Chapter 20: No Matter What

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   "Pink, that's crazy! Your mom would flip out if she found out! You're already being pulled out of public school!" Pearl exclaimed frantically as she tugged on the slightly shorter girl's arm, trying to stop her persuit for the library. Pink turned flashing Pearl with one of her radiant smiles that almost always made her best friend cave.
    "Pearl, that's if she finds out, which with your help she won't!" Pink encouraged taking Pearl's hand and dragged her into the library, tugging the blonde towards the far back corner so they could talk better in private.

   "Pink this is so risky, we'd have to be brilliant with technology to pull this off!" Pearl stated, slapping the back of her hand against her other hand. Pink just grinned leaning towards Pearl as she tugged her into the small seats against the wall.
   "Well you're probably the most brilliant person I know!" She whispered making a little blush burn on Pearl's pale face.

  The girl chuckled nervously as she met Pink's bright brown eyes. There was no way she could say no to that look, or those bright eyes.
   "P-pink, I can't do this, I'm just a dumb lower class high schooler. I wouldn't -" Pearl's statement fades away when Pink clasps her hands in her own and smiles wide at her best friend. Pearl's blush burns brighter as she looks away awkwardly.
   "You can do this Pearl, I believe in you." Pink declared seriously, making Pearl's heart skip a beat at the sweet statement.

   Her ego was officially stroked, as she cracked her knuckles and puffed up her chest proudly.
   "Well, I did win the computer technology championship three years in a row! Plus I took computer technology and coding for two years now!" Pearl boasted proudly and Pink beamed.

   "You'll do great."


   Blue sighed tearfully as she stared at her reflection in her room, her hands gripping the vanity as she pathetically stared at her own reflection. She hated this, hated having to hide this part of herself, having her mother still controlling her life even though she was old enough to make her own decisions. She hated lying to Pink. But her mother had her in a suffocating hold and she could never get out. Even if she wanted to, the nineteen year old was trapped. Entangled in the web that was White Diamond.

   "Blue?" White called out, making the young woman tense, her hands tightening on the vanity's edge. She huffed out a few shaky breaths. Her hands eventually found perch in her hair, tugging at the strands anxiously. Maybe if she kept quiet her mother would go away. Blue manuvered her shaking legs towards her bed dropping onto it's surface tearfully.

   "Blue, why didn't you answer me?" Her mom demanded, bustling into her room. Blue sucked in another shaky breath, biting the inside of her cheek anxiously. Unlike Pink, Blue had self control, and could majority of the time keep her cool with her mother. However, White had brushed off her feelings and dug up Blue and Yellow's past, acting as if it was the worst thing.

  But Blue hated the lies, the deception and fake family act. It was killing her.
   "Mother, I'd like to be alone, I apologize for running off at breakfast." Blue whispered despondently, while trying to keep her eyes trained on the floor. White scoffed at her. Blue swallowed past the lump in her throat, praying her mother would just leave, she didn't want to fight. She never wanted to fight.
    "Honestly, why you get so overemotional over the littlest things is beyond my comprehension!! You and Yellow, need to remember to keep this...this ridiculousness to yourselves. I don't need your little sister knowing that you are-"

  "What a lesbian?" Yellow chimes in from the doorway, arms crossed and expression angry. White bristles whirling on the twenty-one year old.
   "You be quiet, that is not what I was going to say and you know it!" White growled evenly as she fixed her hair in Blue's vanity mirror.

   "Then what? What were you going to say? That Blue is-"

"I said shut up, we wouldn't be dealing with any of this if you hadn't infected Blue all those years ago-"
   "Infected? You're the infection! You're the one gaslighting Pink into thinking I'm her older sister, who just lived abroad for the first eleven years of her life!! You're the one pretending that you're not-" Yellow started to say when with a growl White suddenly slamming her arm into Yellow's neck, pining her to the wall.

   "Unless you never want to see my daughter again, you will keep your filthy mouth shut!" White hissed into her ear. Blue watched with terrified wide eyes.
   "Mother, she didn't mean it, she's sorry, we're sorry. We didn't mean to cause problems." Blue pleaded, latching onto her mother's sleeve with shaking fingers and trying to tug her away from Yellow. "Apologize, Yellow." Blue begged and the taller woman swallowed thickly, looking away from White's piercing gaze.

     "I'm sorry." She whispered dejectedly and instantly White released her. Yellow crumbled to her knees in defeat and Blue instantly dropped to Yellow's side, pulling her close.

   "Let's not make a habit of this behavior girls." She whispered disappearing out the door.

   Blue kissed the top of her wife's head, tears streaming down her face as she held the woman close to her chest. If only she could turn back time. For now, their marriage would have to remain a secret still.

        And so would their daughter.

To be continued....

I'm sorry for the super loooooong wait!!! I've been super overworked and tired, but here's an update. Don't know when more will come, but thanks for reading!!! Sending you all good vibes and happy times ✌️

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