Chapter 10

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Like the saying in the holy book, there is a season for everything, a time to cry
and a time to laugh and also just as hard times cannot be predicted, same is the case
when good time comes, light suddenly burst in and no one could have imagine or
ever foretell what good is on the way. Often times it is as mysterious as the growing
foetus in the mother’s womb. The sunshine that shone through the Durojaiye’s
family is beyond that which any of them could pray for or wished for. Kikelomo
already made truce with Akin ever since he made it clear he was only going to take
care of his child and even all their kids were well adjusted to the idea of having a
step-brother. They have managed to go back to how they were before. She and Akin
have resumed their normal chatter since she moved back to their bedroom.
However her fears of the unknown still persist. That he will change his mind and
marry his baby mama, if not for anything but for the sake of doing the right thing.
And when the other woman calls him to tell him or ask him about something the boy
needs. She feels saddened though she bears no grudge whatsoever with the boy,
she knew he is innocent. Time heals all wound they say and indeed they have heal
with only a little scar left which they can endure.
Kike sat on the rug doing manicure for her husband as they watch the soap
opera. It was weekend and they had no wedding, burial or any ceremony to attend.
They spend most of their weekends together now especially when the children are
in school. As she filed his nails for him, it tickle him and she laughed at him, telling
him how childish he was acting and he defended himself saying he was physically
getting old though he is still young at heart. They laughed likes old fools as they
enjoy each other’s company. One sure thing with them is their love and it has
proved to be true because it has survived several test of time. Kike finished with the
manicure, got up to get water and some snacks to munch as they watch the TV and
concurrently, Akin’s phone ranged. He picked the call. From what Kike heard him
say, it was clear it was his baby-mama. Her heart sank and without knowing she
spoke aloud “What did she want again?” “Nothing dear” he answered standing at her back as she closed the fridge after she
took out the juice. He helped her with the juice while she carried the bowl of chinchin.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to say it loud, it was in my thought” she apologised.
“It’s alright, dear. And yes she wants nothing except my permission”
“I’m not following”
“Kike, we are going to be free of her” he said as he held her hands in his “she’s
getting married! Can you believe that?”
“Are you serious?” she asked surprised “To who? You? Is this a prank on her part?”
“C’mon Kike! She is really getting married” he beamed at her “She said she
recently reunites with one of her ex and they have decided to get married. She
wants my permission, that’s why she called.”
“Hallelujah!” Kike laughed. “But wait do you want her to get married?” she suddenly
look worried.
“Of course, Kike. It is right for her after all she is only thirty-one. I told her to come
over to the house with him tomorrow or any convenient time so we could discuss the
future plan on ground for my son. I would love that you be there with me to have the
discussion if it’s not too much to ask of you.”
“I will love to. I am so very happy the storm is finally over. I don’t even mind if the
final solution will be that your son will come stay with us. I promise to treat him well
as if he were mine.” Kike said feeling the weight off her shoulders.
“Thank you so much dear. Thank you”
“Don’t thank me. Our vow says ‘for better or worse’, twenty years after doesn’t
reduce the credence of the vow.”
“Thank you for staying at my side all through. You are indeed a woman of valour.”
He hugged his wife as they both cried over what they have been through.By the following day the news had already reached all the children and each
of them were in gaiety as expected. Tabitha was ecstatic, Jed called his mum. He
even cried with her as they spoke on phone, and Nick was relieved that the dread is
spent, the drama is finally over. The arrangement they concluded on was the boy
will live with them and spend all his long vacation with his mother since she was
relocating with her husband to South Africa. Kike was just glad the boy’s mother was
no longer a threat beside the presence of a young child in the house could be
refreshing and Sarah totally agreed with her when Jed told her about it. It was all
very relieving that they have finally found a truce. But oddly Sarah was worried Nick
may not learn from it since it ended in fairy tale. Deep down in heart she was really
glad his family now have peace and that all is settled, still she couldn’t help thinking
the trouble at home was part if not the major reason he quit his Casanova lifestyle.
She got up to dress. Nick was coming to take her out. He said he wanted them
to go to some nice places. Life had taken toll on them; she with clinics and lab work
and he with his final year project. It had turned out just as he had earlier predicted.
They barely manage to see each other on weekends sometimes fortnight weekends.
If not for the social network with the chat medium, they would have lost what they
had but it did helped. They talk on phone, video-chat, ping and all that. It really
made the distance seem shorter. She leaves him a message on chat when she wakes
up to read in the night while he reply when he wakes up and when she finish with a
lecture she knew his message will be waiting for her. It has really held her
captivated with him though she never really consents to being his girlfriend but they
have been inseparable ever since. The thought of seeing him in person made her
face lit up with smile and her tummy chimed like it had butterfly in it. She touched a
makeup lightly then leaves the mirror to sit with her friends while she waits for Nick.
