Chapter 4: A Butler's Task

Start from the beginning

Boxley sighed, shamefully looking at the pictures once more. While his mind was telling him to do his job, his heart was screaming at him to erase the memory card. However, remembering who his employer is, he forced himself to stay on task. As the day went on, he continued to pass time by arguing with himself. Thinking of what be could do, what he would say upon refusing to report back. In the end his conclusion was always the same, he knew it was best not to challenge a prince of Hell. Soon, he finally saw all of you leaving the building. However, he quickly ducked as Moxxie looked in his direction.

"Hm? Somethin' wrong sweetie?"

"Not particularly, but has anyone else noticed that car has been parked there all day?"

"Eh, somebody probably left it there. It won't last a day though, you know there are looters out here. Anywho, the rest of the day is ours gang! (Y/N) and I were wondering if you wanted to go wedding shopping with us."

"Oh of course we would! I've been wearin' the same old dress for so long, it's high time for somethin' new." Millie squealed.

"I could use a new suit, but what's your theme? Is there a certain color we should be looking out for?"

"Not really, Blitzø wants a more rustic theme for the wedding. He calls it Starlit Stable, should be interesting with the surprise I have planned."

"And I can't wait." Blitzø giggled as he held your arm, kissing your cheek.

"You guys are almost too cute, you know that?" Loona teased "Let's get going, the shop is gonna close soon."

"Oh, were not going to that shop. We're heading over to Misa's place."

"Who now?"

"Her name is Misa Akabane, she's the dressmaker friend I told you guys about. And she'll keep the shop open for us as long as we need. Let's get going, I think you'll like her."

'Sweet Lucifer I was right, they are romantically involved. And they're engaged too? This might complicate things...Although...he doesn't have to know that last part right away. Saying they're dating would be one thing, but what would he do if I told them they were to be married?' he gulped, already imagining Stolas' rage 'This will not end well for them, or for me if I don't play my cards right.' He was so lost in his thoughts that he nearly missed his chance to follow you all to your next destination.

"Maybe we should go with the classic look instead, it's pretty traditional. Then again maybe that's too old school, this one looks nice though..." You could only laugh as Blitzø scanned the mannequins in the store.

"Babe will you relax? We have plenty of time to get our suits, there's no rush at all."

"And I swear he said 'maybe' at least 100 times since we walked in." Loona commented.

"Well it's not every day you get to shop for a wedding Loona, especially your own. And can you please get off that phone and at least try to pick a dress? Like it or not you are dressing up."

"(Y/N) said I could wear a suit if I wanted to. You on the other hand never said it had to be a dress." she countered. Blitzø glared at you as you tried to escape with a casual whistle.

"Don't give me that (F/N) (L/N), she is not wearing a suit!"

"I don't see anything wrong with it, it's only fair that it's her choice."

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