A Really Inconveniant Quest Part 4

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Sup guys! Sorry I didn't update, or Even start writing for so long. I was reading a few amazing books(they aren't PJO, they're just regular books, but it's amazing, and you can find it in my reading list"awesomeness that isn't Percy Jackson")
Anyways, I'm back, and planning to write this entire chapter in one hour, and update ASAP, cuz I left you guys waiting, and EVERY single chapter of mine seems to end in a cliffhanger( sorry about that!), so I shall now write!
Oh, and before I start, this is important...
All rights to Rick and Rowling!

WARNING: not edited. Too tired. Will do tomorrow.


"Titan of time?" I asked Hermione in disbelief. "if anything, shouldn't he be a god of time?"
"That actually makes a lot of sense!" Thalia yelled. "Percy! Remember your seizure thing in the lake? Describe to me exactly how it felt!"
"Well," he started, still looking confused. "it was a bit like being burnt alive, like having too much ambrosia. And it was also like my throat was really dry, like if I hadn't drank water for a week."
"Well, maybe, what you were feeling wasn't actually some form of punishment, but your godly body, which is most likely a god and not a Titan, was lacking the nectar and ambrosia gods usually love eating. Remember? You were immediately Better after taking a square of ambrosia! Percy, this means you're the god of Time!"
Percy's mouth was open in an "o", and he wasn't saying anything at all.
"Well, that doesn't seem like a punishment!" Ron called out.
"It doesn't," Nico answered him," but it is. The quill seems to choose a curse that would hurt the person getting it the most."
"Wait. What!?" Percy finally started to speak. "Is it going to hurt my friends?"
"Well, you're a god, and the ancient rules forbid a god marrying a mortal, or a demigod."
"So I can't marry Annabeth?" His expression showed dismay, but his eyes had a scary look to it, as if he were thinking of ways of killing Nico without moving a muscle for delivering this news.
"You can't. You will also have to stand by and watch all your friends grow old and die. All, or at least most, of us know that you can't stand the thought of anything happening to your friends and family, and that you wouldn't do anything to save them."
Percy nodded slowly, then said," the gods wouldn't know what I am, right?"
Thalia shook her head. "Probably not. I'm sure they have realized that there is another god, but they definitely won't suspect you of being him. But right now, you are as powerful as or maybe more, than Zeus."
"How is he THAT powerful?" Hermione asked in disbelief.
"Well, there seems to be more that godly blood in his veins. Notice how to ichor isn't completely gold, but slightly blacker?" Nico could probably tell, cuz of the whole aura thing he could notice.
"wait, so once you're a god, you can't like, undo it?" Ron asked, still a bit shocked that our new friend was a god.
To be honest, I was shocked too. Heck, even Percy was shocked, and he was the god!
"I'll have to ask my dad," Percy seemed to be deep in thought.
"can we watch?" Hermione asked hopefully, her tone conveying what we were all thinking. It would be super cool to see The Posiedon, lord of the seas.
"If you all stay out of the way, maybe over there."
He pointed to a corner of the room, where we could see Percy , but were still well hidden.
All the seven of us ran over to it, and watched as Percy diverted some of the water from the "lake"towards him, then had it move around in circles, creating a steady stream of mist. As if on cue, a sun like light shone from the ceiling of the room, and a simmering rainbow appeared.
Percy fished a large gold coin out of his pocket, and threw it in.
Instead of passing through the rainbow, It shimmered and disappeared.
"O Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering and show me Poseidon, on Olympus."
The mist shimmered, and a man appeared in it, standing by a hearth, talking to a woman who was actually sitting inside the fire. He seemed middle aged, and looked like he was a pretty jolly guy. I could immediately see the resemblance between father and son. They both had black hair and sea green eyes. They had the same features, and they were both tanned.
"Percy!" He yelled, and grinned at the mist. It seemed so real I could almost reach out and poke him.
"Hey dad!" Percy's voice seemed just as enthusiastic, but seemed to hold a slightly bitter note, though it seemed nobody else noticed.
"Perseus." the girl in the fire nodded at him, smiling sweetly.
"Lady Hestia," Percy bowed to her.
"How are you, Percy?" Posiedon asked. "I heard Chiron sent you on a quest to the wizard school. You're mother is amazing Percy. She's magical. Literally!"
"I'm fine dad, and yeah, she's the best! I was just wondering, can a god not be a god if they want?" Their whole conversation seemed awkward, as if they weren't used to talking so casually.
Thalia had explained earlier that all the gods were now a bit more lenient on the whole no contact with the world thing they had going on before the war against Gaea, so Percy had just started talking to Posiedon as a dad and not a God.
"Why are you asking, Perseus?" Hestia asked from the flames. I was sure I recognized the name from one of the educational rants Hermione always did. I was pretty sure that Hestia was the goddess of the Hearth and Home, and was a maiden goddess. She seemed nice.
"Just wondering, you know me, always wanting to learn new things!" Percy seemed MUCH different than usual. He was a bit more carefree the past few minutes, maybe because the whole temporary memory loss brought back the old him. The one I never knew.
Hestia have him a weird look, but Posiedon answered his question.
"Well, that would depend. If the god was the child of two other gods, then they would have to fade. But if the god was a regular demigod, like Diyonysis, then the god would have to sacrifice the one that is dearest to them, and that sacrifice will hurt them leave them weak enough that another god would be able to hurt them, and the god would become a regular mortal."
Percy's face paled drastically, but his father didn't seem to notice. Hestia, however, seemed to understand something.
"Thanks dad. I was just wondering because Annabeth was talking about it, and I didn't want to seem stupid," Percy's excuse was really lame, but I don't think anybody minded.
"Bye son, stay safe!" The sea god called out as the image faded.
Hestia just waved, and Percy waved back.
"So, you would have to sacrifice two things; Annabeth, and you demigodness. If you don't, Annabeth's heart will be shattered because you can't be together, and everyone but you will eventually leave you while you are helpless to stop it. The gods can't know, because no one knows what they will do," Hermione summed up the situation, doing nothing to make it better.
"There's no way I'm hurting Annabeth, so I guess I'll stay like this until we figure out another way. Until then, nobody tells anybody. Especially Annabeth and the gods," Percy was on the edge, pacing back and forth worriedly.
Everyone else, including me, were speechless.
"And don't use any of the time powers or the god powers you have gained. The gods might sense or track them," Thalia advised.
Everyone agreed.
"We should get to bed," Percy said, walking out the door without a second glance.
We all looked at each other, coming to an unspoken agreement that we would pretend this never happened.
We all walked out of the door and to the common room, grim expressions on our faces.

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