Nick couldn’t contain himself of the excitement of what lies ahead. As he
settled into the cab he hired for their date, he allowed his mind to flash back to when
the whole feeling for Sarah Adam started. It was her gait he first noticed when he
first met her through Jed back then. She had walked with an air on confidence,
authority that makes you want to listen to her and made him smile at the rare sight.
The same air he noticed she carried around her the first day she came to check the
campus. He smiled at the recollection. He wasn’t sure what attracted her to him, he couldn’t think of anything she did. It must be because she never did anything to be
noticed, he thought. She is always indifferent with him unlike the other ladies he
knew. She would even greet the girls she met with him pleasantly even when they
started being friends and even now that he had declared his love for her, she never
displayed jealous-territorial attitude like his girlfriends from the past. It all made her
so endearing to his heart.
So much for planning, he had thought he would be a playboy till age thirty
before even considering a future with a lady. Probably after his mother would have
begged and have pastors prayed for him then he will finally settle down. He
adjusted his collar. He was wearing a shirt on jean and a blazer to accessorize it. He
knew he looked good, he wanted to look handsome for her. He was really anxious to
see Sarah, it been long since they saw. And forty minutes later when she stood
before him in her room, she was a sight to behold. She had her hair wrapped up
neatly in a French curve, her face perfectly made up in light makeup, her ears were
adorned with stud-like simple earring, her neck a tin gold chain which emphasise
her shoulder. As Nick took note of every detail about her, he saw the way the silk
gown fit her body to perfection. He swallowed and he said a single prayer ‘Jesus
save the mortal man’. He greeted her, then gave her a peck on the cheeks and they
set for their date.
The place he chose for their date was a Chinese restaurant somewhere in
Tanke, along the University route, highly reputable for their food, vibes and the
warmth. He wanted to take her to someplace nice which she had not been to before.
And he was pleased when she said she had never been to the restaurant when they
got there. She was in total fascination. They entered together arm in arm, as he led
her to a sit for two. He pulled out the chair for her like a gentleman and she sat down
graciously and mouthed ‘thanks’. Soon the waiter came to meet them with the menu
and with a bowl of water and sanitizing towel to for their hands. They both settled for
chicken shredded rice but Sarah opted for chicken soup, while Nick, for a shrimp
soup. “You really went out of your way to make tonight special.” Sarah was the first to
comment after they chose their menu. “The chauffeur, this exotic place and even my
dress, thank you. I feel very special”
“That’s how I want you to feel because you are very special. You are welcome, my
love” Nick replied
“Looks like you have really hit it big time, spending like the Adenugas” she winked
at him refusing to be drawn into the emotion that seem very disturbing and exciting
to her. “Come, I want to make money too, any hint?”
“If you can learn web designs, it’s what adds butter to the bread my dad provides.”
he grinned at her. One of the things he loved about her is her sense of humour. They
never run out of things to say. Their Chapman was brought then.
“I will have to learn o” she laughed. She took a sip of her drink and looked around
her then back to face Nick “It’s a lovely place, Nick. May be we should see once in a
while so the time we see get to be as special as this”
“Ah see! Sarah, you are showing your real side of greed” he did a tongue out to her,
the sight made her laughed.
“Nicholas Durojaiye, you are a nuisance!”
“So are you, darling.” Their food arrived and they communicate with their eyes
over the waiter head as he served them. Sarah knew Nick was handsome and
everyone clamour about it in school but she never really noticed until tonight. He
was looking so devastatingly handsome. Her heart was beating faster than it should
as she tries to calm it down so he wouldn’t notice. But Nicholas was battling with
what he has in mind. Looking at her beautiful face made it more difficult for him to
“This place is really nice. Let’s see what their food taste like.” She began to eat. She
took a spoon full of the rice and nodded “very tasteful”
“I’m glad you liked it. The last time Jed came to see me on campus, we came here to
eat.”“You boys know how to enjoy life, don’t you? And come to think of it, Jed didn’t
mention this place to me.”
“Does he have to tell you everything? So you were going to give him a download on
our date?” he tried to be jovial but he couldn’t pull it through.
“Nick, are you interrogating me now. I thought what you have in mind is that we
enjoy our meal?” she asked gently but firmly
“I’m sorry I did that again”
“Jed and I are friends. No promises, no ties, nothing more. I don’t have to report to
him every single detail about me, I was only trying to be funny but obviously it
didn’t go well.” She stated and looked away.
“You are very beautiful” he said
“If you are done eating, I like us to proceed. We still have another place to go
tonight.” He took her hand from table forcing her to look at him. “We are going
“My God! What were you thinking? Your mind is dirty...hiu!” he teased her. He
called for the bill and helped her to get up and they headed back to the waiting cab.
