Chapter 4

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It was the weekend to the start of examination in Triumph High School. The
school is already in the 16th week of the session. The examination was scheduled to
run for one week in which the result presentation is to follow a week to Christmas
just in time for the holiday. Most of the students are at their best reading mood
especially the ones who are yet to read up the syllabus. However, there are still
some, who care less of neither the examination nor the result. They are the ones
who, most times are involved in exam malpractice and other prohibited acts, which
are against school rules such as cooking in the hostel and use of mobile phone. The
senior students are not left out, they are the ones who readily flaunt their phones,
just when some students in the hostel are trying to take a nap, relax and read on
their bed, the other set of student began to chat on their blackberry phones, the
alert sound coming from this phones was so distracting that Sarah got up from her
bed obviously irritated. She had managed not to interfere and to mind her own
business since but with the way they were going it was very annoying. She had
wondered why the head girl had not caution them. Well if no one is bold enough to
warn them, she will take up the liberty of doing so. They were just four clique and
they don’t move her one bit. Luckily for her she hardly receives calls from friends on
their phone, her mum always call her via the reception line so she has nothing to
“Sarah, let them be” Fikayo pleaded with Sarah, knowing her friend was about to
cause another collision in the hostel. She is the only friend that Sarah has in the
hostel because Sarah could be a pain in the neck sometimes, especially when it
comes to keeping the rules. She is very outspoken and fearless but always knows
when to pull back before it gets messy still she was afraid for her. It seems the girls
have her as a target already.
“Don’t involve yourself in my business. I don’t want them to take it out on you.”
Sarah replied. With that she approaches the clique of friend at their corner. They saw her
approaching but they pretended not to notice but they were already group-chatting
about how they were going to attack her and probably beat her up. However Sarah
passed through their arena unto the next one which belongs to the head girl and her
clique, without saying a word to the girls causing rift. As she passed them by, they
began to laugh in mockery. Sarah saw some juniors loitering about just as she
reaches the senior girl’s bed stand.
“And what are you doing when you should be on your bed?” she snapped at them.
“Come over here for a minute” the three juniors ran to her. “I need an eye witness,
so what is that with Romoke and co? She asked them
“Handset” they chorused, frightened, though the seniors are very notorious but
Sarah is the most feared in the hostel because she is a senior and also a prefect and
everyone knows she has a ‘no nonsense’ personality.
“Very good, you three will be my eye witness when I make a report to the house
mistress.” She stated as she turned to the head girl. The foursome clique was
beginning to panic.
“Head-girl, ma” she said sarcastically “I believe you are not aware of some illegal
act in this hostel and you too, Dasola” turning to the hostel captain “if you will stand
up and look this way” she pointed to the girls who were still browsing with their
phone “you will notice that an illegal act is going on. It amazes me that I hear the
irritable sound from my arena while you don’t” she paused for effect. “Anyway I
have my eye witness in case you want to play coward. I’ll be making a report just so
you both know since it happens that am doing your job.”
“Sarah these are your colleague” the head girl replied “you can’t be treating them
like your juniors”
“Yes, please tell her. She seems to forget that often” chipped in, one of the accused
“Miss head-girl, I have made my point clear. If anyone wants to be respected, the
person better start by respecting himself/herself first. Because I don’t know why in
the world some tiny pompous group would feel too and above school rules and even go to the extent of flaunting it and creating headache for the whole universe! Please
enlighten me if you know why?”
“Sarah you are silly! How dare you call us names?” came another reply from the
“You listen to me!” Sarah snapped at them “I am also a senior and so is Yetunde who
happen to be the head girl, we obey the rules. Have you seen us involve in any
illegal act? If you want to be treated well by me at least, you better behave
yourselves. The examination is starting on Monday and all you could do is to create
a nuisance in the dormitory. I won’t have! Do you hear me? I won’t have it!”
