Quidditch Bans and Disturbing Dreams

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Sup people! Issa moi! You guys better thank me, cuz I'm gonna write this entire thing in one day.. One thing I need to address. I KNOW I MADE PERCY A GOD, AND JUST PLEASE BEAR WITH ME HERE. I KNOW WHERE I AM GOING WITH THIS. I have big plans for this story, and although he's all powerful and stuff, don't freak out.. its part of the plot..
Also, I need your comments and votes. You guys don't know me, so imagine me as an author that sits in this hole underground that's just does nothing all day but read percy Jackson books and fanfics and feeds off of your comments and votes, but now, I'm hungry, and I need more....
So yeah, now that I've given you that mental image, shall we begin?

All rights to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.


"-was born in a bin,
He always lets the quaffle in,
Weasley will make sure we win,
Weasley is our king!"
The rude song rang through the pitch, emanating from the green and silver side of the stands. Even from here, Ron could see Draco Malfoy singing along, a nasty sneer on his face as he searched for the golden snitch.
Snape had given us a brief explanation about the game, so we wouldn't stand out be not knowing, but it wasn't very thorough. It had taken Harry and Ron close to an hour to explain the entire game to us.
Ron's face was bright red, and his playing became progressively worse as he listened to the Slytherins song.
Harry was frantically flying around, searching for the snitch.
Percy, Thalia and Hermione were all beside me, yelling at the Slytherins in protest, telling them to shut up and stop being annoying. Thalia also yelled a lot of other things, which I didn't really care to repeat.
Suddenly, just as the Gryffindor spectators ware about to admit defeat and lose hope, Harry dived, spotting something.
"It's over there!" Percy shouted to me. "Hovering by Malfoy's ear! The snitch!"
I squinted hard at where Percy was pointing, and saw nothing. Neither did the girls.
"You would make a good seeker!" Hermione pointed out, before jumping up and cheering as Harry's hand closed around the snitch, which had, indeed been right besides Malfoy's head.
The players all landed, and the sea of red and gold ran forward to greet them.
"Ron! Harry!" Percy yelled, a big smile on his face as he ran towards them. When he got there, however, his smile melted.
Fred, George and Harry were all standing in the middle of the pitch, fists closed, glaring at Draco Malfoy.
"We couldn't fit in useless loser, either- for his father, you know- but you like the Weasleys, don't you Potter?" Malfoy was saying.
Fred tried to run at him, but Percy and I held him back, the same time Thalia grabbed hold of George.
Malfoy had a huge smile on his face as he kept talking.
I tried to block it out, but I heard him say something about Harry's mom, who was a muggle-born. That was when Harry snapped. He rushed forward and tackled Malfoy, knocking him down. George was quick to follow, catching Thalia by surprise. By the time they could peel the two off the scrawny boy, Umbridge has already pushed her way to the front of the crowd.
"Mr. Potter! Mr. Weasley! What sort of revolting behaviour is this!" She screeched. "You boys should know that quidditch is a privilege, not a right."
She helped Malfoy up. His face was bruised and his eye was swollen.
"Look what you did to him! As high Inquisitor of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I hereby ban the three of you from Quidditch for life!"
Harry and George looked shocked, and all of us were horrified too.
"All three of us?"George asked confused.
"All three of you," the pink toad confirmed. " If Mr. Jackson and Mr. Di Angelo hadn't stopped him, your twin would have done the same as you. Your broomsticks, please ."
"What?" Harry asked, his eyes wide.
"Your broomstick. I need them. I'm going to lock them away, Potter, so you can no longer use it at school."
Harry and the twins glared at her, but she just smiled back.
"Just do it, Harry," Hermione whispered, and the three reluctantly handed their broomsticks over and began trudging dejectedly to the Gryffindor tower.
"This sucks," I kicked a rock.
"It does," Harry muttered.
"Now who's gonna be the seeker and beaters for our team?" Fred groaned.
"Oh my! Harry! I just had the best idea!" Hermione yelled. "In the stands, percy spotted the snitch way before any of us did. Maybe he can be the seeker!"
Harry, turned to Percy, a pleading look in his eyes. "Can you! Please? You're Gryffindor's last hope!"
I actually thought it was a good idea too. After all, he was as good as any of us here, since Hermione was really bad, all of us were afraid of heights and Percy had good eyes, so why not.
"Zues let you enter his domain now. He won't kill you or anything," Thalia tried to convince him. "Not that he can," she added.
"Well, actually. I can still die. It's just that I can't die that easy, and I'll regenerate," percy muttered.
We were all quiet for a while. Percy, who seemed to have realized he had made us all uncomfortable, because we felt bad for him, tried to cheer us up.
"Sure! I'll try my hand at Quidditch. It's worth a shot!"
We all cheering, wishing Ron could see this, but he had gone up to our common room even before the fight broke out. He had slipped past all of us, to think about the game alone. We had decided to give him some space, which was why we were taking our time. We had just entered the castle, and were walking up the stairs.
"So, when is our next DA meeting going to be?" Percy asked loudly.
"shhhhhh!" Hermione hissed. "someone might hear!"
"Probably tomorrow? It's the last week before the Christmas hols," Harry contemplated it.
"We'll change the galleon tonight," Hermione told us.
She told the portrait the password and stepped through.
The entire common room was filled with celebration. Everyone was cheering, and it was really loud.
"Harry!" Someone yelled, and heads turned, and everyone cheering even louder.
"Guys," Harry started slowly. "Before you get excited, Fred, George and I got a lifelong ban from Quidditch."