In the same Tanke town, close to Beckadims, on a ground floor building is a joint
where cat fish with pepper soup and barbecue were sold, and to top it all is the
music, variety of blues and African contemporary, and the dance floor that is
available for couples. It’s a youthful place where students and young workers visit
often especially on Friday nights. And it was a Friday after all.
As they entered, Sarah just watched in amazement. At first she was concern
she was over dressed but Nick didn’t allow her to wallow in her worries, he led her
straight to the dance floor. And they waltz to ‘Rock me gentle’ by Lagbaja. She had
no idea how to waltz she just followed Nick’s leading. It’s sure has it advantage dating a former playboy, she smiled at the thought. Even “You are smiling” he
“Yes I’m smiling”
“I love you Sarah”
“I know”
“I care about you” she knew she has feelings for him but she couldn’t allow herself
to accept she did, nor could she tell him. She looked away but he would not let her
go away freely.
“Is there someone from the past?”
“No, none that could keep me from been with you.”
“So what are you saying?”
“Well here is something I like to say for the record. It is important to have a
wholesome relationship without any pre-marital hanky-panky” she said fighting for
the right word to say, he laughed at her words as they sway to the music and she
stepped on him, intentionally more like punishment. “As I was saying before you got
so hilarious. It makes it simple for you to move on if the person eventually is not
right for you and also makes it possible for the future relationship with the person’s
relative, just in case. You never know what the future bring sometimes. I mean look
at Jed and I, if we had been more than what we are, I won’t be dancing here with
“What are you saying?” he asked as the music change to that of Beautiful Nubia.
“Nick, imagine if the case was reversed, you were Jed and Jed was you”
“The fact is that’s not the case. Sarah I love you, I tried not to at a point, so many
times in fact. I thought of my brother then I told myself I don’t deserve you. But still
you remain glued to my brain.”
“Nick…”“Wait Sarah, after our argument on the beach, I thought hard and gave it a lot of
prayer. I am no longer the same player. I met God! I guess he used you somehow to
get my attention but then I can’t make you any promises but I promise to treat you
well, having in mind that I’ll be answering to God someday.” He led her away from
the dance floor and walked out together. The fresh air was good for him. He knew he
had to do it. His mind is made up already.
“Oh Nick! I’m so happy for you” she hugged him.
“Sarah, I’ll be defending my project, next week, soon I’ll be out of school, out of
Ilorin. I don’t want to lose you.”
“Don’t scare me now.” She said feeling uneasy.
“I love you Sarah Adams” he pulled her close and held her face in his hand “I’ll
always respect you. Love and care for you. You are the most inspiring, beautiful,
honourable, intelligent woman I have ever met and the only one that made my heart
race the way it does now” he took her hand and held it to his chest so she could feel
his heartbeat. Sarah just stood in his arm like a zombie as she listened. “I want to lie
with you, wake up with you, cook with you, share in your joy, in your fears, dance
with you like we did tonight. Marry me Sarah Adams, please do me the honour” he
looked at her face as it shone from the starlight of the night. Sarah look stunned. She
hadn’t expected a proposal neither had she imagine getting engaged this early.
“Please, say something” he looked so afraid and she was scared of hurting him.
“Nick, I don’t want to commit to anyone just yet. I’m in 400L I still have to finish
school, do my house job. Dearie, please not now”
“I know, trust me. I have given it a lot of thought. I have to go to law school,
complete my service year and start making a living more than what I make from web
design. And you, you have already written so many end of posting, soon you will sit
for your exam and you will be in your fifth year. We can make it happen dear, if not
now but sometime in a near future.”
“Nick, you sound very convincing but I can’t. I do care about you but marriage is
another thing” she was frighten by what he was saying though she knew most girls will die to trade place with her and he looked so handsome it almost makes her
“Precisely why I didn’t buy the ring just yet, I know it won’t make sense to wear ring
when we are not getting married right away.” He was sad at her response. He felt
like he was in a ‘one sided crush’. “Do you love me Sarah? Will you at least pray
about us?”
“Nick, please bear with me. I promise to pray and think this over.”
“That’s okay” he said but in his heart he wanted to yell ‘No’. “Do you want to eat
anything? I’m afraid I’ll have to watch you, I have lost my appetite.”
“I’m not eating either.”
“Come let’s go. We’ll buy you ice cream to cheer you up then drop the ice princess
safely in hostel” he turned on his humour side to cover his pain of rejection but he
wasn’t ready to give up just yet. He decides to give her time to think it through. All
he wants at the end of the proposal is to get a ‘yes’ from her.
