Chapter 21: Quartz

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   White frowned in confusion as another article popped up talking about how she was shutting down the orphanage and selling the property to make another factory to make more of her Diamond brand products. She scanned the article, beyond irritated with all the drama and protestors it was bringing up.

   "Rose Quartz." She muttered to herself as she read the editor and author of the article. White had no idea who this woman was but she sounded like nothing but trouble and a pain in her ass.

   She shook her head angrily as she skimmed the comments on the article.

  'omg had no idea the Diamonds were such fascists!'

  'its the closing orphanages and making children homeless to make money for me'

And that was some of the nicer ones, but this woman, this Rose Quartz was kicking up a fuss where it didn't need to be! White was beyond irritated.

   "Hey mom, can Pearl come over for a little bit?" Pink asked standing in the doorway suddenly, so suddenly that White jumped a little. Her youngest eyed her with those big brown eyes of hers and was smiling innocently. Plus even though White had officially pulled Pink out of school, she did trust Pearl, the girl seemed responsible and trustworthy.

   "I suppose so darling, but only for a little while." White mumbled eyeing the article with distaste. Suddenly Pink was closer, peering over her shoulder, her eyes drowned in concern.
   "What's that?" She questioned curiously and White contemplated sweeping it under the rug and placating her daughter. But one day Pink may own this company, so she may as well know about the trolls who tried to capsize it.

   "An Internet troll, who's trying to shut me down." She grumbled running a hand through her hair and tugging at the roots. Her eyes stared bleakly at the monitor as Pink wrapped her arms around her in a hug, resting her head against her shoulder. It eased some of White's irritation.
   "Maybe I could help! I've got some ideas, instead of shutting down the orphanage you could-" Pink started to explain when the door to White's office slammed open, and Yellow strolled in with a smirk as she smacked some paperwork onto White's desk.  White raised an eyebrow as she scanned over the documents, Pink reading curiously over her shoulder.

   "I've got the perfect solution for this Rose Quartz business, it's so simple, we'll just pick a few cheap houses and make group homes throw a couple hundred every so often at it and we look like saints!" Yellow explained smugly and White's eyebrows rose to her hairline as she considered Yellow's idea, she eyed the profit benefits of it that her oldest had detailed in the paperwork. It was brilliant, they could still look good and generous without having to put much money in it at all, just a couple donations every so often and they'd look like freaking Dolly Parton. The factory would make more profit then they'd be giving to these group homes in a month.

   "Yellow, that's brilliant! Start looking for some good houses for this, and invite the press, we're going to need lots of press, then we'll look like saints and that Rose Quartz and her posse of idiots will finally crawl back to where ever they spawned from, ahh it's perfect!" White exclaimed standing from her chair with a flourish and Pink scowled picking up some of the fallen paperwork.

   "But what about those kids?" She spoke up, breaking up White and Yellow's celebration before it could even really start.
White side eyed the child, she'd be fifteen in just two weeks.
   "Ah well Starlight, you always tell me how much you want to be apart of this company so how about you pick out the houses we'll use and you can be in charge of them?" White offered excitedly as she cupped Pink's face in her hands.

An unreadable emotion flashed through her eyes for a moment before she smiled at her mom brightly, hugging her around the waist.
   "Oh really, my own assignment for the company?! I've been waiting for this!" She exclaimed excitedly, making White chuckle.

   Yellow frowned at the exchange, eyeing White in confusion.
    "Is she really ready for this?" Yellow questioned cautiously and White turned from Pink tapping Yellow's cheek quickly. The taller woman flinched slightly at the action.
   "Pink will do just fine, we'll be with her every step of the way." She encouraged tugging Pink close to her as she tapped her head and smirked at Yellow. "Plus if my baby is running things, how can you be upset with a good intention teen?" She snickered ruffling Pink's hair and gently nudged the child from her office.

  "But I thought it was my project?" She started to object when her mom put a finger over her lips.
   "Of course it is baby, I just have to iron out some details with your sister, why don't you invite your little friend over and we'll talk more about this tomorrow okay?" She encouraged kissing Pink's forehead before she turned her gave her a parting pat on the way out.

  "Okay Mama." Pink reletened and White watched her head up the stairs before she turned to Yellow with a wicked grin.
   "Now let's begin the real work, shall we?"


Blue eyed Yellow as if she'd grown a second head.
   "You're going to give Pink this assignment in the hopes that no one will come after her because she's a child?" She asked sounding like she was about to hyperventilate. Yellow placed calming hands on her shoulders giving her wife a kind smile.
    "I'd never let anything bad happen to your sister, and this will keep everyone happy." Yellow encouraged kissing Blue quickly, the ash blonde sighed but quickly returned the kiss, brushing her hand down Yellow's back, sighing against her shoulder.

  "I just hope you know what you're doing!"

  "Y-you want me to do WhAt?!" Pearl nearly shrieked as she stared wide eyed at her friend. Pink huffed, taking a few calming breaths.
   "I want to make Pink Diamond look like a monster." She whispered seriously.
  "B-but that, that's just....well that's crazy! You're Pink Diamond!" She whispered harshly and Pink tucked a lock of hair behind Pearl's ear, making the girl blush heavily.

  "I know," she whispered serenely.

To be Continued...

A/N: I recently started rewatching Steven Universe with my girlfriend (who's never seen it) and it's been giving me lots of inspiration for this fic!! Hope you enjoy! Happy reading!!!

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