“Sarah please calm down” Yetunde intervened “let it go, please don’t report them,
give it as the last warning but please don’t report them”
“On one condition, I’ll go back to my bunk now I want their phones switched off”
Sarah stated
“What! Who do you think you really are?” one of the foursome said angrily
“If I should hear a tiny bit of sound from your arena again, you are in for my
trouble.” Sarah turn to Yetunde “please tell your friends to behave, I have very little
tolerance for all these.” Having said that she discharged the juniors and return to
her own bunk while the others grumbled and did just as Sarah demanded.
“You are something else, Sarah Adams!” Fikayo said in awe, Sarah just smiled,
obviously pleased with herself.
Jedidiah and Edward sat at one of the table in the Common room. The
Common-room in Triumph High School was designed for relaxation of the borderstudents where they listen to news and watch football match especially the national
match and occasionally they are allowed to watch movies as permitted by the School
authority and it is the venue they use for their weekly social night. It was organised
such that four plastic chair surround a small round plastic table. There were about thirteen arrangements of such. The Samsung plasma T.V was hung on the wall at the
centre of the room. The room was painted in ivory colour which gives the room a
cosy feeling. At the back of the room is the corner where small chops and drinks are
sold. This is usually managed by the house mistress. It’s their own way of doing
business along with their work. And luckily for them the school authority consented
to the arrangement as these serve good purpose; the students can buy snacks and
drink for their visiting sibling and parents and also entertain their stomach while
relaxing in the room. Most of the students at the common-room at the moment were
boys because they were watching a friendly football match between Nigeria and
Ghana. Jedidah had no special interest in ball but he does watch sometime when he
wants to relax or when he has a good company to watch it with. He had been
reading all through the weekend, it was already making him tensed. He felt he
needed to relax for the exam starting tomorrow, so when Edward had asked if he
wanted to join him to watch the match he had stood up. It was a perfect plan since
Nick had called him earlier on that he should stop by to see him. He had gone home
for the weekend, so instead of taking straight bus to Ilorin, he had split his journey
into two, instead he went from Ibadan to Ilorin. Jed also uses a mobile phone in the
hostel which is against the rules however the boys are known to be notorious in that.
The house masters have tried severally to put things in order but boys will always
be boys coupled with the fact that they are growing teenagers.
Now they are close to the middle of the game and already Ghana had scored
first goal in the first-half. Everyone is tensed in the anticipation that Nigeria would
score in the second–half. Edward watched frantically, he is a lover of football unlike
Jed who is more or less indifferent. When it was time for break after the first-half,
Edward gave a whistle.
“O o oh boy! Did you see that” Edward groans in frustration while Jed just laughed
and pats his back. “We need to practise more. They can’t be coaching us just some
few weeks to a match. I mean we can’t work a miracle. These boys really need to
wake up and do something in the second half”
“If anyone heard you just now, you would be mistaken as one of the players” Jed
mocked“Sorry I forgot who I was talking to, abeeg move” he rolled his eyes at Jed
“Ewo! A guy, rolling his eyes” Jed laughed out “you do know that is totally feminine,
huh? What came over you or na the game dey add grease to your brain” he rolled a
paper into a ball and throw it at his friend while the other dodged it. At that moment
Sarah walked in and sat on an empty table with a can of hollandia strawberry
flavoured yoghurt. Her concentration was basically at the television with no interest
in her eyes for anyone but the TV.
“O boy, this girl knows how to make an appearance” Edward commented
“Hmmm……” was all Jed could say, he sure likes Sarah but he wasn’t just crazy
about her like others. He wouldn’t mind if his sister follows in her foot-step, in fact he
had been happy when Tabitha mentioned she liked Sarah, though he had shrugged
then. There had been faint rumour that he was the only boy Sarah talks to in the
school. Even though it is true and should be a thing of envy among the boys still Jed
hate rumours of any kind and giving how he and Sarah became friend he doesn’t
want to cause trouble for her so he deny their friendship given the chance.