Till the noon of the following day, Sarah felt miserable unable to understand
herself. Since the first time Nick told her he loved her, she had started praying about
it, ever since she knew she had a soft spot for him. All she could deduce from it all is
that he is her soul mate. Not from an audible voice but from the peace she feels with
him and their dreams that blended well still she has this fright that keeps her from
committing to him. A sort of phobia that makes her wait for something bad to happen
that will separate them. The sermon in church helped a little as she used the
intercession time to ask for discernment. She tried to read but she kept on reading
the same lines over and over again till her mother called which is their routine daily
chat on phone.
“Mother, it’s so nice to hear from you” she was just thinking of calling her mum. She
felt so desperate to talk to someone other than Nick and it didn’t feel appropriate to
talk to Jed about it, though the two have settled their differences and reconciled.
Sarah thought she should give Jed space so he can meet someone and more
importantly to build her relationship with Nick. She tried Peju’s line but it was switched off. Hearing her mother’s voice as they exchange greetings made her a
“Are you ill, my dear?” Sade asked concerned. She could hear the distress in her
daughter’s voice.
“I’m fine, ma” she tried to cover it up but her emotion took over her and she cried
into her mum’s ear. She was lucky to have the room to herself. “Mum, I wish you are
here with me to hug me. I feel so terrible and numb at the same time. I don’t know
how it’s possible but that’s how I feel.”
“Darling, it is alright” she sooth her daughter “why don’t you tell me what happen
exactly.” she urge Sarah. After Sarah calm down she narrated the event of the day
before to her mum. Sade was not that surprised, she already suspected the young
chap was smitten by her. “So you don’t feel the same way?” she had to ask.
“Of course I love him” Sarah replied then felt a little shy about talking to her mother
about it.
“You said it yourself he wasn’t rushing you to the altar. It’s a good deal if you ask
“Yes mother”
“Sarah, there is more isn’t it?” Sade asked gently
“Mother, yesterday was beautiful.” She explained “the restaurant, the dance, his
manner and his words. It felt like what history was trying to repeat to itself with me.
Mum, it was similar to what dad did with you. He was also very dreamy, I don’t
know” she finally told her mum her fears
“You are afraid he would die young? Is that what it is” Sade asked but Sarah couldn’t
answer. “Sweetie, you share your dad’s blood and inherit one or two things from me
but not our fate, never.” She paused for effect “You have to believe and fight for
your love, your joy and happiness. You cannot continue to live in fear. Take the
advice from me. I wept for your father, I blamed myself for his death even though it
sound outrageous but subconsciously I just allowed myself to wallow in it. I almost
lost you girls but thank God all is in the past now. We only have his memory tocherish in our heart. Sarah, your dad would want you to be happy and you know
that. Beside the young man must have wept till his eyes is about falling out, by now”
that made Sarah laughed “the boy don arrange everything to impress you and make
the day memorable, you just came and gbam! You just ditch him like that. Kai! Sarah,
you wicked o” they were both laughing now.
“Thank you, mom” she said with feeling
“Baby girl, just as the surfers, you have to rise and keep firm against the tides. In
life, there are a lot of challenges but we don’t let it weigh us down instead we rise up
to it, face it and solve it till we overcome it all. And that’s when we can laugh last.”
“I love you, mum”
“I love you too. And please save that boy. He needs to be happy and do his defence
well” her mom joked
Lectures and ward rounds kept Sarah so busy that she didn’t get to see Nick
till Friday. Although they spoke on phone and they chat on their smart phones but
Sarah wanted to give him her response in person. Luckily for her, the Friday was just
perfect for her. It was the 27th of June, his birthday and she was miraculously free at
4pm. She quickly rushed down to the mall to get his gift. On her way to the mall, she
called him to know his movement while she did her shopping, got him a note pad, a
golden pen being the lawyer he is, and she bought cologne for him. And she
headed for his hostel where he stays. When she got to his room, it was full, with his
friends and hostel mates. As she appeared, he came out to greet her at the door and
she hugged him so close and whisper in his ears ‘I love you’. He looked at her,
confused and excited. She never said that before, not even by mistake and only few
days ago she turned down his proposal. May be she was saying it because it was his
birthday. He took her hand in his and led her out to the balcony where they could be
alone and he asked her again, the only question that matter to him “Do you really
love me?”
“Yes. I love you, Nicholas Durojaiye” she grinned at him. It all felt so simple now.
“And if you will still have me, I will love to be your wife”“Seriously!” Nick asked surprised
“I’m sorry, it took me a long ting time to decide” Sarah grin as she answered
“No dear, your timing is perfect!” he was so happy, he couldn’t ask for a better
birthday gift. He carried her in his arm and carried her to his room.
“Attention everybody, I like to present to you, Future Mrs Nicholas Durojaiye” the
small crowd gave a ‘oops!

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