Chapter 10: I Got Friends in Low Places

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Pink shivered violently as the night air tore through her like a knife. She didn't regret leaving her home per say but she did regret not grabbing a coat or shoes, or her phone. Though if she was being honest her mom would probably just have used her phone to track her down, something Pink did not want happening.

Pink shivered once more, the terrible tremor tearing down her spine with a painful jerk. For the briefest of moments she considered relenting and giving in to her mother because she was freezing and hadn't eaten much at that stupid dinner from hell. As if on cue her stomach gurgles in protest and she sniffed, tears filling her vision.

She was stuck between a rock in a hard place, if she went home she'd never see the light of day again, but if she stayed out here she'd likely freeze to death. Though honestly freezing to death sounding far more appealing than being forced back into homeschooling and never seeing her friends again. This day was the worst, the literal and absolute worst! Here she sat alone on some park bench, a target for anyone to happens pass.

"Ugh what was I thinking?" She grumbled, chastising herself bitterly as she rubbed her arms in a pathetic attempt to warm herself. But it, like everything else today was pointless and didn't work. Did she mention how today was the absolute worst? Yes? Well allow her to state it again, today was the absolute WORST!

The pathetic thing of all was a small part of her was ever so tempted to go home with her figurative tail between her legs apologizing for things she shouldn't on the off chance her mom would forgive her. Another even sadder part just wanted her mom to pull her into her warm embrace and comfort her. But the other more logical part knew she couldn't go home, and she couldn't back down on this. She had to stand up for herself. Even if she was incredibly scared, cold, hungry, and alone.

So very much alone.

"Stupid moms, stupid Pearl, stupid Lapis, STUPID EVERYTHING!"

Pink perked up at the familiar voice as she looked behind her to see Peridot sitting by the duck pond glaring sourly at the murky water. She had never felt such relief in all fourteen and a half years of her life.

"Peridot!" She exclaimed enthusiastically making the poor girl jump slightly. She tilted her head to the side and gave the slightly older girl a confused look.

"Pink? What are you doing out here?" She questioned curiously as the strawberry blonde dropped next to her in the slightly damp grass.

"I could ask you the same question!" She exclaimed teasing her friend slightly. However, Pink's smile fades as Peridot sighes bitterly and hurls a rock into the usually still water.

"No one takes me seriously. I made a fool of myself." She whispered dejectedly as her fingers combed through the grass looking for another rock. Pink scooted slightly closer to the blonde trying to give her comfort without touching, she knew how much Peridot hated touching, well unless you were Lapis.

"What happened you were just at my house?" Pink questioned softly, trying to be empathetic to her friend's troubles. Peridot, having found another rock, hurtled it into the water and sighed heavily once more.

"Well it was before that, see I had...had.." her face lights up as she blushes heavily avoiding Pink's gentle gaze. "Nevermind it's too embarrassing!" She exclaimed shaking her head adamantly. Pink gently reaches out resting her hand against Peridot's ever so slightly, just enough to calm the smaller girl and give her some reassurance.

"What is confessed at the duck pond stays at the duck pond, promise I won't tell anyone Perry." She whispered encouragingly and Peridot sighes once more looking up at her friend in defeat.

"It'll most likely be out by now anyways, so there's no point in even trying to keep this a secret… I'll be a laughingstock by tomorrow morning anyways ..." she removes her hand from Pink's touch as she aggressively tugs at her hair before resting her hands in her lap. "Before your dinner thing, I had written this....uh...well... letter ...something my parents had suggested I was a letter Lazuli… she was never supposed to read it… but then Pearl found it and gave it to her today...I...she was never supposed to read it Pink, now… now she'll...she'll think I'm some sort of freak!" She sniffed biting her lip as tears welled in her green eyes. Pink carefully slipped her arm around Peridot's shoulders and rested her head on top of hers.

   "Lapis is your friend I'm sure she'll understand." She whispered kindly and Peridot scoffed shaking her head.

   "I'm afraid there's an 87% that she will hate me forever." She murmured dejectedly and Pink sighed sadly for her friend and this godawful day.

    "I ran away from home after my mom slapped me." Pink whispers softly and Peridot pulls from her embrace to look her in the eyes.

    "I ran away as well, perhaps we should find somewhere to stay for the night." She reasons and Pink smiles slightly, relieved that she won't be alone after all.
    "That would be fantastic Peridot, got anyplace in mind?" She probed hopefully and the smaller girl stood helping Pink to her feet as she considered her friend's question. To Pink's surprise Peridot began to snicker excitedly as a bright mischievous grin appeared on her face.

"I have the perfect hideout! "

To Be Continued…

Sorry for the lack of updates my wonderful followers, hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

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