“Why are you hmmm” Edward asked” I heard you are close to her, which levels?”
“Haba guy? I fi get girl make you no know”
“I know, I know” he shook Jed’s hand and gave the thumb sign and a tap as the
match resume and they continue watching
“But Jed if you really talk to that girl once in a while, could you suggest she dance
with me at the Salsa routine of our Valedictory service.”
“Edward! You don come again o”
“Please now, for your guy”
“Alright I’ll suggest it but you know the girl”
“I know”
“She does as she like”
“Don’t worry you just make the suggestion”“Okay now”
Just then Sarah followed a junior outside, Edward signed as they walked past
them while Jed burst into laugh. The two boys began a playful fight when a junior
came to call Jed that his visitor is around. Leaving Edward with a pat on the back, Jed
went to meet his brother.
Nick had wanted to check on his siblings before returning to school. He had
not seen Tabitha since the incident at home the previous month. So when he came
home for weekend, he had decided to check on his siblings in their school to ensure
that Tabby and Jed are both fine. Though Tabby played a good role concealing her
fears and putting on a cheerful face, he still wants to be sure. As he entered the
school gate and saw some students heading to the class room, probably to read, he
felt a sense of dé javu and he smiled.
Two years back, he was among the troop heading back to the class to read.
Tabby had informed him of the exam starting tomorrow, so he wanted to make their
meeting brief so they can prepare for exam beside he still have a journey to make.
On a normal day the school authority would have frown at visitor on a weekend so
close to exam but being a former student and a prefect at that, he was termed as an
exemption to the rule.
He walked straight to the reception where he made requisition to see his
sibling. While he filled the form, one of the housemasters, Mr Bankole came into the
reception hall, recognised him immediately. They got into conversation while Nick
awaits the arrival of his siblings. Mr Bankole asked about university life, life after
college, almost everyone in school was aware of his one year in diploma by choice
and that he is in his first year in law now. He is the pride of the school and the
principal doesn’t fail to use him as example when addressing the students.
Just then Tabitha arrived first wearing a wine coloured khaki gown; one of
their house-wear with her hair weaved neatly to the back. She looks more adorable
when she weaves her hair than when she plait it and she looks exceptional this time
because of the Ghana weaving was ‘Didi’, it had made some of her seniors to envy her. She greeted the receptionist and the housemaster, then she jump into the
already waiting arms of her brother. Students turned to watch them, while the ones
who don’t know Nick wondered if he was her boyfriend but were sceptical because
it was in the presence of Mr Bankole still some thought they must have been
betrothed. The doubt was quickly cleared when Jed joined the union five minutes
after and concluded they are family. Jed unlike his sister gave Nick a handshake and
just brush shoulder with him. Theirs is an informal family; they all call one another
by their name leaving out initials of respect. Tabby mentioned Nick was looking
nice, Jed then drawback to inspect him head to toe; he had on a low cut recently
barbed, he wore a pink polo shirt, a blue jeans and black loafers. Nick kept on
laughing while Jed continued to scrutinise him before he made his final assessment
which was in line with that of Tabby’s. The threesome chatted on randomly on
fashion, hostel, and gossip and finally they settle on their family issue as they made
their way to walk around the school while they talk.
“You both know that mum and dad are good, right?” Nick asked
“Yeah…” Jed chipped in
“Nick, I can’t lie they gave me quite a fright the last time I went home. I mean mum
was so down; she couldn’t even keep up conversation with me.” Tabby said while
Nick just waited to hear them out first.
“But seriously, why is dad putting mum through all that? Did you get to discuss it
with him when you were home? How is mum faring?” Jed asked.
“Mum is much better now, she is now as cheerful as before….”
