We get sorted and meet a Fluffy Pink Toad

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hey guys!  I liked where I was taking the story, cuz I got no plot, just winging it, especially with the two Hedwigs, so I'm gonna update once more. yay! I was writing all day yesterday, and ended up with a headache,  like a really bad one, but then it went away so I'm ready for another one today! (not really,  so this chapter will be shorter for the sake of my health.) I haven't figured out how to dedicate chapters yet, but this one's dedicated to @X_X_Diamondzz for being awesome!

I don't own the characters cuz uncle Rick and J.K Rowling do.


When Ron was getting too close to the truth,  I did the only thing I could think of.  I tipped over the boat.

I asked the giant squid to place everyone else back in the boat,  then I swam to shore,  knocking Draco Malfoy's boat over as well.  Not even Snape like that boy. I quickly dried Thalia, Nico and myself at one touch. I was a bit taken aback when Hermione asked for the spell, but quickly covered by remembering one.

It wasn't easy to dry people. It was a complicated incantation, a lot harded that anything they must have done before, because it took her a few minutes to get any results. We entered the castle, not having to fake our looks of awe. It didn't matter how many times I the past month we'd walked through those doors. It was amazing every time.
As soon as we entered,  we were called to the side by a stern looking woman, my cousins in tow.

"I am professor Mcgonagall. Professor Dumbledor, Professor Snape and I are the only one who know your true identity,  and keep it that way until you see it fit to reveal yourselves. In an few minutes, the first years will go in, and get sorted. It will then be your turn. You seem to already have made friends with Potter. That is good. You truly must be the best of you kind. When you go in to get sorted, Albus will have introduced you to the shcool as exchange students from America. I trust you all can preform magic well above your grade?" We all nodded, a little creeped out at how much the woman could say in one breath.

"Wait here while the first years get sorted. I will come to get you when it is time." Without waiting for us to speak, ahe turned on her heels and walked towards a group of scared first years.

While we were waiting, the ghosts came floating through the wall. After staying here for the past few weeks,  we knew the place like the back of our hand.

"Hey Nick!" Nico called. They had become friends, but their friendship had started with Nico threatening to send him to the underworld. After a lot of begging and pleads, Nico had decided to befriend the Hogwarts ghost instead of threaten them. Now, Nearly Headless Nick was loyal to Nico, after Nico had used his stygian iron sword to completely detach his head. He was now Sir Nicholas of the headless hunt. 
        The ghosts all had a pretty good relationship with me, because of Hades' blessing, but Thalia and the ghosts didn't get along. They were always arguing.  And then there was Moaning Myrtle,  who kept telling me if I died I could share her toilet.  I was snapped out of my thoughts by the stern teacher returning.

"Follow me," she said,  but she didn't need to. We already knew the way to the Great Hall.

We walked to the front of the hall, beside a pink toad who had just finished a boring speech. Severus had told us about her. She was some ministry lady meddling at the shcool. He had told us that we had to behave and act like model students in all classes except for hers. We were allowed to pretty much do anything we wanted, of course,  it couldn't be too extreme and we mustn't get caught, but we could still have some fun with her.  Apparently,  according to Severus, none of the staff liked her.

"This year's exchange students!" Dumbledore announced,  and curious clapping echoed around the hall.

"Di Angelo, Nico!" Mcgonnagal called.

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