All Aboard The Hogwarts Express!

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Hey guys!! So sorry for the long wait. I know I said I would write the chapter as soon as I finished the last one, but then I became lazier than usual, so today, cuz I feel so rotten, I will stay up till one and publish this story no matter what tommorow by one o clock and start the next chapter, and make sure its ready to be published tommorow. I told you guys I update fast, so I will, from now on, you will get an update on every story of mine everyday. And in my defence, I did write part of this chapter, but accidentally deleted it, then, I got so annoyed by that, I kind of didn't start re writing it. For all you people out there who's chapter got deleted at some point, leave a comment and I shall feel bad for you, cuz now, I totally get you. Also, to make up for the late update, I shall write a longer chapter. Unfortunately for me, all my stories are written on my phone or ipad, cuz my family posseses all the laptops in the house, and everyones like,"ITS MINE! MY PRECIOUS!." so yeah. without further ado, cuz I was kind of ranting earlier, cuz for some reason I can't sleep, as always, and I am in the mood to write and I felt bad for not updating, and now im ranting again, and you're not reading this, so without further ado, the characters all belong to Rick and Rowling. Rick and Rowling. Rick and Rowling. Just try it. it sounda way better than Rick and jk. Rowling.

xxxxxxxxxx Thalia xxxxxxxxxx... oooh, pretty pattern! xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx ( why am I so distracted today! anyway, as I was saying, )


"So you will be using your methods of travel to transport yourself to platform 9 and 3/4. The mist will make it look like normal apparation. You will arrive at the hogsmead station after a three hour ride, and, you will find that there are not enough thestrals this year, so the whole school will be canoeing to this castle," Snape was saying, but I zoned out. I had heard this lecture three times.

It was the end of our three week lesson on magic with Severus Snape at Hogwarts. Even after spending every minute of our three weeks learning magic, Nico and I weren't that great. We would probably be at a steady exceeds expectations in the OWL's. Snape didnt really like us, but we could live with that. We were going to pretend to be fifth year. Even though Percy was seventeen, I would always be sixteen and Nico was fourteen, we would say we were fifteen, and they would probably think Percy was just tall for his age or something. The only upside to that was that we could all do magic outside of a school. Special permission. The bad part was, now, we were a lot lazier, since we could do a lot without even getting up now, it would make it even worse when at the end of the school year, the two of us will lose our powers. But Percy wouldn't. Probably because he was a real wizard, with enhanced powers from Hecate, and an immensely powerful demigod. It seemed that all bled through into his magic, because he was a natural. Even though he didn't like school, Percy had learnt fast. He was at an Outstanding by OWL standards, and had pretty much leart how to do amazing defensive and offensive magic. Duelling was his stong suit, but he was still really good at everything else. Snape and him seemed to have a special connection. They always called each other by their first names, and got along like brothers. Snape had been teaching Percy one on one lessons on almost all evenings and they would duel a lot. Now it was time for us to go to Hogwarts, or well, pretend we hadn't been in Hogwarts for the past three weeks.

"Remember how I told you to act, you three," Snape said as we prepared to travel away." Take your trunks with you. I have put all your school things in them, and the rest of your luggage is already in your dormitory. "

We nodded, then I closed my eyes, thinking of a railway station called Kings Cross, and the thunder struck down and carried me away. I appeared there just as Percy and Nico did, and we looked around to see where exactly there was. I gasped. I was standing about an inch away from a pillar, which I had walked into. I remember Snape telling me we had to walk into a wall, and the others seemed to remember too, because Percy walked right into the wall. He walked right through, and Nico called his name.

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