“Better don’t let her fool you” Jed interrupted
“I know she is capable of that” Nick continued patiently “I talked with her and she
told me she had a discussion with dad that night that they have decided to put that
behind them”
“Well, I was home that time and she was still gloomy the next morning” Tabby
retorted“Tabby please, it’s not time for war. Of course she was still recovering from the
shock but it’s been more than three weeks now, and she is really much better. Jed,
say something” Nick looked at Jed
“Yeah I guess, mum won’t want us causing any rift at home and Christmas is near so
we’ll let it slid”
“Yeah I spoke with dad and he said he loved mum and that we, his family are the
most important thing to him. We all know dad loves us, though he has his
shortcoming, don’t we?” Nick asked
“Yes he does” Tabby was quick to answer knowing her dad loves her. She feels
more relieved now that they have talk about it.
“Yeah! It’s just that at his age you just wonder what he’s still looking for” Jed said
“That is true Jed but since we are not in his shoe, we probably can’t understand but”
raising a finger Nick continued with a smile “but we should be happy, we are much
more important to him, he said we are, even more than his career. Let me see how
he stated it……ah! Yes” he smiled again totally happy that his brother and sister
have lighten up “ I’d rather be a full house husband and have my family with me
than a successful lawyer with a lot of women flocking around without my Kikelomo,
Nick, Jed, and my fairy princess” Nick said mimicking his father’s voice.
Tabby laughed out, knowing that she was indeed her father’s fairy princess.
He had once told her that she will be called that even till her wedding day when she
protested jovially that she was a big girl now. Jed had to join in the laughter, their
dad can be funny at time, he may be an unfaithful husband but he is a good husband
and definitely a good father. Seeing his siblings more relaxed now, Nick was more
grateful he had come to see them. Their exams start tomorrow, he wouldn’t want any
of them to be preoccupied with their parent’s trouble. He should leave soon and
head back to Ilorin but he wanted to lighten the mood further so he asked; “any gist
for me? Tabby, any new girl in Jed’s life?” This made them to further erupt in
“Common, gist me” Nick teased “or is it Tabby that has a sweetheart” he winked at
her“It’s Jed!” Tabby shouted before they turn the joke on her. Nick just laughed
knowing her too well.
“What on earth is she talking about now” Jed scowled at his sister.
“Oya gist me sis” Nick turn to ask Tabby, it was getting more interesting than he had
“There is a girl he is recently into” Tabby grinned “she is a sweet girl though” she
went on “I totally agree with his choice of girlfriend. Nick burst into another round of
laughter he had no clue his little brother who always seem not to care about girl at
all now has a crush. It still gives him some doubt because he knew Jed too well but if
Tabby says it’s true then she must have seen something. He grinned.
“Tabby, what the hell are you talking about? Huh?”Jed asked his face already
heated in embarrassment. He suspected the rumour had gotten to her too.
“C’mon, big bro! Am talking about Sarah Adams” she winked at Jed then turned to
Nick “Nick, she is beautiful, intelligent, has a good heart and she is very smart all
the guys are scared of her. They now cover up their ass, saying she is rude but she is
not.” She shrugged.
“Aaaaahahahahahahha….” Nick laughed. He doesn’t know the girl his sister is
describing but he wished he did. He should be taking his leave now but the gist is
too juicy so he made a mental note to spend some minutes more with his siblings.
“Tabby! That is not true. Sarah Adams is not seeing anyone, you should know that
since you are close to her. Didn’t you say she was your role model in the hostel?
Huh?”Jed retorted
“She is a very good girl. Don’t get me wrong please. In fact that is why am more
happy at the prospect that she might one day be my future sister in-law” Tabby
teased on
“Wow! Tabby, Is that not going too far? C’mon Jed what is the deal with this Sarah?”
“Don’t mind this girl o. I just happen to help her with some stuff recently and she
does greet me now and then when we see. That’s all!”“Oh please!” Tabby rolled her eyes in mockery
“Seriously, Tabby I lend some book out to her, novels precisely so she can get her
mind off the trauma a bit. You of all people know she only lost her dad not too long”
“Ouch! That’s sad” Nick said feeling sad for the mystery girl. “When did she lose
her father?”
