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"Okay, okay, sit down its time to eat."

Grace Pryor instructed all of the people that had come for Thanksgiving dinner at her home. Everyone took their seats, happily waiting for the time to start eating.

Elliot grabbed her boyfriend's hand, stopping him from grabbing food from one of the many platters on the table, sending him a glare. "What?" Owen whispered his question.

"We have a tradition." She whispered back, pulling his hand into her lap to hold onto.

That was also when Elliot looked across the table to see that Caleigh had just done the same with Charlie, only the girl hadn't kept hold of the boy's hand. Both boys looked at each other confused as to why they weren't able to eat now. Tom and Esme, on the other hand, tried to stifle their laughter.

"Is everyone ready?" Derek Maynard, Caleigh's father, spoke up. The man was normally the one to lead the Thanksgiving tradition - even though the dinner always took place at the Pryor residence. "For our newcomers, Charlie and Owen, it's nice to have you here with us this year. To clue you in, we have a tradition before eating. Caleigh, care to explain?"

Caleigh smiled brightly, she was one who loved the tradition the most, so her father always let her start. "Every year, before we start eating, we go around the table and share something we're thankful for! Ya know, thankful, Thanksgiving. It makes sense."

Derek nodded to his daughter, basically reminding her that she was to start them out.

"This year," Caleigh looked around the table to everyone sitting around her. "I'm thankful for friends and family, even the friends that are rather new." Her eyes landed on Charlie, receiving a smile from the boy in return.

Elliot couldn't help but smile at her friends.

She was beyond thrilled to see Charlie and Caleigh clicking so well. Even if the two only ended up as friends, that was good enough for Elliot. Caleigh was an amazing friend so she knew that Charlie would be blessed either way.

"A new job!" Tori, Caleigh's older sister smiled.

Jason, the youngest Maynard was the one to speak up, "My senior year of high school is going pretty great."

Now it was Mrs. Lydia Maynard's turn, "Having all 3 of my wonderful children at home with me for Thanksgiving."

"Getting a promotion at work." Derek added his in.

Grace Pryor showed her biggest smile, "Having my 2 girls, my second family, my bonus son, Elliot's boyfriend, and their best friend with me for Thanksgiving. You all know I love having a full home."

"Being able to spend yet another Thanksgiving with the wonderful Maynard and Pryor families." Tom took his turn.

Esme was next, "Being able to keep booking modeling jobs!"

Now it was Elliot's turn, her eyes immediately found Owen's and she smiled brightly at him. Her heart was so full of love for the boy she couldn't handle it. The boy smiled back, loving seeing his girlfriend being so happy.

"I'm thankful for the Netflix show I get to work on, especially all of the wonderful people that it brought me too." Elliot let her eyes leave Owen's, her gaze drifting over to Charlie's their eyes connecting. She sent him a soft smile to which he returned.

Owen squeezed Elliot's hand before speaking up, "Definitely being able to experience different things with my favorite people."

All eyes landed on Charlie who just so happened to be the last one to go. He let out a nervous chuckle to which everyone laughed as well.

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