Premature Celebratory Donuts

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We're back at it again and this time it's much more wild, intense, and bizarre. And like every case, nothing seems connected, until it is. Got it? Great.

Now... where did we leave off?

It was a normal fall morning in Seattle. Well, truthfully, every morning is normal, everything is normal. Much like the ordinary, it's what you choose to focus on that makes something odd or normal.

This morning was odd in the sense that it was, arguably, arbitrarily, normal. Odd is like that. Being normal can make things odd and being odd can make things normal. And normal was something that Dirk, Todd, and Farah were getting more and more used to.

With a lack of cases throughout the summer, things were getting suspicious. And at first, they welcomed it. It was very much needed before Todd recovered because he was worried he was going to have to be running for his life on his crutches or have Dirk carry him, the latter of the two he wouldn't mind but the problem was it's hard to run for your life when you are carrying another human. But no, the universe gave them a break. And while it was welcome, it still felt off. But slowly they became more accustomed to the idea of a "normal" life considering that Blackwing was no longer a problem looming over them. They even began to wonder if they were going to live a "normal" life now that Blackwing was gone. Maybe the universe was fixed?

So, this morning was normal. That was a specific choice of words, "this morning". Notice how I didn't say "today"? We'll get back to that later, for now, let's check in on our favorite couple on this fine, "normal", fall, morning.

Todd awoke feeling chilly, as usual, all of the blankets were stolen. He looked out the window beside his bed that shown the classic grey Seattle sky. And now came his favorite thing about mornings, he rolled over to see Dirk smiling at him through sleepy eyes.

"Good morning, darling." Dirk brushed his fingers through Todd's hair.

"Dude, you've gotta stop stealing the blankets." He pretended to be angry but he couldn't help smile. "I'm freezing"

"Well come over here then."

Todd rolled his eyes and shuffled next to Dirk before he wrapped the blankets he stole around them both, pulling him in as tight as he could.

The proper warmth Todd had been missing engulfed him the moment he entered the cave of the pile blankets Dirk insisted all had to be in bed with them. And still, almost every morning, they all ended up on his side of the bed despite them having plenty to share. The cozy, toasty feeling combined with Dirk's also warm arms around him made it a struggle to keep his eyes open. And eventually, he didn't fight it. " Ugh ," he grunted, "I don't want to get up."

"Me either, but work. It's already 7:30 and I haven't had any tea."

"We can be a little late, not like anything happens anymore anyway. We just sit around doing nothing all day, let's get a headstart on doing nothing."

"I suppose you're right."

They lied like that for a moment. Silent. Content. Dirk's head rested on Todd's shoulder, he buried his nose in his neck, losing all self-control as he tenderly pressed his lips against his skin.

Todd flipped over and smiled at Dirk, stroking his cheek with his thumb lovingly, eyes shingling like the moon. "I love you, you know that?"

"I'm wildly aware... and I love you too." Todd chuckled at Dirk's response before pulling him into a sweet kiss.

The heart fluttering tenderness of each other's lips, and the warmth of each other's arms sent them into a state of euphoria that they would never get sick of. That feeling of being safe, being loved, being at home in their embrace. Knowing that they could be free to love, knowing they wouldn't be hurt by Blackwing anymore, knowing for once... everything would be alright.

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