“Around the start of this term”
“Yes, that’s true. Am sorry, I just wanted to tease you.” Feeling remorseful “I didn’t
know she was suffering, she really tried putting up a straight face”
“It’s nothing. She is much stronger now but it will be nice if you people will not add
to her trouble by spreading rumour about her. False one at that” Jed replied.
“Alright guys, I have to get going now” Nick announced. At that moment Sarah
passed and Tabby quickly waves her over.
“Hi senior Sarah, please come and say hello to my brother” Tabby went to take her
hands and practically drag her to where Nick and Jed were.
“Hi Sarah” Jed greeted hoping to God that Tabby will not create a scene
“Hello Jed, Tabby. So this is your brother” turning to Nick, she extended her hands.
She had read somewhere that a lady is supposed to extend her hands first for an
handshake and there is enough talk about the great Nick, Tabby’s brother who is a
law student. So she wanted to appear mature to him not a ‘Bimbo’ blushing all over
him so she said “How do you do, sir? I’m Sarah Adam”
“Wow! That’s some personality you have there, miss” he took the hand she extend
and shook it. “I’m pleased to meet you, am Nicholas”
“Same here” Feeling awkward she turned to Jed looking for anything to cover up
her shyness. She had no idea why Tabby had invited her over.
“Jedidiah, do you have any other novel I could borrow after the exams, I like the
ones you gave me the last time.“Okay. I will give you “Redeeming love” by Francine Rivers” Jed replied while
Tabby shared a conspiracy look with Nick.
“So you read novels? Which type? Romance, bestseller? What do you read?” Nick
inquired, he found her interesting and for the first time that evening he understood
why Jed liked her or was helping her in his words.
“Yes I do but contrary to your presumption, I read detective stories by the likes of
Tami Hoag, horror novels by John Saul, Dean Koontz and some others” Sarah replied
she really dislike it when guys presume female generally read fairy tales
“Cool down young lady, I wasn’t making presumption I was only making
conversation” Nick replied with a smile “I never meant to be rude, please”
“Yeah, am sorry I didn’t get you before. I actually read bestseller too. Danielle Steel
in particular”
“Don’t be, am glad you do now.” He smiled at her, he likes her.
“Yeah I got you, I recently read a bestseller from Jed, he gave me some books by
Karen Kingsbury and I liked it.
“That’s good. I’m glad we are clear” he looked at her straight in the eye and Sarah
held his gaze, she has a way of looking everyone in the eye.
“Crystal” she replied “Enjoy your chat. I’ll go on my way now. Nice meeting you”
with that she left.
“I see what you mean Tabby” Nick said to Tabitha then turning to Jed he said “she is
a good girl” but Jed only groaned. “You two should do well in your exams o. See
you at Christmas,” With that they said their farewell and followed him to the
reception hall where he signed out and saw him to the gate bidding him a safe trip
back to school.
******************************************************The days flew faster than expected as the students of Triumph High School
write their examination. The 24 hours of the day suddenly was not enough. There are
so many things to read as the students studied even to the entrance of the
examination hall. It was a relief that the examination is gradually coming to an end. It
was Thursday already they had just finished the chemistry exam. The SS3 science
students were all noisy, each sharing their opinion of the paper. It was the second
paper they had that day. The final paper which is further-mathematics was
scheduled for the next day. Sarah was still pondering over her question paper when
Fikayo came and grab her arm. She was in no mood at all for normal chatter. It’s
probably something she found in Lara’s bag, maybe a love letter. Lara is their third
friend but she come in to school from home as a day student because of her health
status, she was given an exemption to be a day student. Due to this almost all the
students almost knew she is suffering from sickle cell anaemia disease. When
Sarah’s dad died she had been afraid the principal would out of concern send her
home too though all her classmate knew about her father’s death, it would have still
caused a stir among students if she had become a day-student, the students would
wonder why their health prefect was coming to school from home and if they knew
they would sympathise but it is to prevent their empathy that Sarah didn’t want and
had insisted on staying as a boarder.