*konnichiwa! Je suis un time skip!!! Sayonara!*

I sat on the edge of my bed, staring at the ceiling. Beside me, I could hear another person tossing around, doing the same.
"Percy?" I whispered softly.
"Yeah?" He whispered back.
"How are you doing, with everything that's been going on?"
"Ok, I guess. I haven't given myself enough time to think or worry about it. We've got some great friends to protect here. I'm sure we'll figure something out by the end of the year."
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Can I tell you something?" He asked,his tone showing he was dead serious.
"When I was back in Tartarus, it was weird. It was like, I was at home. Like I belonged. It was really weird. I also felt like I hated the gods for a moment."
We both went silent, thinking about what Percy said.
"I think," I said slowly. "That is was just Tartarus messing with you.."
He smiled, or at least, it looked like he did. It was hard to tell in the dark.
"Thanks Nico," he sounded as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "good night."
"Night," I muttered, and drifted off to sleep.

*hey. Im another time skip!!! In really sleep deprived!! I'm so. Tired.*

I woke up to the sound of something moving. I would have slept through it, but the war had trained me to wake up at the slightest noise.
I turned to see both Harry and Percy tossing around violently.
Harry was yelling some incoherent words, while Percy just kept kicking.
I heard a groan nearby, and saw Ron waking up too. He had gone up to bed early, still upset about the game.
"Bloody hell!" Ron murmured before jumping up to wake Harry.
I did the same for percy, as the other boys started waking up.
"Percy!" I yelled, and he sprang up, wide away and half way to choking me to death when he realized who I was. Then, he seemed to realize he was dizzy, and sat down. Nearby, Harry had just woke up too, and was yelling.
"Ron! You're dad! He's hurt! A snake!"
Percy stood bolt upright.
"That was your dream!?"" He asked In shock.
They were both shivering fervently.
"Yeah," Harry said.
"About a man?" Percy asked.
"Ron's father," Harry added.
"And the snake," Percy continued.
"The chair," Harry kept going.
"That door!"
"The attack!"
"What is going on in here!" Mcgonnagal rushed in, a worried look on her face.
"Ron's dad!" Percy yelled.
"He was attacked!" Harry yelled.
the transfiguration professor simply stared at them for a while.
"Come with me, Potter, Weasley, Jackson."


We hurried down the corridors and up to Dumbledore's office. I had only been there a few times, but it was a very fascinating place. Intricate devices were lined all around the room, all of them whirring, clicking or spinning in some way.
"Describe the dream," Dumbledore said distantly. He had been like that around Harry all year.
Percy and Harry each took turns describing their dreams, which were the exact same, except Percy's had also included a bit of Harry having this dream before Percy woke up.
"Describe where you were in the dream," Dumbledore nodded at Percy.
"I was the man," Percy's eyes were closed, as if recalling the memory.
"I was the snake," Harry muttered.
Dumbledore seemed taken aback, at both answers.
He called out to a portrait, asking to check some sort of place to check something.
The man came back a few seconds later, and started discussing something with Dumbledore.
"All right," Dumbledore called, turning around.
"I'm setting up a port key in ten minutes. I will send for all the Weasley's and you will all be taking to the order. You're father is being admitted into St. Mungo's. If it wasn't for you two, Arthur Weasley would be dead by now.

So, super short chapter, written in like 5-6 hours of sleep deprived Half asleepness, so it's poop on paper, but still. NoW, the plots finally doing something I planned it to do! So yay! I'm going to quickly edit this, then go ahead and update,so here you are, my half asleep short barf.
Continue Being Awesome!

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