacob, and opens the bag containing his sandwich in it and starts eating.
I take a quick look at Kevin admiring his facial features.
"What?" Kevin says with his mouth full.
I grab Kevin's mouth and close it, causing a noticeable blush to spread across Kevin's face.
"Don't talk with your mouth open silly."
I chuckle looking at the shocked expression on Kevin's face.

Kevin's POV
I sit there like an idiot staring at Jacob, not wanting to look away.
Eric comes back to me and Jacob staring at each other like fools.
"U-uh I hate to break up the love stares but did we have math homework?" Erics says smiling.
I snap out of the long staring contest and shake my head 'no' at Eric's question.
"I-I g-gotta go to the bathroom." I stutter getting up and almost tripping over my own chair.
I walk as fast as humanly possible to the bathroom.

3rd person
Jacob watches in confusion as Kevin leaves to the bathroom
Jacob gets up cautiously and heads to the bathroom slowly after Kevin.
Kevin locked himself in a stall just stood there, rethinking, overthinking and rethinking.
Jacob picks up his pace as he comes closer to the bathroom door.
Jacob bursts into the bathroom going up the stall that Kevin locked himself in.

Jacob's POV
"Open up Kev, talk to me!"
Nothing is heard from the other side of the door.
"Kev please" I say, starting to worry even more.
Finally after what seemed like forever, a sound was heard from the other side of the door.
The lock is turned and the door opens allowing me to come inside.
Kevin's face is red, I'm not sure if it is from embarrassment or tears.
Either way, I quickly walk up to Kevin and embrace him in a tight hug.
It takes a bit for him to hug me back but when he does, my stomach gets butterflies.
"J-jacob can I tell you something? And you can't judge me okay?" Kevin says, his voice shaking.
"Of course, I would never judge you for anything and you know that!!" I say supportively, breaking away from the hug so I can look at him in the eyes.
"Promise?" Kevins says, still hesitant.
"Promise!" I say taking his pinky in mine, signifying a pinky promise.
"I-I like you and I have for years." Kevin says, quickly looking down at his feet.
I stand there, shocked. Honestly, I've thought he did for years now. I just never thought he would actually say it out loud.
"I-Its okay if you do-" I cut Kevin off by doing something I never thought I would do.
I grabbed Kevin's face and kissed him on the lips, signifying that I have liked him for years.
I can feel Kevin smile through our kiss which makes me giggle in turn.
We pull away and rest our foreheads together.
"I'm guessing you feel the same, huh-?" Kevin giggles.
I smile and kiss Kevin on the nose.
"Yes, stuipid" I smile
"Will you be my boyfriend?" Kevin says shyly.
"Yes!" I say excitedly.
I pull Kevin in for a hug whisper 'thank you' in his ear sending shivers down his spine
We head back to the table where Eric is sitting there in confusion.
"What took you guys so long?" Eric says, eying me smiling.
We sat down across from Eric.
Me and Kevin just look at each other laughing, and I grab his hand under the table causing him to blush and jump a bit from my sudden gesture of romance.
"Seriously guys, what am I missing????" Eric says genuinely concerned.
"Nothing!!" Me and Kevin both say at the same time.


I hope you all enjoyed!! It's my first time writing fan fictions!!!

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