Of recent Fikayo had the notion Lara is hiding something from them. Sarah
had laughed that her imaginary mind is at work again but she had been persistent
on her theory that Lara had been avoiding them of recent and that she had been so
quiet lately which is not in her nature. So after their paper, Lara was called to carry
their invigilator’s bag to the staff room. Immediately she set her foot outside the
class, Fikayo jumped up and went straight to her sit to search her bag for evidence
of secrecy or anything to prove her point. However, what she found had put her off
balance so she had approach Sarah.
“What is it” Sarah asked Fikayo impatiently while the latter kept pulling at her till
she looked up to see what she holding. That was when she got Sarah’s attention.
Fikayo had thought it to be normal medication but on a closer look and inscription
on it she had finally realised what it was. So she hand it over to Sarah to have a look “What on earth is she doing with this?” Sarah gasped.
“I don’t know? How am I supposed to know?
“Is this not …….” Sarah could bring herself to say what it was she was too dismayed
and shock but she wants to believe it was something else. “I believe it’s a
misunderstanding. Why don’t we ask her when she comes back?”
“You can ask her but I tell you, there is no other explanation than the obvious with
the way she’s been acting of late.” Fikayo replied clearly angry at their friend. Just
then Lara appeared. She walked up to them to ask after their exam.
“Hi girls! How was your paper?” she greeted “That chemistry teacher is just the
best! All the questions that came out were justifiable. Or what do you think” she
beamed at her friends, she had probably wrote her exam well because she was in
such a good mood. Fikayo was the first to respond.
“Yeah, the paper was justifiable but what I don’t find justifiable is you carrying and
using this!” Fikayo showed her what they found in her bag.
“What are you doing searching my bag? Eh?” she was scared and angry that her
friends had found her out
“Oh! Cut the pretence, Lara. Are you on pills now and please don’t try making a fool
of yourself by denying it. I am familiar with different type of medicinal tablets and I
know what this is” Sarah knew it was a birth control pill, on the ingredient
composition she had seen it written there, oestrogen and progesterone.
“I am not!” Lara lied
“Of course you are and stop lying” Fikayo responded heatedly
“Please let us calm down” Sarah said even though she was feigning her calmness,
what she would have loved to do is spank her friend till she come to her senses.
“Lara, who is he?”
“Who is who? I said I am not on pills” Lara replied. She did not want to have this
argument with her friends. She made to go back to her seat.“Lara, come back here. We are not done talking” Fikayo said blocking her path
“Who is the Riff Raff, making you do all this? At fifteen!” Sarah was boiling with
anger at the unknown boyfriend.
“Sarah please mind your business. I am old enough to know what is good for me so
therefore, let me be!” Lara snapped at her friend
“Ahahhahhhaha! Who is old enough? You? I pity you, I really do pity you” Fikayo
shook her head for her friend “that stupid boy just want to destroy you”
“Fikayo, you are stupid! Don’t you ever call Wale stupid again” Lara replied angrily
“Oh! So the imbecile has a name” Fikayo retorted angrily while Sarah just watched
the drama unfold in amazement.
“I told you not to call him names, didn’t I? Anyway what will you know, a stupid
teenager like you calling a twenty-five years old man names” Lara hissed
“What!” the age declaration brought Sara back to reality. “Lara that man is wicked!
A Twenty-five years old, dating an underage like you! That is abusive and illegal if
you ask me”
“Well am not asking you, Sarah! I am not and please quit acting like a saint”
“You have gone crazy, Lara” Fikayo said
“Yes, thank you. I am crazy in love with him and unlike Sarah dating a teenage boy,
I’m more mature than our little miss know it all” Lara snapped.
