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"Elliot, Charlie, Owen, and Jeremy you 4 have a break for the next 3 hours." Kenny announced seeing as they were about to film scenes with just the Molina family, "Before you go, I need to talk to Charlie and Elliot."

Owen and Jeremy walked off, but Charlie and Elliot stayed put. Kenny walked over close to them and put a hand down on each other their shoulders.

"We're filming Elliot and Luke's breakup scene in a couple of days, you both know that it's a very emotional scene for the two... so I want you to make sure you're in the right mental state for it. It's a big turning point for Luke in the show."

Both actors nodded along to the director's comments. Kenny quickly dismissed them and the two left the area of set they were on.

"Owen!" Elliot called out and she caught up to the blond actor, leaving Charlie behind.

He stopped in his spot, turning to wait for the girl to catch up to him - a small smile showing on his face as she ran so excitedly over to him.

"What's up, El?"

Elliot shoved her hands in the back pockets of the pants she was wearing, rocking back and forth on her feet. "Have you ever napped in Julie's bed?"

Owen laughed at the randomness of the question. "Not yet, you and Tom are always there." His eyes never left her face.

"Would you like to?"

He just stared at her in confusion.


Elliot giggled and took one of Owen's hands in her own and pulled her with him. The two actors now running off to the area of set where Julie's bedroom was.

The girl finally stopped running when they walked through the door of the room. It was empty and the lights were off, just how she liked it. Elliot slipped her shoes off and climbed under the covers.

"What are you waiting for? Come join!" Elliot giggled, holding back the covers so the blond could join her.

Owen paused for a second. Had the girl he fell so hard for really just offered to nap with him?

He swallowed harshly before slipping his shoes off as well. Owen joined Elliot in the bed and she pulled the covers over them.

The girl let her head fall down onto his shoulder, "It's comfy, isn't it?" He voice was muffled as the blankets were up to her mouth at the moment.

Owen nodded. Suddenly feeling bold, the blond wrapped his arm around Elliot's waist to pull her closer to him. 


Elliot was secretly hoping he'd do that.

Physical touch was her main love language and she couldn't lie and say she didn't feel something whenever her and Owen were touching. She pushed away the thoughts of cuddling with Charlie that flooded her brain. She was with Owen right now, not Charlie.

She wanted to focus on the blond laying next to her, not the brunet who was probably causing chaos around set at the moment.

Elliot huffed as she moved her head from Owen's shoulder to his chest. "It's the best place to nap on set."

Owen tugged her body closer to him, his head now resting on the top of hers. "Is it better when someone else is here with you?" He mumbled his question.

"Mhmm." Elliot responded, her eyelids growing heavy, "I always slept better when Tom was here with me."

Owen wasn't sure why the thought of Elliot and Tom cuddling bothered him so much. The british boy had told him multiple times that there was nothing going on between the two. But still, it made him feel strange.

"You ever bring Charlie up here?" Owen immediately regretted asking the question the second it left his mouth.

Elliot was quick to answer. "Nope." She wasn't lying. She'd only ever cuddled with Charlie on the couch at her apartment.

Somehow, Elliot knew that Owen was going to bring up Charlie while they were in Julie's room. There was no doubt that Elliot and Charlie were close, hell, Owen had already gotten jealous of the two actors before.

Seeing as Elliot was trying out the girls' theory of Owen being perfect for her, she knew she had to deflect any Charlie rumors. No matter how much it killed her to deny her feelings for the Canadian.

"Can we sleep now?" Elliot questioned her blond cast mate.

She felt him nod against her head before readjusting his grip on her, pulling her closer to his body. Elliot rolled over onto her side, her head still on Owen's chest - but now her arm was over his stomach and their legs had tangled together.

"Don't worry, O. I remembered to set an alarm."

The boy chuckled as he closed his eyes, nestling his face into Elliot's hair, "Thanks, El."


Elliot rubbed her eyes as she woke up to her alarm. It was her 15 minute warning for her to be back on set.

She rolled over to face Owen and make sure he was awake, only to see that he was already gone. A pout formed on her lips as she pulled herself out of the bed, not even bothering to make it. Elliot slipped her shoes on and hugged as she went on the search for the blond actor.

After only a couple minutes of searching, she found Owen laughing with Jeremy and Charlie about something. She walked up next to him and stopped, letting the pout take over her face again and crossing her arms over her chest.

Jeremy gestured to the shorter girl, being the only one of the 3 to see her walk up. Owen quickly turned around and chuckled at her expression. "Hi."

"You left me." Elliot narrowed her eyebrows at the boy, hoping he'd catch the drift that she was unhappy with him.

Owen took Elliot's chin in his hand, squishing her cheeks as he began talking. "Sorry, El Baby, Kenny set a P.A. to wake me so I could reshoot a scene with Booboo."

Elliot blushed hard at Owen's nickname for her, wiggling her head out of his grasp to avoid him seeing the redness of her cheeks.

"Don't leave me like that again." she dropped her head onto his chest, "I don't like when people leave."

Owen, still laughing, wrapped his arms around the girl to pull her into a hug. He held Elliot there, her head resting on his chest, as he continued whatever conversation he was having with the boys.

A tug on the hem of Elliot's shirt caught her attention. She lifted her head from Owen's chest and looked in the direction of where her shirt was being tugged from. There he was, Charlie, pouting at the girl.

Elliot chuckled, "Do you need attention?"

Charlie nodded opening his arms for the girl. Elliot shook her head as she left Owen's arms and moved to Charlie's. There was nothing wrong with this, was there?

This was a strictly just friends hug between the two. Elliot and Charlie were both just extremely touchy people.

The two best friends now stood there with their arms around each other. It's how they preferred to be most of the time. They were the type of people who liked to be touching someone else at all times.

"You four ready?" one of the P.A. question the four actors.

Elliot and Charlie broke apart as they all nodded. They followed the woman through set and over to where they were filming. It was a scene in a coffee shop post them unintentionally/intentionally standing up Julie at the school dance because they were at Caleb's club.

"Let's do this thing!" Owen called out, throwing his arm over Elliot's shoulders as they walked.

Elliot reached her hand up to hold onto Owen's hand that was hanging by her shoulder. She looked up at the blond, the two smiling at each other as their eyes connected. The girl could get used to the way he made her feel.

Much to the two's fortunes, however, they missed the glare that Charlie sent Owen's way.

𝚑𝚎𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚡𝙴𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚘𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝

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