Chapter 9: Leave Me Alone

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  Pink glared at Blue the minute she stepped into her room. Yellow wasn't too far behind her, but to Pink, Blue had betrayed her, she'd broken her promise.
   "GO AWAY BLUE!" She screamed throwing a bottle of water that was on her nightstand at her older sister. Yellow quickly caught the potentially dangerous object before it could hit Blue's face and then glared at Pink's defiant glare.

  "Pink I only told mom because I worried for your safety, if something happened to you  we'd all be distraught." Blue reasoned tearfully and Pink scoffed at her words, because family was nothing but one disappointment after the next.

  "Just go away!" She snapped sharply as she buried her face in her knees.
  "Honestly Pink, you made your own bed, you lied to mom, you didn't ask permission to date this older man, you were sneaking around behind all of our backs. You're out of control!" Yellow reprimands sternly and Pink sniffs rubbing her eyes. She knew that in a way Yellow was right.  She'd lied and broke every rule her mother set out for her in the span of a couple months. 

  But if her mother wasn't so strict then maybe she could've been more honest and open. None of her family ever listened to her. They always think they know what's best for her and they treat her like a baby.

  Pearl didn't mock her intelligence. Sapphire admired her bravery.  Ruby thought she was funny. Peridot said she was interesting and a valued friend.  Lapis thought she was cool. Bismuth thought she could do no wrong. Amethyst said she was like a sister to her.

And Greg, Greg thought the world of her.

They didn't look down at her, they didn't make choices for her, they didn't find her suggestions funny or immature.  To them she was was Pink, she was valued and important.  They looked to her for advice and she gladly gave it.

  They were her family, more so than her blood relatives could ever be.

  "Fuck off Yellow!" She exclaimed interrupting whatever her sister had been ranting about.  Yellow's eyes narrowed and her mouth twisted into a dark scowl.
   "What did you just say to me?" She demanded shrilly and Pink enjoyed riling her sister up, making her seethe and stew with rage.  See how she liked being interrupted.

   "Pink Rose Diamond I cannot believe you, do you enjoy digging yourself deeper and deeper in trouble? You're already grounded for an incredible amount of time and I catch you using such vulgar language at Yellow!" White snapped coming through the door and shoving between Yellow and Blue. 

  "Whatever! I don't care how long I'm grounded or what I can or can't do because my life already is hell! You're nothing but a fucking uptight bitc-" She snapped and with a crack her mother had struck her across the face.  It wasn't a particularly hard slap, but it stung still regardless.

  "Don't you ever talk to me that way!" Her mother's voice trembled and both Yellow and Blue looked away from the scene obviously uncomfortable. Pink's lips trembled and she stood from the bed fists shaking at her sides.

"Why can't you just love me? What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?!" She screamed as she began to sob painfully into her hands. "I'm sorry I'm not perfect!" Shd whimpered. When her mother tried to reach out for her she pushed her away then shoved through her sisters, down the stairs and out the front door.

  Pink didn't know how long she ran, but she didn't stop until she physically collapsed her adrenaline spent as she slumped onto a park bench and sobbed softly into the cool night air. Pink's nose was runny and her breath short and interrupted by her hysterical hiccups, her fingers were numb and her toes were too.  As she sat there on that cold park bench, in the dead of night wearing nothing but her nightgown and socks, she felt so alone.

   Meanwhile her mother was hysterical, she'd called the cops the minute she realized Pink had ran out the front door. She explained everything to the officers, leaving out some parts, but did say her and Pink had a fight. White just wanted Pink safely returned to her, by her daughter's shoes that were sitting on the shoe mat by the front door, her baby was barefoot and in her pajamas. 

  The officers reassured her that they'd be on the search for her baby, but White just couldn't relax. She paced back and fourth in her office, she'd given all of Pink's friends' names to the officers in case she'd ran off to one of their houses.  Honestly White prayed that was the case because it meant her daughter wasn't freezing to death outside somewhere. 

   Blue watched her mother pace and sighed sadly as she held a picture of her and Pink from when they were small. Blue was holding her on her lap and kissing her cheek. Where had her sweet baby sister gone?

  To Be Continued...

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