“You stupid girl. I talk with teenage boys because it’s healthy to do so, that why we
are in a mixed school. Rather than acting like some foolish teenager which obviously
you are now part of, I am not dating at all.” Lara made to interrupt but Sarah cut her
off “Oh shut up! I have heard enough of your senseless talk. You listen, that boy is
evil, if he were to be just your friend hanging around till you are more mature, I
would have kept quiet but the stupid old fool is filling your brain with love talk and
what is worse, he is making you take pills. So you are going to be sleeping with him?
Is that it, Lara?“No am not!” Lara was feeling silly now that Sarah said it point blank
“Please tell us what you are taking the pills for” Fikayo chipped in
“I am not going to sleep with him. He only say it is wise to take it should in case …”
Lara hesitate “just if passion took over us and we can’t control ourselves”
“Can you hear yourself?” Fikayo asked
“He loves me so much, that is why” Lara snapped
“Please don’t listen to him. He is lusting after you, it’s not love” Sarah pleaded with
“We love each other. He is a medical student here in Ibadan and I’m almost through
with college. I will be applying to University of Ibadan, so don’t worry we have
everything planned out”
“He is lying to you, Lara” Sarah begged her
“He is filling your head with illusions” Fikayo said
“Why am I even talking to you? You both are only jealous that I have found love”
“Did he tell you that also?” Sarah asked
“I am not answering any of your questions again. Goodbye” Lara said that and
began to pack her bag
“Don’t say we didn’t warn you. You are heading for doom” Fikayo called out to Lara
as she left the class. Sarah was too distraught to utter another word.
Later that night after the night prep, Sarah lay worried on her bed. She was
still thinking about what they had discovered earlier on. Fikayo had gone to another
arena to chat though it is light out already. If Lara had a secret admire sending her love letter or if she even has a teenage boyfriend, they probably would have
laughed about it, instead Lara lad landed the bomb on their lap. What was she
thinking? Dating a guy that old and like that is not enough, he had her on pill
because he doesn’t want her pregnant. Sarah shifted on her bunk. Is that not enough
reason for her to know he had no plan of marrying her? Sarah couldn’t understand
why Lara couldn’t think straight. She had read it somewhere that the birth control
pill have a side effect of infertility later on in future when one desire to have
children. This can’t be happening, she thought.
Just as she made another turn on her bed she saw Tabby at her bunk side.
“Why are you not on your bed? It’s light-out already” Sarah asked
“I’m sorry, Senior Sarah, I need you to explain something to me” she moved closer
to show Sarah her note. They went over it for the about ten minutes when Tabby
finally understood.
“Very well, go to your bed now, if there is anything you still don’t understand, see
me in the morning before you go for your exam. Okay?”
“Yes” Tabby replied but she didn’t make any move to leave, while she was coming
over to her bunk she had notice she kept turning on her bed and she had on a
worried look, so she thought it must have been because she was missing her dad.
“Alright, why are you not leaving?” Sarah asked
“I saw you from my upper bunk that you are a little worried tonight…..” she
stammered “I want to lend you my headphone and I want you to listen to track four,
please” she pleaded “ promise me you will listen to it.
“What is the song about” Sarah asked wondering what was going on in the younger
girl’s head
“When you listen to it you will know. I listen to it too when I’m down….” She paused
and look at Sarah “I know you still miss your dad and you don’t want to talk about it,
so please just listen to it” she put the headphone in Sarah’s hand while Sarah just
looked at the walkman forgetting Lara’s issue for the moment, she was too stunned
to even reply Tabby“I like you so much senior Sarah, you are the best senior in this hostel” Tabby said
and hug Sarah briefly and then hurried off to her bed in embarrassment.
Sarah pressed play on the track four without even thinking. The voice of
Yolanda Adams filled her ears as she listened to ‘Fragile heart’. The song was so
touching that she brought her cover-cloth to her head as she whimpered. And after
listening to the song repeatedly for some minutes she fell asleep.

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